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Posts posted by BlackMaggot

  1. Chuck Palahniuk, the great mind behind Fight Club (the book). He's written many great books that I've read; Choke, Diary, Haunted. Haunted has many mini-stories within it, each more disgusting than the last. One of Palahniuk's short-stories, Guts, was read aloud and people passed out because of it's great detail.

  2. I work delivering pizzas for a pizza place here, it's really good money with the tips. Last Night I made $23/h and the least I've made was $17/h. Its a great job because all day I get to drive around listening to music.

  3. I used to be so convinced that everyone was out to kill me, including my mom and family members. I didn't really trust anyone. I had to sleep with sheets and blankets covering my enitre body aswell, or else I thought someone would see me and kill me. I had a fear of deep water because I thought Jaws would get me. I was deathly afraid of clowns, because of the clown Pennywise.

  4. I saw it on Friday, but I dont remember the King Kong spoof? :?




    Yeah i don't think there was. I could've sworn I saw the King Kong spoof on a commercial for Date Movie.




    There's a king kong pic on the SM4 poster. :lol:




    so? :(


    King Kong was on the poster but wasn't in the movie, I noticed it aswell. I found the movie had some funny parts, but wasn't as great as the first 3.

  5. Last year I went to Vancouver Island, BC from Yellowknife, NT. It was about a three day drive with my brother, my sister, and my cousin. It was awesome. This year I'm going to a few paintball tournaments with my team (we're sponsored) so we only have to pay for food mostly.

  6. Seinfeld


    Batman: The Animated Series


    Spider-Man (1994-1998 one)




    Yeah, just recently I decided to go out and buy all of the Seinfeld, Batman: The Animated Series, and Spider-Man collections. Man, I love watching those shows.

  7. Most kind: Mad4u689


    Least kind: N/A


    Funniest: Oergg


    Most intelligent: Phil


    Best moderator: Phil


    Best administrator: Lightning, ForsakenMage, Newptor, The Sith (hard choice)


    Best ranter: Rizla


    Most interesting person: Darkrick


    Weirdest person: I cant think of anyone whom fits this description. I'll say myself for not posting much. I find weirdest to be kind of a negative trait anyway, wouldn't want anyone getting mad at me.


    Person-who-you'd-like-to-sit-next-to-you-on-a-ten-hour-plane-ride: How2Pk


    Best runescapian: Trixstar


    Best tipiter: Dusqi

  8. Nobody had better say Kurt Cobain, if you put a gun to your head and pull the trigger then of course you deserve to die.


    Kurt Cobain killed himself because of his horrible stomach pains. Which he used drugs as a shield against, thats my opinion on the matter. I don't think anyone personally deserves to die.

  9. I like this idea. Maybe someone could design an avatar/signature featuring some sort of statue (like a golden globe) and each winner would get the avatar/sig but with different text. Most Random Poster Award '06 for example.

  10. My friend and I both had this problem during the summertime aswell. Were both skateboarders BTW. For about a week my friend had this bad back pain which prevented him from skating. I also got the same thing within a week after. Although after a weeks rest and about a week and two days rest for me we were both back to skating. I don't know what could of caused this and why it's happened to three skaters. Anyways going to the doctor is upto you but we didn't and time healed ours fine.

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