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Posts posted by S11m

  1. Right now you are saying that it is abolutley impossible. Now, a barrows trip takes.. eem .... lets say, 15 minutes ? Now, you can do about 4 trips/h. When our favorite lady, the Lady Luck comes to play, you can have some barrows eq every trip + runes. If the equipment is little better then karils koif every trip, then it's possible to make even more GP/h. But yea, merching can get insane ammount of $$$.

  2. Well, my heart went nuts when i was killing dharok and he was red-barred and i was hoping that the 7 pray i had left will do, but then karil showed me his ugly face and i was like:


    :shock: :shock: ZOMG!1!!11!!!eleven!!1 :shock: :shock:


    he hit a 10 :twisted: i took a sip of pray pot and KO'd him.

  3. i think it's a good idea, i use it myself. But if u are combat 80 and above, whit decent mage and range lvls, then after a while of doing this, i would make about 100 or more pray pots and go to barrows :P Now thats good money! Even if u don't get any barrows stuff, u still usually get enough runes to pay for ur pots + u get herb and combat exp. it usually takes me 3 x 4 dose for a trip, so.. uum about 70 trips? Addy arrows don't cost much and u get runes back when using slay dart.

  4. it just came to my mind that someone on the General P2P said that he/she hit the KBD insanly high whit ruby (E) bolts. When hunting da mole it's important that u hit high, rite? Well, i think the solution would be to dds spec him whit super str, att and prayers, then use the crossbow and pray for a big hit O:) :-w




    it's not the fastest, but a good way for rangers meh thinks.




    By the way, how did you get 3 to appear at once? Only one comes out for me. (maybe at different tree I guess)




    I ran around so they got stuck and chopped again.




    Also the large rock in your pic, upon examining says, "I guess it's not a rolling stone." The other says, "Rock, but obviously not roll."



    I was near the Rolling Stone :P

  6. Yesterday, when i was killing Tree Spirits in the BKQ (sp?) plain, in hopes of tons of nature runes and perhaps, even a mighty rune axe, got a D spear from one of them! :shock: :shock:. I checked the tip.it Bestiary and found out that it's not listed in there...






    Anyone else ever gotten one?




    EDIT: Here's da picture:






    EDIT #2: Hmm.. I'm off to slaughter more and see if i get any more unusal drops :P

  7. ] You sure you have your public chat and trade on? I cant walk from fally to varrock without someone trading me or asking why I wear 'noob' armour and that I should be wearing rune armour (ie Calling me a poor n3w6)




    Well, i tried it just now whit my main account in shiny torags and whip, and whit my newb acc in full mith. Whit torgas, a couple of people (3-4) followed me for some time and traded. If i asked what they want they asked about my armour (how much it costs, where do you get it etc). Whit my newb account, no-one gave a poop what i was doing or where i am going :)

  8. I am refering to latest times. I was around at RSC times, approx. a year or so before RS2 came out, so i know it was better back then. A year ago the f2p was much more worse, scammers and beggars everywhere, following you etc.














    PS: I found out that if you ask them nicely to go away, some even go! :shock:

  9. A few days ago i ran out of p2p on my main account so i started playing on my second user (newb one). I don't visit f2p very often, so it kinda suprises me how much better the f2p community has changed in my opinion. I haven't seen a single scammer in 5 days or so, no name calling etc...Only one guy called me a noob when i was in Hill Giants, cuz i killed my giant about 5 minutes oops: (my newb is lvl 22 8-) )


    Well, i've seen a few beggars in lumby, but thats not what it used to be... Well, of course, if u go there in shiny p2p stuff, u get people following u, thats kinda obvious...




    But what do you think about it?


    Has is gotten better or worse?

  10. Actually, i don't need to hold down any keys, i can just type : ÃÆÃâÃâü ÃÆÃâÃâõ ÃÆÃâÃâä ÃÆÃâÃâö these letters. Before the update, it was a pain to talk in estonian whitout these letters =D we used them like this:
















    Saying "KÃÆÃâÃâäÃÆÃâÃâärid kÃÆÃâÃâätte" what means grab ur scisors u had to write it like this: "K22rid K2tte" :mrgreen:









  11. I was thinking of posting the same thing as wiz126 :P I guess world 126 is not in Vancouver, and they made the "Va1-Va3" thing just to confuse us :twisted:




    Btw, 126 should be a f2p server anyway :shock:


    Jagex is all evil :mrgreen:

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