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Posts posted by archimage_a

  1. Just letting people know that I am now ignoring all posts from the tavern to avoid getting banned (Yup thats right, to preserve my ability to view posts I am now not viewing posts).


    All games are inherantly cancelled.


    For further information please message me via a non-tip it method.


    Sorry for any inconvenience this causes.

  2. Are you assuming that this hypothetical person already knows computer science?

    As long as you understand the fundamental principle, you require no further knowledge, just planning and patience.




    As far as I can understand redstone:

    If you put a torch next to a piston it deploys. If you put less than 15 redstone dust between a torch and a piston, it deploys. If you replace the ltorch with a button/lever you can turn it on and off without breaking blocks. You can use a repeater to extend the redstone dust line by another 15.

    That is the literal extent of my knowledge of redstone after several hours of using it.


    As to experimentation....I have discovered that if you enclose a room in cobblestone, with a 16 meter diameter disk in the middle, with a water dispenser in the center, linked to a redstone trail, you can make a mob spawner.

    I have found no use for a computer in Minecraft, nor for any number of gating methods, and so far as I can tell, neither has anyone else...Evidenced by the 'computer' never transitioning to actual gameplay, or being used for anything other than making videos.


    I feel no compunction to find out about redstone dust mechanics because, with few exceptions (such as inverting the signal to turn one thing off while turning another thing on), the practical use in general gameplay does not exist.

    As such its 'value' is in that of a simulator, not as a teaching mechanism, but as a lab to reinforce and give practical meaning to the things you have read about.


    If, as doubtless you have, never used any sort of manual or advice, but learned entirely through putting bits of redstone down on the ground until you knew how to make a computer, then hats off to you...You have done something in a far slower, and far less productive way than the vast majority of people.

  3. You can't compare COD to anything. Using COD as an example of a video game is like using a pop-up childrens' story as an example of a book.


    And Minecraft:

    You make bread using wheat.

    Cooling lava causes obsidian to form.

    You smelt sand to make glass.

    Sugar is extracted from sugar cane.

    You can make fire using flint and a metal.

    Sandstone is compacted sand.

    You can make charcoal from wood.

    How logic circuits work.


    You want an example of a game with even more? How about RuneScape? If you pay attention, it'll even teach you how to make Greek fire.

    Also, the idea that if you give wheat to two different cows in a field you get a baby cow.

    All animals don't die, unless you kill them.

    You can find all materials anywhere.

    You can grow crops in the snow.

    Lilypads will support a humans weight.

    Making bread involves getting three bushels of wheat and laying them next to each other.

    You can turn Iron Ore into Iron in the same oven that turns chicken into roast chicken.

    Charcoal can be produced in less than a minute.

    The world is only 256 meters from space to bedrock.

    Lava only kills you if you fall in it.



    You would have to be some sort of idiot not to know several of the things you mention...or to be suckered into any of the things I mentioned....

    The exception being logic circuits, which are not really 'taught' by playing Minecraft, but in READING guides on how they work. 'Learning' how to get it to work using only minecraft is fairly laughable...not least of all because minecraft doesn't give you ready access to the items you need. Simply having redstone doesn't allow you to use logic, you have to craft torches and repeaters.


    If you asked the majority of people who play games recreationally, which game they played, it would be COD...or Fifa.

    If you asked the majority of people who read books, which book they read, it wouldn't even carry 1% of the vote.


    Ergo most of the time people who play games are playing games which are the equivilant of children's pop up books.

    Which is considerably less 'important' than reading proper books.




    I have given an example of another game, Bioshock. I acknowledge that games can show you something about philosophy, games like Hearts of Iron can show you strategy and tactics, and games like Victoria can show you how economics works.

    However they have strong limitations, one would not expect someone who has played Bioshock to be able to answer an essay on Rand, or to answer questions on strategy and tactics in the real world, or economics. All of them severly curtail the amount of knowledge you can acquire. Books don't really have that limitation, they do lack practical experiance of course.

