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Posts posted by archimage_a

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qeLkeIrf2bw

    As I was a-gwine down the road,

    With a tired team and a heavy load,

    I crack'd my whip and the leader sprung,

    I says day-day to the wagon tongue.

    Turkey in the straw, turkey in the hay,

    Roll 'em up and twist 'em up a high tuckahaw

    And twist 'em up a tune called Turkey in the Straw.


    Went out to milk, and I didn't know how,

    I milked the goat instead of the cow.

    A monkey sittin' on a pile of straw,

    A-winkin' at his mother-in-law.

    Turkey in the straw, turkey in the hay,

    Roll 'em up and twist 'em up a high tuckahaw

    And twist 'em up a tune called Turkey in the Straw.


    Met Mr. Catfish comin' down stream.

    Says Mr. Catfish, "What does you mean?"

    Caught Mr. Catfish by the snout,

    And turned Mr. Catfish wrong side out.

    Turkey in the straw, turkey in the hay,

    Roll 'em up and twist 'em up a high tuckahaw

    And twist 'em up a tune called Turkey in the Straw.


    Came to a river and I couldn't get across,

    Paid five dollars for a blind old hoss;

    Wouldn't go ahead, nor he wouldn't stand still,

    So he went up and down like an old saw mill.

    Turkey in the straw, turkey in the hay,

    Roll 'em up and twist 'em up a high tuckahaw

    And twist 'em up a tune called Turkey in the Straw.


    As I came down the new cut road,

    Met Mr. Bullfrog, met Miss Toad

    And every time Miss Toad would sing,

    Old Bullfrog cut a pigeon wing.

    Turkey in the straw, turkey in the hay,

    Roll 'em up and twist 'em up a high tuckahaw

    And twist 'em up a tune called Turkey in the Straw.


    Oh I jumped in the seat and I gave a little yell

    The horses ran away, broke the wagon all to hell

    Sugar in the gourd and honey in the horn

    I never been so happy since the day I was born.

    Turkey in the straw, turkey in the hay,

    Roll 'em up and twist 'em up a high tuckahaw

    And twist 'em up a tune called Turkey in the Straw

  2. They used to have value? Was this before my time?

    Well there used to be science and economy...For instance the discussion over the size of an orbital launcher that could, safely, launch humans into outerspace...

    Or the price of a 1 mile wide dome on the base of the ocean...

    Stuff that actually taxed the mental capacity of those involved and, to quote Ross 'Actually learned something from the physics rant'.




    Now the arguments revolve around banal issues, like anime...

    And they devolve into fanboy defences, either of Mather or of Mather's interests.

    Without logic there cannot be an argument, just a verbal fight, which isn't taxing on any mental capacity...except maybe patience.



    Mather, I am not gonna respond to your points except to say this:

    Anime is drawn and Actors speak the lines.

    If you can 'detect' a fictional character's motivations based on an actor speaking their lines, and on animators drawing their expressions, then you seriously need to phone Ripley's.

  3. Coldhearted: Tells every girl, except magic girl, that he is not interested, without ever deeming it neccessary to cushion it.

    Parents: Distinctly remember him saying his parents died in a business accident.

    Rich: He just lives in an expensive condo in the middle of Japan.


    And no. His lack of complexity stems from him being a two dimensional character. The fact that he doesn't monologue or whatever is simply the designer being 'mysterious'...something designers always use to hide the fact that the character is two dimensional.


    For instance the 'Mysterious Stranger' in every spagetti western ever. While people like to think there is 'something' going on in the mind of 'The Mysterious Stranger', the truth is that the facade just gives the writer licence to do whatever they want.

    'Oh in the end I shot the evil guy because...' *Looks hardboiled*

    'Wow, you are so epic mysterious stranger'

    *Rides off into the sunset*



    Really, the only reason the story gets any traction...like just about any trash fiction story...Is because the reader/watcher can identify with the character...For instance you clearly identify with his outlook in love 'He is wholeheartedly committed to a woman who doesn't return his affections' (and then she does, giving all the people who identify with that outlook hope that their own lives will eventually deliever them to their 'true loves').

    It doesn't matter that he is rich, or Japanese, or the best at sports, or smarts, or, or popularity, or whatever because just about everyone considers themselves to fall into one (or more) of those catagories. So they identify with that aspect, and because all human experiance is largely the same (In a serious sense there is very little difference between a person at the height of the intellectual ladder and the height of the sports ladder, the main difference is the ability, which anime relegates to insignificance...also the circumstantial factors, such as parents, being poor, not being inherantly capable, and so on, are simply not there.) people can see 'themselves' in the guy who is doing something they wouldn't be able to.


