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Posts posted by archimage_a

  1. Fixed the skype Icon, and Wyvern advised me on the other issues.

    As for crashing...Vista crashed 4-5 times in 3 years...One of which was caused by the hard drive dying. 98 died a few times (More due to the computer I was running it on was barely capable of running wordpad without crashing periodically), XP oddly died the most, if I recalled correctly, 95 crashed once in 8 years.

    So I take 'OS doesn't die' as standard.


    As to your update problem...You could set it to never check for updates and thus would never tell you you needed to update. It would just 'require' that you checked it every so often to avoid leaving your computer software out of date.

    Control Panel\System and Security\Windows Update\Change settings

  2. Almost Microsoft! ALMOST!

    Actually I am finding Windows 7 to be full of reasonably handy features...and my complete and unreserved hatred of the the OS has been tempered by having used it occassionally before now, so am more tolerant. Also the Alienware stuff carefully moderates between the terrible W7 control panel, and the much loved XP control panel. However I can't get the Skype icon to go away, and I rather liked being able to see all the tabs I had open.


    To be honest though, this experiance of using a new computer has been one of the most enjoyable I have ever had...I want for nothing (bar the little things above), I am not bamboozled by intolerable browsing speed, bloatware or any of the other rubbish (Still has MS games...less than happy about that).

    The two annoyances were that the computer didn't come with a VGA socket and/or DVI cable, so had to buy an adapter (and the town I went to doesn't sell monitors, despite a dozen electrical stores). Then found that I had a DVI monitor, which was eyerolling. The second was that Mum took the external hard-drive with her, so I can't transfer everything over as easily as I would have liked.


    But yes. Very new experiance this...The lack of making do. =P

  3. Bare bones of a Barbarian:

    Ref: Nex




    18 Strength, 14 Dexterity, 14 Constition, 12 Intelligence, 8 Wisdom, 8 Charisma

    +1 Strength(Level 4), +2 Dexterity(Racial), +2 Constitution(Racial)

    19 Strength, 16 Dexterity, 16 Consitution, 12 Intelligence, 8 Wisdom, 8 Charisma.

    Mage Hunter: +2 on Spellcraft checks to ID spells and +1 To Hit arcane casters. (Replaces Sneaky)

    Scarred: +1 Natural Armour (Replaces Darkvision)


    Normal Speed: 30

    Languages: Common, Goblin

    Speed: 40 (Normal+10 from Fast Movement)


    Mithral Shirt: 1,100 gp, +4 AC +6 Max Dex, 0 Armour Penalty, 10% Spell Failure, 30 ft. 10 lbs.


    Lamellar, Leather(Darkleaf), 1,560 gp, +4 AC, +5 Max Dex, 0 Armour Penalty, 10% Spell Failure, 30 ft, 25 lbs. BUT when raging you only take -1 to Armour Check, instead of -2 (Elsewise Mithral Shirt beats everything that isn't heavy or ridiculously expensive).

    AC: 10 +4 +0 +3 +0 +1 +0 +0 = 18

    HP: 12+11+11+5+8+2 = 61


    Rage rounds: 4+10+2=16


    Rage Powers:

    No escape

    Low Light Vision



  4. Ninja and Barbarian. I don't think Grim has decided either, as of yet.


    For reference, Retech, Mask of Stony Demeanor and Ring of Windy Escape (Edit of Ring of Featherfall, replacing the spell names, as per your instructions)

  5. Ok, after a small amount of deliberation I have resolved that this will be my final character.

    Three Lines in the sand was modified by Retech for +5 instead of +10, and now takes up a ring slot (though is still classed as an implanted Ioun stone otherwise), though costs slightly less.