  4. So your argument is:

    Reading is unimportant, except when it is important, in which case it is important.


    If you compare playing 12 hours of Call of Duty, to spending 12 hours reading a book (Lets say "The Spook's Apprentice" (In America "The Last Apprentice)), then, the number of situtations in which those 12 hours are of use to you varies greatly.

    COD: You are challanged to a COD tournament, or asked to design a basic shooter.

    Spook's Apprentice: You are playing any fantasy game, reading any fantasy book, writing any fantasy essay/book, and so on.


    Very few games have transferable skills. The increased hand-eye co-ordination is largely a fallacy because it is only useful (usually) when playing that game, since most games have different levels of sensitivity. Very few games use more than a handful of keys on the keyboard so it doesn't really help with typing. The ability to assess situations is usually marred by the linearity of game, and reaction time usually is limited to jabbing the fire button...Not useful unless you are fighting with a mouse and keyboard, with a game that has known sensitivies.


    Reading, by and large, is the only way to get new ideas into people's heads. You have talking, and games such as Bioshock, and occassional Documentaries, but 95% of the time those will have been developed from books.


    It is not merely that books have 'been around longer', but that books form the basis for almost all knowledge.


    Also in a computer game the background might be somewhat informative but can be easily glossed over/ignored by the designer/user. In a book the writer has included a number of important nuances which the reader then has the chance to pick up on.

    Simple example, in Monty Python's Holy Grail there are no horses. All the carts are pulled by people. Yet we totally ignore that. However if it was written down in a book we could not ignore it as easily.

    Similarly a computer game can have peasants wandering about outside the window, you see them and go 'huh'. A book tends to go into more detail, explaning why they are wandering around outside the window.





    Ultimately a book has a considerably higher knowledge to time ratio. TV documentaries can deliver information faster, as it is easier to direct attention, but uptake is usually lower. Games have a very low knowledge to time ratio. In games like COD or Minecraft that ratio is almost non-existant...what there is is limited almost entirely to the game itself (Diamonds make pickaxes, and the like.)

  5. I'm saying that reading is as much a hobby as playing computer games and shouldn't be an excuse to delay actual more important activities.

    Fundermentally inaccurate.

    Playing a computer game is unlikely to contribute anything to your life.

    Reading is more likely to contribute to your life.


    Further 'More Important Activities' could mean anything ...For instance 'Escaping a burning building' or 'Talking to Resistance' Both of which are highly subjective.

    Given that most of us would agree that reading a page of a book was less important than escaping a burning building (unless the book was 'How to escape a burning building in one page') I fail to see your general argument...unless you are saying that the 'MUST TALK TO RESISTANCE' is as important as escaping a burning building...which would be the height of egotism.



    Nothing is without benefit.

  6. Reading is important because it provides an insight into another person's though processes, and allows us to come at ideas from different angles...and of course to gain new ideas.

    Computer games can give us new ideas, yes, but the len is far more narrow.

    The only game I can think of that really provides the same benefits as a book would be Bioshock...The majority of other games are just throw away adventurers which don't really add to you as a person.

    The same could be said for some books, of course, trashy novels especially.



    It is difficult to produce a television documentary that is both incisive and probing when every twelve minutes one is interrupted by twelve dancing rabbits singing about toilet paper.

    ~ Rod Serling

  7. Or the blackadder episode "Nob and Nobility"



    And yes the Scarlet Pimpernel was a noble from Britain/France who saved French Nobles from getting their heads cut off during the French revolution. It was written in the 1900s on events in the 1780-90s.

    The identity of the SP was supposed to be a great secret known only to the Prince Regant.

  8. Well I'll be [bleep]ed if my body doesn't loathe Sundays. *sigh*


    I get that.


    Earth performed reasonably well given that he didn't try to set fire to the shuttle, unlike Nef and Nex.

    He also repaired the ship following an almost complete systems failure.

    He did blow himself (and everyone else, if the computer hadn't stepped in) out of an airlock though.