    Its like the horoscopes that say:

    'You worry when you are at home, in private. You may feel, wrongly usually, that your family does not love you, that they do not understand you, that you are lonely, and that your father is too strict.'

    Which, unless your father is dead, applies to just about everyone, despite them seeming quite specific.



    'Impersonal detachment or cold-looking demeanours may hamper your communications although they increase your concentration, your patience, and your ability to study and to accumulate knowledge. As far as your entourage is concerned, quality prevails over quantity, and you can easily alternate agitated and eventful periods with periods of solitude.'



    You can see the same thing in the Twilight series. The fact that the guy is a Vampire is largely irrelevant because girls are (in general) attracted to guys that are 'emotionally complex', especially when they act in a 'chivalrous' way to spare the girl's feelings.





    It just provides an entirely unrealistic ideal for people to wish for...or to escape from reality with...Which, unsuprisingly, leads to their problems increasing, rather than decreasing.

  4. You don't know what two-dimensional means, do you?

    Two Dimensional:

    Flat, Insipid, Uninspired, Predictable, Cliched...Etc.


    The story, and therefore the character, is two dimensional.

    There is a guy. All girls love him. Except one. Who he loves.

    There is a guy. He has riches. He has smarts. He has good looks. He has muscles.

    There is a guy. He loves a girl. He is cold hearted. His parent's didn't love him/died.


    So the Two-Dimensional comment is really targeted at his complete lack of Depth. (Alternatively, his lack of complexity)



    Really 'Two Dimentional' is the antithesis of 'What you see is what you get'.


    Which makes me think that you are just trolling, as per normal.

  5. I wouldn't do him myself, but he's the kind of guy I'd want my daughter to date.


    I am sorry, but this character is far to two dimentional to ever exist...

    (Reality, I want a new, more believable, Mather. Jk)


    He is super attractive, smart, best at sport, doesn't care about hurting people's feelings, but cares deeply about not embaressing people, is a stalker, is rich, has no parents(though is apparently not messed up by this in any way).


    If such a character were to exist in the real world all I could say was that someone downloaded his personality into him, since, organically, it could not exist.

    Personally, I think when he jumped from the school roof that he should have just died...

    Something tells me the number of angry fans would have been very entertaining.

    (Note to self, if I become rich buy all the animes and kill off the two dimentional characters...Also buy a dummy house filled with police.)

  6. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/12603519/I%20r%20haxzors.png


    Owing to the ongoing saga, entitled 'Why can't the Admin just leave things well enough alone' or 'Archi hate's Technology, the 29th installment; I can't run Nimbus on SwiftIRC.

    Therefore I have started the channel on RScript (or Irc.Tip.It for everyone else)

    Apparently I am a hacker though, so I might steal your credit card details if you do log in!


    Anyone who wants to join please use one of the various IRCs on the web. Preferably KVIRC.

    Once there irc.tip.it


    /join #Nimbus

  7. Navigating by maps tends to rely on navigation by landmarks, such as Islands. (You can also use stars or dead reckoning but landmarks are the best)

    Sooner or later a ship will sail by.


    And if a ship happens to be sailing passed, and sees a trading outpost, then they are liable to dock with it to see what wares exist. You can then get aboard.


    Whenever people talk about Anime I just get 'Talalalala' fade in.



    Also of note is that scoring a zero (or Ten/Six) on the Kinsey Scale in pretty much akin to having a major mental condition...The inability to appreciate beauty in one or the other gender.


    People who actually score zero in properly conducted tests tend to be emotionally damage, typically though assault at a young age, leading to disgustment with their own body and the bodies of other people of the same sex.

    Which conflicts with you, especially as you often comment on your narcissism.



    The Kinsey Scale is much misused and misunderstood, as is sexuality generally. Most people are typically 1-5. I'd probably say a one would be more accurate for you...You aren't liable to develop a spontanous, or even creeping, attraction to another member of the same sex, but you can look at another guy (and yourself) and go 'Yup, I can see why people might find that attractive'.


    A joke often told by woman, related to this, is that a woman will wake up on the worst-looking day of their lives and look in the mirror and identify exactly how they would improve their look. Men will wake up on the worst-looking day of their lives, look in a mirror and go 'Yeah, I'd do me'.


    Anywho, you will innevitably disagree, but other people might be educated, Archi, AWAY.

