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Posts posted by Uaexkiller

  1. This is awesome, been using it for a while now for the games and its helping out. 


    A few suggestions:

    1. Can you add the name of each hook and the number of weights at the top, when I switch screens quickly, its takes a while to find what I am looking after getting the combo

    2. Can you list the fish in the order they appear in the ratings page ingame, would make it easier to select the different locations before the start of the game

     order -> herring , cod, bass , trout, pike, salmon 

  2. I'm more excited about the patch notes than the actual updates, can't see myself venturing into the wilderness for this...


    All those ports updates looks good, just want to know just how much have the jade totems have been buffed by...


    More statues increases the %

    1 Statue = 4%

    2 Statues = 7&

    3 Statues = 9%

    4 Statues = 10%


    and Jade Totems now increase chance of getting a trade good mission

  3. Can you copy/pasta his response? Can't get on forums, sorry to be a demanding pill :P


    also, what is the order of shit i should be buying in pincers? been working on getting some crew of each sort, but I do wonder if i should try to save for the steel rudder, good idea or not?


    I woud also presume the other ship upgrades are only worth buying once I have a full steel crew?


    Order to buy:


    3 of each crew

    Combat Hull

    Deck Items

  4. I assume because by having 3 whalers will you'll end up with a lot of days where you have only special voyages with him.

    Not really, you just have a bigger chance of attracting him, not excluding others and I doubt the % of increase of each hotspot is that big. (Not that it can be measured or anything so)

    I have 3 for the whaler and most days I get him+another adventurer

    Yesterday I got only 1 adventurer, and it was not the whaler :P


    2 whalers for more chance of plate and 1 bio because double adventures voyages give x2 more trade goods( so 6 plates if double mission with bio)

  5. Does anyone know if there's anything we can do to determing whether we get chi globes or lacquer? I had one missoin for chi ages ago and none since only lacquer (sp)




    Since adventures each collect different trade goods, the best chance of getting them is to have these trophies at icon hotspots


    2 whaler + 1 bio = plates

    2 occ + 1 missionary = chi

    2 convict + 1 assassin = lacquer

  6. Is there a way to check how much of the story line you progressed?


    Only way I know is talking to them when they appear and ask to see cutscenes. number of cutscenes is the amount of stories done for that adventurer.


    Edit: Should also know that if you are in the 3rd region, thats the max number of storyline you can do for that adventurer, not including double or triple adventure storyline

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