  9. The term "A-shirt" is short for "athletic shirt" because it is often worn in sports, such as basketball and track-and-field events. In the United States, it is also known colloquially as a tank top, or, disparagingly, a wife-beater. In British English an A-shirt is known as a vest[1] (Compare the American usage of "vest"). Another term, used in the Republic of Ireland, Australia, Nigeria and New Zealand, is singlet.

    So yes, Nef was right.

  10. Ehhh.

    Basically anyone can shout 'Belay that' (or something) and the action gets stopped. The Captain can overrule that and just get on with the action. (Though can still get belayed once)



    Player: Fire the weapons

    Player: Belay that

    *Weapons are not fired*

    Player: Fire the weapons

    Player: Belay that

    *Weapons are not fired*

    Captain: Fire the weapons

    Player: Belay that

    *Weapons are not fired*

    Captain Fire the weapons

    Player: Belay that

    *Weapons are fired*




    Cause otherwise it is tedious as hell.


    Also ideally the Captain would have the last word with the players as well, but not holding out much hope of that.

  11. Suddenly, from nowhere in particular, the Lambada began playing and from around the corner several growling Brazillians came charging forwards, armed with roses.

    The Teacher found himself seperated from his students as the tunes overtook them and they began to dance.

    Fluttershy, who was partially deaf in one ear was immune to the musical powers of the Lambada and quickly whipped a pistol from her knickers and fired, taking down the wireless speakers that surrounded the room. As the music subsided the Teacher responded with a haymaker to the lead Brazillian, but they countered by kicking a football at Zodiac, who was knocked for six.

    The situation seemed hopeless when a Masked figure appeared, armed with a plate of Prokofiev Rolls and a beatbox playing the Dance of the Knights, which disabled the Brazilians with its disciplined style. The Teacher stepped forwards and asked the Masked figured "Do you know where the Blue Marble is" to which the Masked figure responded "Here it is", which drew and "Oh" from the Teacher, and then the gradual understanding that the Masked figure must be the Director of Project Wellington. The only man higher than the Overseer.

    "We must hurry to the Gazpacho" Said Fluttershy, with her tummy rumbling, the others ignored her and the Teacher took the gun off of her and loaded with it with the Blue Marble and shot it into the wall, opening a portal back to Earth. As the Cataclysmic forces unleashed began to tear the cave apart the Teacher, Director and Children escaped through the portal.

  12. Right then:

    Since people are insisting on using floors rather than rooms:


    https://dl.dropbox.c...re/Ship Map.png


    The StarBreaker, as I understand it, is an intergrated weapon which can only fire in a 30 foot cone. It cannot be fired into the ship.


    People get 9 floors (3 rooms) each, dispensed on a first come, first serve, basis. The 3 larger floors are reserved for Engines/SI core/Etc.


    The Captain's role is to be the final arbiter of whether or not something should be done. Essentially 'Ok, we have argued for 20 minutes and gone in circles, the decision is thus'.


    Also daylight savings is in effect so we would be starting an hour later (for reference)


    Rules for killing each other:

    You can kill each other, which either steals 1,000 pounds, 1 BP or puts them out of the game for 20 minutes.

    If you want to Perma kill each other you can, but you Perma kill yourself in the process. The group can bring people back from Perma Death at the cost of 10,000 pounds or 10 BP (Or combination). If you are perma killed all your stuff is destroyed/given to the group (Your choice). (As such you cannot bring yourself back).


    Phone Number: 07954 133 979

  13. Sigh. [insert apology here].


    Apparently me double checking my alarm doesn't extend to 'That shouldn't be 07.20, but 19.20'

    However I did provide my phone number for precisely this eventuality, and given that Ico, Ross and Res live in the UK (and thus wouldn't be charged for an international call) and were most probably online for some time, one of you could have asked them. (Except Res, who could have called me without asking anyone).


    At anyrate it seems that you didn't waste the opportunity so I will read through the logfile and try to salvage something from this.

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