  9. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drinking_the_Kool-Aid


    The expression has also been used to refer to the activities of the Merry Pranksters, a group of people associated with novelist Ken Kesey who, in the early 1960s, traveled around the United States and held events called "Acid Tests", where LSD-laced Kool-Aid was passed out to the public (LSD wasn't illegal in the U.S. until 1966). Those who drank the "Kool-Aid" passed the "Acid Test". "Drinking the Kool-Aid" in that context meant taking LSD.


    Might have meant that....




    But Kool-Aid, in the more mundane setting, is mostly citric acid mixed with water. The only way to find out how much acid it has in it is to look at the side of the bottle/carton and see what percentage of acid it has in, or use some litmus paper and alkaline, using a process known as Tritation.

    Most of the time different flavours contain different concentrations and so on.


    Typically the acid level in fizzy drinks is not harmful though.

  10. You're really underestimating the human brain's effect on our physiology here. If the placebo effect lets belief alone cure or cause illnesses, then of course sheer willpower can control the release of hormones.

    Mather that is more or less what I said. If you can delude yourself into thinking something is true then it, within reason, becomes true.

    Research has shown that people who unknowingly take placebos -- sometimes pills, sometimes injections -- often feel relief from pain, cardiovascular disease, gastrointestinal disorders and high blood pressure. But placebos don't help people recover from diseases like cancer. "They're more likely to be effective when there's a perceptive component to the illness," Spiegel said

    If you 'know' then the placebo effect doesn't come into play, so it is irrelevant.


    Some fakirs can even stop their heartbeats. So tell me, why can't our brains supposedly control our hormones?
    Fakir's Row. A fakir is defined in the English dictionary as a holy man possessed with miraculous powers. At the time of the Fair, a fakir was more akin to a con man.
  11. Alg, citation:




    Also, on the subject of Bananas=Humans:

    Bananas are refrigerated to between 13.5 and 15 °C (56 and 59 °F) during transport. At lower temperatures, ripening permanently stalls, and turns the bananas gray as cell walls break down. The skin of ripe bananas quickly blackens in the 4 °C (39 °F) environment of a domestic refrigerator, although the fruit inside remains unaffected.

    Basing Human Chemistry on one specific plant is foolish, but basing it on one specific plant's skin is even more foolish, and basing Human Chemistry on and incorrect understanding of one specific plant's skin is more foolish still.



  12. Basically, you can keep the skills you currently have, and provided you are reasonable I will adjust the outcomes accordingly =P

    For instance if you are skilled at something, but I roll poorly for you, then you will only suffer a lesser failure (As long as I know about it).

    Likewise if you are barely skilled and I roll well you might only get a lesser success.



    Basically the issue is that if I run a 'skill' system people expect me to give them bonuses all the time, which is annoying because I never want to give people bonuses. So the new system leaves me with Arbitration powers, but gives people the chance to level up their skills based on what THEY THINK is appropriate. The upshot is that I don't need to try to keep any element of balance, nor to reward people who grind profusely, people can just play and I can just mod.


    And yes, it is more of a RP game, which I would be happy to run on the forums, if there wasn't Flood Controls.

  13. Meh, I was willing to argue with you until you claimed you controlled your body temperature with your mind.

    Either you can do it, in which case there is no point arguing with you, or you can't and are delusional, in which case there is no point arguing with you.


    And Hypothermia, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford Medical Dictionary, the Merriam-Webster Dictionary and the NHS Medical Directory, means:

    Main Entry: hy·po·ther·mia

    Pronunciation: \-ˈthər-mē-ə\

    Function: noun

    : subnormal temperature of the body <hypothermia, defined as temperature under 36.6°C


    But yeah, these people are probably wrong, after all, according to them flesh decays and is replaced as a natural part of human development, and is not seriously affected by changes in temperature...Where as your theory concerning the magical disintergration of tissue at temperatures below X degree and above Y degree is far more widely held, its only in the medically backwards parts of the world...such as Europe and America...That Medical Theory holds any credance at all...

  14. And yes, lowered body temperature isn't exactly a danger, however when the tissue retains such low temperatures for a prolonged duration, it speeds up the cellular decay sufficiently that there should be consequences - there were none.


    If empirical evidence contradicts theory then one of two things:

    1) The theory is wrong

    2) The empirical evidence has been improperly collected


    In this case the only time tissue should, noticably, degrade is below 0 degrees C, causing ice crystals to form which damages the surrounding tissue, and/or, if the body overreacts and cuts off blood flow, resulting in necrosis/toxin build up/etc.