    Also adding Mask of Stony Demeanor and Ring of Windy Escape (As ring of Featherfall)

  6. For you have awoken the wrath of Archi :eek:

    Three Lines in the Sand (Implanted Ioun Stone, Head (specifically forehead), in the pattern of three waved lines)

    Command Word (1*1*1,800) Resist Energy (Fire), Command Word (1*1*1,800*0.75) Resist Energy (Sonic), Command Word (1*1*1,800*0.5) Resist Energy (Acid): Total 4,050

    Doesn't take up a Magical Slot, +100% (8,100)

    Requires Linguistics Check (DC 10), -10% (7,290)

    Requires Ninja Class, -30% (5,103)


    I know what I am doing...

  7. Ok, made a few changes:

    Got rid of both weapons, replaced them with a Wyroot Shortbow (and two normal spares) and a Wakizashi. (Extra crit range is rather worthless to me, overall...If there was some way to have the 16-20 on a Wyroot weapon then I might reconsider =P)


    With the extra cash I am buying a Custom Magical Item, Three Lines in the Sand. Command Word *3, covering Resist Energy Fire, Sonic and Acid, with a Linguistics Check of DC 10 (feel free to revise upwards/require seperate tests), and limited to Ninja's only. The item, as such, costs 5,103. The Three Lines count as an Ioun Stone, mounted inside/on the skill, with a low level protrusion of three waved lines on the forehead.

    In keeping with the my general character theme the Linguistic's Check is to recite the Emperor's Litany, which my character will be chanting under his breath, when not talking/eating/sneaking, at all times...preferably when sleeping as well, as fitting with the DH theme, but gets into an overcomplicated argument. If you want me to do some complicated thing so that you (and everyone else) are not constantly bombarded by me reciting, then I am for that...That or we just take it as read and impose some minor penalty for doing so.


    Obviously the change from Melee to Range means the feats change:

    Point Blank Shot

    Rapid Shot

    Precise Shot


    Name: Guy Incognito


    Player Name: Archi

    Race: Fetchling

    Class: Ninja 6


    Strength: 8

    Dexterity: 20 (17)

    Constitution: 14

    Intelligence: 14

    Wisdom: 10 (12)

    Charisma: 14 (12)

    HP: 44

    AC: 19 (Flat 19, Touch 15)

    Initative: +5

    BAB: +4

    Fortitude: +4

    Reflex: +10

    Will: +2

    Melee: +3

    Ranged: +9

    CMB: +9

    CMD: 18


    Racial Traits:

    +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom

    Native Outsider


    Normal Speed

    Dark Vision

    Low-Light Vision

    Skilled: +2 Knowledge (Planes) & Stealth

    Shadow Blending: Attacks against a fetchling in dim light have a

    50% miss chance instead of the normal 20% miss chance. This ability

    does not grant total concealment; it just increases the miss chance.

    Shadowy Resistance: Resistance 5 VS Cold and Electricity

    Spell Like Abilities: Attacks against a fetchling in dim light have a

    50% miss chance instead of the normal 20% miss chance. This ability

    does not grant total concealment; it just increases the miss chance.

    Favoured Class Bonus: +2 on Stealth & Slieght of Hand in dim light/darkness


    Class Traits:

    Accuracy: Half Range increment penalties

    Sneak Attack: +3d6

    Ki Pool: 5

    Deadly Range 2: 50 ft Sneak Attack

    Uncanny Dodge:

    Light Steps:



    Vanishing Trick

    Stealthy Sniper

    Pressure Points



    Point Blank Shot

    Precise Shot

    Rapid Shot

    (Ring of Windy Escape)


    Languages: Common, Tengu, Sylvan, Aquana, Dracononic, +1



    Acrobatics: 14

    Appraise: 3

    Bluff: 11

    Climb: -1

    Craft(untrained): 2

    Diplomacy: 10

    Disable Device: 14

    Disguise: 10

    Escape Artist: 14

    Fly: 5


    Initimidate: 3

    Knowledge (Local): 10

    Knowledge (Planes): 3

    Linguistics: 9

    Perception: 9

    Perform(Untrained): 2

    Profession (Sailor): 4

    Ride: 5

    Sense Motive: 5

    Sleight of Hand: 14

    Stealth: 20

    Survival: -1

    Swim: 8



    Heirloom Wyroot Shortbow:

