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Posts posted by archimage_a

  1. Sorry, I am on the end of a 38 hour day due to silliness that occured about 12 hours ago. I had been planning to go to bed, but I need to put the washing out before then, and the machine isn't finished.

  2. Nonproficient with Armor Worn: A character who wears armor and/or uses a shield with which he is not proficient takes the armor's (and/or shield's) armor check penalty on attack rolls as well as on all Dex- and Str-based ability and skill checks.

    So for Mithril Full Plate that is -3 on attack rolls...


    Though I am not sure why you are buying half the things you are buying.

    For the eventual settlement we establish:



    I hereby establish the Shiekdom of Ratzenstar, may Allah watch over these strange people in their strange land, under the cloak of Thenatos, so as not to disturb their heretic ways.

    I, Emir Crusoe of the Noble Archian family, who's dynasty comes from the prophet Muhammad, and who rule over the Shadow Plane, do name myself Shiek and Spymaster of Ratzenstar, and do call into being the Crusoe Sultanate.


    "I swear by the one whose hand my soul is in that you will not enter paradise until you believe.

    And you wont be believed until you love one another.

    May I tell you something, that if you practice it you will love another, spread the Salam among you."

    ~The Prophet


    Garmund is appointed Court Mullah, for his is the power of Allah, made real by his devotion of Thenatos. May Allah bring honour to him. I also grant Garmund the Barony of Skeleton Point for he is indeed wise and powerful.

    ShadowWing is appointed Grand Vizier, for he is the most skilled amongst us, may his wisdom and insight guide us to do Allah's bidding.

    Sedrial is appointed Marshal (When he arrives), for he is the greatest warrior amongst us. May his sword lay the heathen to rest.

    Tena is appointed Steward, for she is wise in the ways of resources and to her Allah has bestowed the choicest gifts for mercantile enterprise. May gold always poor from her labours.

    Elgretor is appointed Chief Qadi, for he is the bravest of us all, and only the bravest may judge others without fear that corruption will cloud his judgement. May Allah provide much enlightenment.


    Ma'a salama.



  3. 1) Leadership does not automatically grant you x amount of followers and a y level cohort, in accordance with the tables and charts. It would make it easier to get a follower or cohort, than someone without the feat, but it is not immediately granted

    To the Graveyard!

    2) Cohorts and followers, in the same vein as 1), are not mindless automatons. They don't just pop in with all the item creation feats and totally maxed out craft skills. Those would likely be more rare (something to search for, or work hard to attract)

    To the Smithy!

    3) Even if the chart says that killing followers only grants a -1 to leadership score, followers don't especially like it when you are recruiting them to be killed and turned into zombies

    Good thing I didn't start printing the recuitment posters:




    4) (More of a guideline) It would be preferable to have non-combat or healing cohorts, so I don't need to run huge encounters with 12 individuals taking actions.

    To be honest it makes considerably more sense to just say no the the Leadership feat if:

    A) You don't want us to have skill monkey automatons

    B) You don't want us to have combat monkey automatons


    Personally I am reasonably happy if you subverted Leadership into an extra feat at level 7. (aka We gain an extra feat in exchange for not taking a feat which causes endless problems, and by your own tongue, doesn't give us any real benefit.)


    Also if someone intends to use diplomacy or bluff very very heavily (like +20 or +30), please talk to me sometime or tell me so I can explain how I handle that.

    I don't plan to...but I can, so might be an idea to tell me.

  4. We could introduce a Caste System to ensure people did their jobs and didn't get uppity. It would mean a more complicated set up...and it would be very inflexible...But if we got it working then it would be effectively unbreakable.


    Outcasts are forced to live beyond the walls of the City, from where none have returned. On an unrelated note tales of Skeleton Point Shipyard are to be quashed.

  5. Idealogy poses a number of problems...like dissent...It would be far better to create an ideology which reveres wearing shackles and get the best of both worlds. Either that, or we send a plant in to sniff out any dissent and nip it in the bud.

  6. Eh...I am with Mather on this. Its not like he said "Oh, and then this happened, and that happened, and this happened." He just said the opening of season 3 sucked and they killed off the main character (And if they brought him/her back then its not really revealing anything).



