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Posts posted by archimage_a

  1. MAGNANIMITY, n. [L. magnanimitas; magnus, great, and animus, mind.] Greatness of mind; that elevation or dignity of soul, which encounters danger and trouble with tranquility and firmness, which raises the possessor above revenge, and makes him delight in acts of benevolence, which makes him disdain injustice and meanness, and prompts him to sacrifice personal ease, interest and safety for the accomplishment of useful and noble objects.



    You seem to forget that the girl in a frilly dress was holding a pen at my throat, which I deliberately abstained from avoiding, despite its capacity to kill me.


    If you think on it, the only 'mean' act I committed was preventing you from leaving AFTER you said you would make it your bussiness to destroy the settlement. Magnamimity is all very well and good when I am only risking my life, but when I am risking the lives of my fellow Islanders I have to act.


    But given your only concern was making a quick buck out of the Islanders I don't expect your character to grasp these high minded ideals.

  2. Mather, I am an Emir, not a guard.

    Act in character:

    >Give a warning

    >Inflict a punishment

    >Take Abuse

    >Wait until attacked (As Retech was supposed to do but didn't), or you back down, then take action.

    Deviation path:

    >Hide behind a rock to prevent needlessly killing your summoned creatures/you (since you had not directly attacked me at that point).

    >Return and assert that we live in a society of laws, and lawbreakers will be punished.

  3. If I had decided to attack someone who had not set Wolves on me, broken MY law, held a sharpened pen to my throat, threatened to expose us to the world and generally make life difficult for us, I might agree.

    Self presevation, petty vengence, backing my own position (prestige), because I can, are all valid explainations for my actions, thus an act of an unlimited True Netural.


    Further more I am simply acting within character, and this is not an attack against you personally. If it was I would have attacked with 5 Shurikens and just outright killed you.



    Also Philistine is probably more accurate than Sadist, though is also largely inaccurate. Egotist perhaps.

  4. They're not all level 0. I'd except that the majority of farmers/hunters won't be otherwise a boar could one hit them.

    The gist of it is that, on a successful hit, any damaging attack deals a minimum of 1 HP damage. Average commoners have 4 HP, an attack bonus of 0, and an armor class of 10. A cat has 2 HP, but a total attack bonus of +4, AC 14, and gets three attacks as a full round action.


    In other words, by the Rules As Written, commoners face mortal peril from a common house cat. If [kitty] gets him backed into a corner, John Q. Farmer is screwed. It's even worse if the commoner (or wizard) is an elf, since then he only gets 3 HP. Death in one round from a cat is, to say the least, embarassing.


    It's one of those silly rules glitches that stems from the fact that D&D doesn't scale down to everyman level too well. Also because animals in 3e D&D are stupidly statted.


    Don't Question It.


    I've got Know Direction, that whole shebang would be pointless if I made any effort to learn the location as I could just continuously cast that to pay attention to the course.

    Kill him first

    Besides I can just summon an and ride it away on my own if it comes to that.

    Let him kill himself

    Or I could use Locate Object and imagine a specific object I know to be on the island, such as for example a unique symbol carved into a rock or tree.

    The signs saying no distraction during work hours, mayhaps?


    Trying to forcibly prevent me from being able to return is just a counterproductive action, I have no intention of returning, but going that far to make it hard can only lead me to believe that there could be reward in giving someone else your location.

    a) Kill her before she reveals the secret

    b) You will come crawling back when you innevitably get near death because you attacked an arcane shopkeeper with a pen and a pair of wolves.


    And no, you're not getting any hair and I'm not taking any enchanted object with me so you can scry on my position, and don't try to hide one somewhere I would accidentally bring it along as I've got Detect Magic.

    We could just implant it in you.


    Also, Retech,




    Holo decides to leave the Island, I stealth (18+25+40=83) and then attack Holo with a trio of Opium Shuriken (16+9=25), (8+7=15), (14+7=21), given she is liable to betray us.

    I forgo sneak attack damage. If you insist on it then...

    1+2+2+1+1+3+2+6+4+6+3+3= 32


    So she takes 6 damage (Used a d20, high is 2, got three 20s), she needs to roll DC20 fortitude check 3 times to prevent from becoming addicted to Opium.