    Wielded: Both

    To Hit: 11

    Damage: 1d6+1

    Critical Range: 20 Special

    Cost: 1,030




    Wielded: No

    To Hit: 10

    Damage: 1d6

    Critical Range: 18-20 *2

    Cost: 35

    Misc: Deadly - +4 Coup de Grace



    Handy Haversack: 2,000, Carried, 5lb

    Three Lines in the Sand: 3,645, Ioun, +5 Resistance Fire, Acid, Sonic, 0lb

    Wyroot Shortbow: 1,030, Both, 1lb

    Wakizashi: 35, Belt, 2lb

    Shortbow, 30, HH, 2lb *2

    Mithril Shirt: 1,100, Torso 10lb

    Outfit (Cold-Weather): 0, Clothing 7lb

    Chain Belt: 15, Belt, 0.25lb

    Blanket(Winter): 0.5, HH 3lb

    Block and Tackle: 5, HH 5lb

    Caltrops: 1, HH 2lb *10

    Candle: 0.01, HH 0lb *10

    Chalk: 0.01, HH 0lb *5

    Flint and Steel: 1, HH 0lb

    Grappling Hook: 1, HH 4lb

    Manacles (Masterwork/Medium): 50, HH 2lb *2

    Manacles (Masterwork/Small): 50, HH 2lb

    Mirror (Small/Steel): 10, HH 2lb *2

    Oar: 2, HH 10lb *2

    Oil: 0.1, HH 1lb *2

    Piton: 0.1, HH 0.5lb *15

    Rope (Silk/50ft):lb 10, HH 5lb *5

    Rowboat: 50, HH 100lb

    Waterskin(Filled): 1, HH 4lb

    Darklight Lantern: 200, HH 3lb (loaded)

    Elemental Breath: 80, HH 0.5lb *5

    Flask of Shadowcloy: 24, HH 1lb *20

    Moonrod: 10, HH 1lb *10

    Signal Kite Kit: 5, HH 0lb *20


    Cloak of Supreme Blending, 3,000, +5 (Circumstance) Stealth, Cloak 0 lb

    Ring of Windy Escape, (feat), Ring, 0lb

    Mask of Stoney Demeanor, 500, Head, 4 lb

    Concentrated Fire Ink (8 doses) 80gp


    3,180.35 GP

    25.25 lb / 26.00


  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5-VA7hTe2Q&feature=related


    If had known you were online I would have asked a bunch of questions. *Rolls eyes*

    The only thing remaining outstanding is permission to trade in 2 pointbuy points for an extra feat (specifically Exotic Weapon Proficency (Wakizashi), I had originally wanted a Katana and Wakizashi, but it just becomes a very convoluted mess, and given that I am am not THAT character orientated I just dropped it.)


    Where did you come from and how did you end up with Captain Freya?

    "I will tell you, but not here, it is not a tale for those men of mortality, please, come over here and I shall..."

    "Then what happened?"

    "I filleted him like a fish."

    "Just for asking where you came from?"

    "Partly that..."

    "What else was it?"

    "Care to come over here?"

    "Errr, no."

    "Ok then."


    What position on the ship did you hold/what was your role?

    "Fixer. I fix things."


    How did you manage to survive and get to land?