    Another thing to note is the fact that I didn't suffer from numbness, which means my body didn't regulate my bloodflow away from my arms, which again means my blood was cooled down and in turn cooled down my internal organs, slowing their functions, which is how hypothermia happens.

    Again, if the Empirical Evidence contradicts the theory then either:

    1) The theory is wrong

    2) The evidence has been incorrectly observed.


    If you did not suffer numbness then you may, indeed, have a defective body. However Hypothermia just means you have a core body temperature below 35 degrees C. This THEN can cause slowed function, etc, etc, etc.

    However if your body is capable of replenishing the heat lost, through one manner or another, then your core temperature does not drop below 35 degrees C, nor does your body suffer from the effects of Hypothermia.

    Likewise 35 degrees C is just the generalised figure, it may be lower for some, it may be higher for others.


    Added to which numbness only occurs, normally, after a period of pain/tingling, which is usually only present if you are suffering from the initial stages of frostbite, which requires a temperature lower than 0 degrees C. So the fact you were not 'numb' doesn't mean anything.

    A more reliable method of grading your exposure would be whether or not you were shivering, if you were not shivering then your body had not dropped below a core temperature which your body considers dangerous. This does not preclude the possibility that your core temperature dropped below 35 degrees, it merely means your body did not consider that drop dangerous.


    Several reports have investigated or reviewed the pathomechanism of freezing cold injuries (e.g. Dinep 1975, Waris & Kyösola 1982, Marzella et al. 1989, Endrich et al. 1990, Mills et al. 1993, Junila et al. 1999, Berg et al. 1999). Two separate types of mechanisms can be differentiated. The rapid freezing process is activated usually by conductive heat loss in the development of contact frostbite, e.g. when touching, intentionally or accidentally, a cold object (e.g. metal), liquid (e.g. gasoline) or gas (e.g. evaporating liquid nitrogen) with bare skin. There is often neither significant general cold exposure nor enough time even for the rapid autonomic response of the vasculature, and the body temperature is usually quite normal. The local skin cools abruptly to a freezing temperature, the intracellular fluid of skin cells crystallizes and the cells die immediately. This mechanism of causing tissue necrosis by local contact freezing is utilized in medical cryotherapy of certain skin problems, e.g. warts and various tumours.


    In slow freezing mechanism, there is time for the rapid autonomic cold responses. The core temperature may be normal or decreased, but the skin and tissue temperatures on the site of the cold exposure and its surroundings are lowered. The vasculature shows usually maximal vasoconstriction. The cold causes extracellular crystallization of water that leads to increased concentration of salts in the remaining, non-crystallized fluid. The enhanced extracellular osmolarity leads to diffusion of intracellular liquid out of the cells into the extracellular compartment and to dehydration of cells. In addition, there are simultaneous endothelial changes, extravasation and hyperviscosity of blood and microvascular clotting leading to cessation of capillary flow, long-acting hypoxia and damage to the affected tissues. Cellular membranes become injured because of both local vascular damage and loss of liquid balance, and the situation leads to a slow death of cells.

    So, in summery:

    Injury results from formation of Ice Crystals (at Zero/Sub-Zero temperatures) OR build up of toxins which causes damage during the thawing process.


    However, if you were not shivering then the chances are that your body did not constrict the bloodflow, which would mean there was no toxin build up, which would mean there was not damage.


    If you were wearing trousers, if you were wearing socks, if you were wearing shoes, if you were not standing in the middle of a wind stream, if the sun was shining, if you had eaten that day, if your mouth was getting a large amount of exercise...All of which would generate/preserve heat, which would allow your bodies' natural capacity to heat itself keep your core temperature high.

    Further, if this was the case then your body may not have responded to the change in temperature, which would allow your arm/s to drop in temperature to 10 degrees C, which, unless your blood vessels constricted, would not have been injured either.


    It all kinda depends on whether or not you were shivering profusely...

    If you were then your arm is defective, as your hypothalamus was telling it to constrict the blood vessels, and it wasn't.

    If you were not then your body wasn't that bothered because it didn't consider you were in danger, most typically because it could easily maintain your core body temperature...Or your hypothalamus is defective, and your ability to speak was degraded, which I imagine would have made carrying on a conversation difficult.




    Also Earth, if Mather wants to set up a server he can, as I cannot. I have no capacity to open ports as this connection is not mine and it freaks out if more than a handful are in use at any given time (And sometimes if there is only 1)

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