    The following occurs irregardless of succeeding on Fort saves. She becomes fatigued, then exausted, then extra exausted(Unconscience?), she gains 6 Temporary HP (for 1 hour) and a +2 alchemical bonus to Fortitude checks (for 1 hour) (Applicable after the first Fort Check only), he takes 6 Constitution damage and 8 Wisdom damage.


    If he fails any of the fortitude checks, after 1 day he takes -2 on Dex, Strength, Consitution and Wisdom, this cannot be healed until she is no longer addicted. Addiction is ended by 3 consecutive DC20 Fort Saves, reduced by -2 per day, down to DC20 (I don't get this rule either). The fort saves are daily only, and the saves taken to avoid getting addicted do not apply, as he must have not taken the drug for 24 hours before he can try to become unaddicted.


    If she takes another dose of Opium the addiction penalties abate for 1 hour, and suffers/benefits from all the effects of Opium.


    Correction: He can start making Fort saves after 9 days (since he has to wait for the drugs to clear his system, then 1 day after that)

  5. +3 Spell Storing seems fine, though +2 Spell Storing and Ghost Touch would cover most of the enemies we are liable to encounter. Throw in Glowing and thats pretty much everything you need.


    Also, I enscribe on the steles around the settlement that distractions during work hours are strictly prohibited. Failure to follow said law will result in a warning. In a persistant effort is made then exile. It is scribed in the major languages.

  6. Sorry, edited it in earlier but silly thing didn't post. It is there now.


    The blue part is the area that was flooded and is somewhat hazardous to enter, due to unconfirmed reports of "A breakdown in the Natural Order." Explore at your own peril (You cannot get skulled in this area).
  7. Information:




    The City of London has been divided into two halves due to the recent spate of high crime (Lord Wades and Howes...and the Flooding of London Docks (also caused by Howes)). In the West (<-) the police presence has become so high that breaking the law is [as hard as before], whereas in the East (->) the police presence has deteriorated. Historically the East and West division has always existed in London (and in game) but now there is an increased polarisation.


    In the West there are Art, Culture and the rule of Law, in the East there is Gang Rule, Illegality and a limited police presence.


    The upshot is that if you commit a crime in the East then you are unlikely to be arrested (and therefore probably won't be skulled). Fire bombing police stations, blowing up streets, and other Mass Violence will still get you skulled though.


    The blue part is the area that was flooded and is somewhat hazardous to enter, due to unconfirmed reports of "A breakdown in the Natural Order." Explore at your own peril (You cannot get skulled in this area).

  8. Base->Young->Worm that Walks->Aquatic->Ironskinned->Landwalker->Thessalmonster


    Young because otherwise I will be at 3HD...Worm that Walks changes to Vermin (-2 levels), Ironskinned Loses Half move speed (so 15ft)(-0 Levels), Aquatic gains Aquatic Subtype and loses 10ft land speed (so 5 ft)(-0 levels), Landwalker converts Aquatic Vermin to Magical Creature, with a land speed of 20ft(minimum)(-1 level) Thessalmonster is what I want =P

    -2 Levels, so 6 HD, More than enough=P


    On a more serious note, are you ok with a Bramble Character?

  9. Well one uses basic math skills (plus logs...so basic maths from 20 years ago), the other uses rudimentary dexterity and reading...so its like chalk and emulsified cow liquid protein.


    Add powder (Around 1/16th of a pint glass) to the central part of the drawer, softener (Around 1 and a half shot glasses, full) to the right side of the drawer.

    -Alternatively add Gel to the inside of the washing machine, in the correct container (The dispenser usually comes with the correct container, or is in a tablet...If it doesn't then simply apply 5 tablespoons of Gel to the clothes).

    Set for 30 degrees C (or equivilant) or below (It will say of the box the correct temperature, but 30 is sufficent for all bar the oldest washing powders), unless you are washing linen sheets that have been used by someone else, in which case use 90 (or equivilant), though 30 can also be used.

    -If required set for synthetics, regardless of what is inside.

    Close the door.

    Press Start.



    If the washing machine contains less than 1/2th of a load, and your washing machine has a button saying "Half Load" or a picture of a half basket/other, then you press it before you press start.