    *Points at the Rowboat, then at the Handy Haversack, then furrows eyebrows and looks for some shade*


    Name: Guy Incognito


    Player Name: Archi

    Race: Fetchling

    Class: Ninja 6


    Strength: 8

    Dexterity: 20 (17)

    Constitution: 14

    Intelligence: 14

    Wisdom: 10 (12)

    Charisma: 14 (12)

    HP: 44

    AC: 19 (Flat 19, Touch 15)

    Initative: +5

    BAB: +4

    Fortitude: +4

    Reflex: +10

    Will: +2

    Melee: +3

    Ranged: +9

    CMB: +9

    CMD: 18


    Racial Traits:

    +2 Dexterity, +2 Charisma, -2 Wisdom

    Native Outsider


    Normal Speed

    Dark Vision

    Low-Light Vision

    Skilled: +2 Knowledge (Planes) & Stealth

    Shadow Blending: Attacks against a fetchling in dim light have a

    50% miss chance instead of the normal 20% miss chance. This ability

    does not grant total concealment; it just increases the miss chance.

    Shadowy Resistance: Resistance 5 VS Cold and Electricity

    Spell Like Abilities: Attacks against a fetchling in dim light have a

    50% miss chance instead of the normal 20% miss chance. This ability

    does not grant total concealment; it just increases the miss chance.

    Favoured Class Bonus: +2 on Stealth & Slieght of Hand in dim light/darkness


    Class Traits:

    Poison Use:

    Sneak Attack: +3d6

    Ki Pool: 5

    No Trace: +2

    Uncanny Dodge:

    Light Steps:



    Vanishing Trick

    Fast Stealth

    Pressure Points



    Two Weapon Wielding

    Weapon Finesse

    Agile Manuevers


    Languages: Common, Tengu, Sylvan, Aquana, Dracononic, +1



    Acrobatics: 14

    Appraise: 3

    Bluff: 11

    Climb: -1

    Craft(untrained): 2

    Diplomacy: 10

    Disable Device: 14

    Disguise: 10

    Escape Artist: 14

    Fly: 5


    Initimidate: 3

    Knowledge (Local): 10

    Knowledge (Planes): 3

    Linguistics: 9

    Perception: 9

    Perform(Untrained): 2

    Profession (Sailor): 4

    Ride: 5

    Sense Motive: 5

    Sleight of Hand: 14

    Stealth: 20

    Survival: -1

    Swim: 8



    Heirloom Keen Adamantium Katana:

    Wielded: Primary

    To Hit: 10

    Damage: 1d8+1

    Critical Range: 16-20 *2

    Cost: 5,050

    Misc: Deadly - +4 Coup de Grace, Ignores Hardness below 20


    Keen Wakizashi:

    Wielded: Off-Hand

    To Hit: 10

    Damage: 1d6

    Critical Range: 16-20 *2

    Cost: 2,335

    Misc: Deadly - +4 Coup de Grace



    Handy Haversack: 2,000, Carried, 5lb

    Gloves of Darkness: 3,600, Hands, +6 Stealth, 0lb

    Keen Adamantium Wakizashi: 5,035, Primarcy 2lb

    Keen Wakizashi: 2,335, Off-Hand 2lb

    Mithril Shirt: 1,100, Torso 10lb

    Outfit (Cold-Weather): 0, Clothing 7lb

    Chain Belt: 15, Belt, 0.25lb

    Blanket(Winter): 0.5, HH 3lb

    Block and Tackle: 5, HH 5lb

    Caltrops: 1, HH 2lb *10

    Candle: 0.01, HH 0lb *10

    Chalk: 0.01, HH 0lb *5

    Flint and Steel: 1, HH 0lb

    Grappling Hook: 1, HH 4lb

    Manacles (Masterwork/Medium): 50, HH 2lb *2

    Manacles (Masterwork/Small): 50, HH 2lb

    Mirror (Small/Steel): 10, HH 2lb *2

    Oar: 2, HH 10lb *2

    Oil: 0.1, HH 1lb *2

    Piton: 0.1, HH 0.5lb *15

    Rope (Silk/50ft):lb 10, HH 5lb *5

    Rowboat: 50, HH 100lb

    Waterskin(Filled): 1, HH 4lb

    Darklight Lantern: 200, HH 3lb (loaded)