  7. So yeah. Just send 45 of them off on silver mining duty each week.

    The undead you create are 1 Hit Die skeletons that possess Profession (sailor) scores equal to half your character level

    Fast zombie template as a matter of fact. Retech has ruled that the spell "Skeleton crew" (Link below) can be used for other professions and low intellect crafting, though I would assume that I would have to specify which you were using them for when you used the spell.



    No, I meant to say that he doesn't have ranks in mining.


    I fail to see the relevence...

  8. So yeah. Just send 45 of them off on silver mining duty each week.

    The undead you create are 1 Hit Die skeletons that possess Profession (sailor) scores equal to half your character level

    Fast zombie template as a matter of fact. Retech has ruled that the spell "Skeleton crew" (Link below) can be used for other professions and low intellect crafting, though I would assume that I would have to specify which you were using them for when you used the spell.


  9. Ranger. We are unlikely to ever be in a situation where we need to inflict large amounts of damage to individuals(Think boarding a ship)...So unless you want to take cleave a Barbarian isn't terribly useful.


    That said, any situation that strips us of Grim's one man and his squid will probably strip us of our boat too...so might be helpful in those circumstances.

  10. 216 Skeletons, with 7 profession (sailor) could earn, if they took 10, 8-9 gold each. So 1,728-1,944 GP per week.

    So if you just devoted 44 you could break even on your Desecrate spells.


    Though I am not entirely sure Desecrate would provide double the number of skeletons, since it only refers to animate undead, and gives example of HD increases, as opposed to hard numbers. Though would still get the +1 hp.


    If we could find a Gnome Graveyard...


    Personally I am happy to provide up to 1,300 GP for the endevour. 200 GP is being fastened to my robes and the other 500 GP is going on my debt from character creation. Provided we can find someone to take the Gems off my hands.


    I am happy with the time skip.

  11. Ah, indeed, I was trying to phrase it without sounding like the people in the show I am watching...for some reason jargon is very easy to come up with...Interface, composite, and so forth can replace almost every other word in the English Language.

  12. Except Mather has different tastes, and you would object to pianos not wearing ankle guards. =P (Again, haven't seen it, don't know what is in it, don't want to know either. Just saying Mather should be able to make up his own mind without North Eastern American Sentimentality creating a mutually exclusive Venn Diagram.)

    Hence one of the reasons asking an International group of almost strangers for advice is a relatively foolish thing to do, especially when you are dealing with the social outcasts of 3 different countries, with broadly different cultural backgrounds and social capabilities.


    Simply pointing Mather in the direction of a database or resource is considerably wiser.

  13. Why didn't you just post the link and say "Any of these will be fine".

    If you translated all of Mather's requirements into TV Tropes then you/he could use the pre-existing database that is TV Tropes to create a short list of shows he might enjoy...Or he just picks one of them at random and watches it.


    Rosario + Vampire seems to tick all the boxes...And I know nothing about the god awful genre,

  14. http://www.tvtango.com/listings?filters%5Bdate%5D%5Bmonth%5D=12&filters%5Bdate%5D%5Bday%5D=20&filters%5Bdate%5D%5Byear%5D=1990&commit.x=18&commit.y=20




    Covers most of the stuff, I'll let you piece it all together =P




    But even so...It is like they have created 900 new channels devoted to producing substandard TV, alongside the original 1/2/3/4/5 (depending how original you want to be, personally 4) which seem to produce 28 evenings of good TV per year, usually clustered in September, just after everyone goes back to school/what have you.


    I am just wondering how long it will be until the remaining good shows (most of them hold overs from the 90s) will be cancelled and replaced with a guy who tells us how funny 8 0 and 5 (Censor Evasion Rules, Yay) can be on a calculator...


    Anywho. Drop the Dead Donkey. Watch it.

  15. Its not really 'hipster'ish to say that modern TV has gone down the pan. At the moment I am reliving the golden age of Satire with 4OD, and Dr Who on Rerun. Compared to modern comedy and Dr Who...Well its like comparing a Gold Ingot to a boiled sweet.


    One of the few exceptions was the Rome TV series...mostly because it didn't pull any punches, had a believable story and wasn't constructed of horribly undeveloped characters. But it was given bad ratings, like Sigularity and Alpha Protocol, and so was cut short.


    So the difference between being a 'Hipster' and not is largely one of being able to actually watch more than 5% of TV any more.

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