    Extremely Advanced:

    If you can't be bothered to hang it up outside, or you don't want to waste as much electricity as a dryer, you can put it onto a spin cycle. This is usually achieved by setting it (on the knob) to the picture of a vortex. On some machines you may need to press the 'Spin' button. On some other machines you can set it to 'Extra Spin'.


    Compared to


    X=Y log2 (1+(Z/A))


    Noise = 1/A = (X/Y Log2) -Z


    Bandwidth = Y Log2 = X/(1+(Z/A)



    It is terribly complex...


    *Took 22 minutes according to Tip It. Though I might have the Log2 in the wrong place on account of never having studied it.

    Lets say 10 minutes (conservative estimate) to type it into excel.

  10. My character revolves more around Intelligence than Charisma, 24 to 18, with 14 Dex, 8 Str (10 but racial mods) and 7 Wisdom.

    He is very smart, has a way with words, but is easily mislead, though is fortunately deaf, and of the many languages he speaks, drow sign language is not one of them. Instead 'hears' through a Cythnigot, so only understands Infernal, and since the Cythnigot is immune to mind-affecting effects that immunity passes on (Like a gate keeper).


    Alternatively, if Retech allows it, a Bramble Kitsune.

    Which would throw dex to 18 and Str to 6.

    Though would decrease my intelligence by 1, since I would only be level 7 =(


    Also, Retech, would you let me play a Thessalmonster?

  11. Well, I have thought long and hard, and have decided that, if I die, I will follow Mather's example and come back as a 41+ Bluffing Machine.

    Though rather than basing my whole character around 1 stat, I will also play an Alchemist that throws Oozes at people and doesn't care who gets in his way.

  12. Only time anything similar happened to me I had to talk to the ISP, apparently too many computers had opened too many connections.

    Quite why opening MORE connections helped back then is beyond me.


    If it doesn't go away ask them.

  13. Is it the kind of difficulty where the game gives you a fair chance to win, or the kind of difficulty where everything is going to kill you on the easiest difficulty and there's nothing you can do about it?

    It will mercilessly slaughter the foolish and unprepared. In twenty five years no one would have 'completed' it if not for the entire fanbase's decades of cumulative exchanged knowledge. You will not complete it in the first hundred tries, or likely the next few hundred after that.


    Completed it on my second attempt, without fan assistance.

    The Trick was pressing k and towards the enemy, as opposed to running away. Once I got that it was pretty much a cakewalk.

  14. (Well, my vow to not respond to mather lasted... less than a day. How depressing)

    So what you're saying is that you want to be a sort of demigod and shit on everyone else without fear of reprisal, thus fulfilling several fantasies, and that anything that forces you to think in a different manner is badwrongfun and thus should be called DnD.

    To be fair, from conversations with Ross, Retech, Nef, Earth, Dusty and Nex, wanting to be a demigod, smash everything that opposes you and rebuild it in your own image, is very common*.

    The only real difference between Mather and the others is that Mather isn't willing to jump through hoops to get someone else to 'approve' their ideas. Some people would highlight that comparatively Mather was less sad than the people who actually do play DnD and co.


    On the otherhand him classing everything as DnD is tedious.


    So in conclusion, Mather's only crime is to be less reasonable than a group of unreasonable people.


    *Ico, Alg, Paul and myself seem to be more of the 'Ok, what currently exists and how can I live within it' bent, though we are all pretty silent so it is less important.





    It's the greatest, most difficult PC game of all time.


    It has Werejackals, and Food Poisoning. Does Vindictus have Food Poisoning? I don't think so.


    "Look at Vindictus. Now back at Nethack. Now back to Vindictus, now back to Nethack. Sadly, Vindictus isn't Nethack. But if that contaminated sink mutated you into a Bee and crushed you under your own hat, Vindictus could kill you like Nethack. Look down, back up. Where are you? You're surrounded by water moccasins, in the dungeon your dungeon could feel like. Whats in your hand, back at me. I have it, its a wand with two charges of that spell you love. Look again, the wand is now melting your face. Anything is possible when your game plays like Nethack and not Vindictus. I died falling off a horse."


    Game like a man, man. Nethack.

    I get that reference!


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