    Elemental Breath: 80, HH 0.5lb *5

    Flask of Shadowcloy: 24, HH 1lb *20

    Moonrod: 10, HH 1lb *10

    Signal Kite Kit: 5, HH 0lb *20

    Dust of Greater Darkness: 90, HH 0lb *2



    Concentrated Fire Ink (8 doses) 80gp

    45.35 GP

    22.25 lb / 26.00


  9. Ehhh, shall we say Sunday/Next week?

    My planning time went into the liberation of Koeingburg, and if Mask and Mather are only going to be here late/not at all, and with the continuing saga of Nex's internet problems, the only person who will be there throughout is Retech...and that does not bode well for the story. =P

  10. In theory we are. Nex may not be here, but I woukd prefer not taking two weeks off in a row.


    I am working on some graphical aides and have got everything except the lighting sorted... each of which takes up more polygons than the rest of the map, so I am probably gonna trim down the detail on them. (No expense has been spared =P)


    Though the save is partial corrupted due to the high polygon count...Still workable, but troublesome =P



    Ok, these are the views from where you are. Please use some imagination, and remember that I am using 6-9 year old software, am not a graphics artisan, and etc.

    https://dl.dropbox.c...aric/View 1.png

    https://dl.dropbox.c...aric/View 2.png


    Since it is all a 3d model, and saved, I can run off new ones in about a minute of rendering.


    PS. If Nex isn't here you will each gain a temporary fate point.

  11. The simple work around is:

    Player: Offer Such and such an alliance.

    GM: I will offer them an alliance

    GM: Such and such player offers you an alliance

    Other player: I wonder if it is an NPC alliance or a player alliance?

    GM: Who knows...



    But yeah, people rarely co-operate in any strong detail, and knowing who the leaders of other countries are just leaves a bunch of abuses open...like borrowing money from Paul in all circumstances.


    However this system leaves itself open to 'I take over Iran, put a nuke in a suitcase and mail it to the whitehouse' or something more feasible...like 'I take over Russia, continue my space program, and casually blow up a nuclear powered rocket over America to act as an EMP, then launch an all out strategic strike on their nuclear weapons and command infrastructure. Oh, also I change the name to Jen's Republic, change my name to Jen and announce an Anthrax program to be developed in New Wasteland(Norway). I also take over Germany and lead the Anti-Jen alliance. ~ Dusty'

  12. They tend to have a requirement, for instance if you were the Wolf Hunter Cell then you would need someone to have a wolf, and appropriately trained to hunt with it, and if you lose the wolf then you can't buy more from that list.


    Everyone in the group must have the same directive. For more details Daemon Hunter, page 62.

  13. Also, in responce to the latest Tip It Times Article

    Assuming you're talking about mine:

    It's only the latest because Tripsis hasn't posted today's yet, and it was outdated the day after I wrote it (Close to two weeks ago now) :razz:


    Psht, I was just looking for something to talk about so it didn't look like I was attacking Iey so much. =P



    But like I said, I enjoy the games, I don't really look to tell people what they should think of me, except when asked.

  14. Mmmm, really moderation should have come much earlier...There has been nothing productive in this discussion since I asked if anyone wanted to join me in a game, Mather suggested Minecraft and RS and I declined those suggestions.



    Also, in responce to the latest Tip It Times Article, I am not entirely sure what people are suprised about. On the first level if you release a program which allows for duplication of items and general ways to 'make' money, in a game that have such a great following in economics (continually buoyed up by updates which favour that), then obviously people will use that system more than a new combat update.

    On the second level, there are mountainous volumes of people suggesting ways to improve RS, everyone has an opinion and few agree with anyone else...

    On the third level, there is the old joke: "How many Runescapians does it take to change a lightbulb?" "100, 1 to change it and 99 to complain how it was better before."

    On the forth level, changes to game mechanics are rarely favourably recieved...The people who play the game tend to be the people who enjoy the way things are at the moment.


    Of course the other point is that beta tests give people an opportunity to complain about the things they don't like...making it hard to claim that people want the change.

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