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Posts posted by archimage_a

  1. Yeah, I always prefered the Quests and such to the fighting in RS. Tip It definately played a big part in me getting around =P


    Nex, you should play Civ, the little 'Just one more move' is brilliant.

  2. Well, on the assumption that you have a move speed of 60/120/240, or we slow down for an hour while you fish and collect water...We would then need to roll a DC 10 to see if the water was safe to drink, and probably find out it had salt in, and thus unsafe. (Depending on Retech)


    At anyrate this is rather academic unless we actually have a destination in mind...setting out with a rowboat, a squid and a dozen rafts will get us as far as the first night, when we will probably be set upon by water beasts/storms. Likewise, getting battered by the cold will probably end our adventures relatively quickly.


    Thus wise a plan:

    Garmund takes his Dragon and scouts out the local area, finding out how doomed we are and if there is another Island nearby.

    Tena, myself and Elgretor collect wood and food and constructing a water barrel.

    Sendrial pumps the community of people he has found for information. (Given he doesn't know what we have done he could do anything)

    ShadowWing...Probably makes sense for you to build the rafts and help in whatever you want.

  3. I prefer 'silly', somewhat similar to Grimrock's option to turn off the minimap and do it yourself.


    And yeah, Resident Evil (2 specifically) was rather good on the completionist, since you have 4 different games (A and B games for two characters), and though they are broadly similar, there are just enough differences to make it interesting, and you can try to recieve a higher rank while you do the second playthrough of an A/B.

  4. Ehhh, playing a game usually resolves to discovering things, beating things or setting things.

    Discovering things is the easiest, you wander around until you can't find anything else...if you are lazy then many RPG games are too hard for you, since they rely on you going out to find stuff, rather than progressing through a linear tale.

    Beating things is the most grindy...You push through the stuff that isn't really fun to get the one big pay off at the end. Like Nex's silly challanges, or achievements in games. Finishing the game is another example.

    Finally setting things usually requires other people, since you are setting a record/challange for other people to complete/defeat. This may seem similar to beating a game, but usually you are doing something your own way because you are already pretty good at it and so want to set the record for being good at whatever it is.


    Personally discovery is the only important part of the game. With the only reason to go for a 'completionist' streak is if it provides more information and more discoveries...elsewise it is just tedious.

  5. Well, I can supply our water needs, and if I am given the food I can turn it into stew without the need for a fire...

    In terms of finding food itself, I could canablise one of the Signalling Kits and use the twine and an arrow to hunt fish near the surface if neccessary.


    Although we could just collect alot of food while on land (depending on how long we have), and store it in people's Handy Haversacks.


    The other thing to be aware of is that if we annoyed a God then boats, squids and such won't save us, so it might be wise not to lay everything on escaping the Island.

  6. I suppose I can carry Tena and ShadowWing as passengers on my boat, while Sedrial and Elgretor ride the Brine Dragon, and Garmund swims along side.


    Or some variation on that.


    Our main focus should be determining how fast the Island is disintergrating, if it is entirely disintergrating, and if we can just get far enough away from the Island to not die.

  7. Two things:

    1) Uncle is a Shipwright (specifically small boats) and they take several weeks to build (normally)

    2) Rowboats cost 500 SP. Craft checks generate DC * your roll (If you fail it doesn't equal anything). So on a DC 10 we would need to roll a 50 to get it done in 1 week.

    If we do accelerated crafting then the DC is increased by 10. So we only need a Roll of 25...


    For rafts it would just be a DC 10 check, since they cost nothing...So Rafts.


    Gives us something to do with our broken houses...


  8. In the next session of Windward:

    Crusoe buys a dozen boats after Garmund raises the peasants, slaughtered by Elgretor, and opens a boat store, with the dear old woman from Sedrial's tale as the main investor. With the boats brought, Tena constructs a floating house on stilts and begins to sail away from the Island, just in time for the acid from Mount ShadowWing to break free and destroy the rest of the Island.




    But yes, I agree with Nex, a truely enjoyable session and I can't help but think its because we know our characters this time around. =D

  9. Expansive Backstory:


    Our tale begins in the Shadow (Feel free to change this, it doesn't feature at all) Plane, some two hundred and fifty years ago when the son of Jeremiah, Count of Lubeck, betrothed his first born son, Constaine,

    to the a Plane Travelling Merchant's Daughter, by the name of of Mina Hagalin, from Taldor. Jeremiah, son of Ala'i, son of Constantine, both Counts/Sheiks of

    Lübeck before him, locked in the struggle to bring the word of our lord and Master, Allah, to the Heretics who dominated the continent, both seriously

    outmatched by the those forces and both forced to seek protection under the Banner of Denmark, a Heretic Kingdom in the North of the continent, both fighting

    to not only convert their people, but also to hold the faith in a land so hostile to it that it would periodically launch Crusades against the great Islamic

    forts south and east of the Continent. But from that betrothal onwards things began to change.

    The trader's father, Aage Hagalin, was a shrewd man, who travelled from Taldor, to the Kingdom of Croatia in the East, up through the Kingdoms of Poland and

    Russia, returning to Brevoy, crossing through the River Kingdoms and then travelling to the Island of Burgundehulm and getting passage to Lübeck to begin the

    next leg of his journey. From Burgundehulm he brought news that the King of Denmark, Knud III, was not long for this world, and his two daughters were

    struggling for the title of Heiress to the Kingdom, while his Vassels in Sjælland and Slevig were ready to revolt in a bid to depose the family Yvling who

    had recently defended Lübeck from the Holy Roman Empire, an evil and destructive empire to the south, and while the King had not won the war, he had tired

    his foe to a white peace at the expense of hundreds, if not thousands of Catholic lives.

    To this Jeremiah suggested that Aage should return north with a proposal of marriage to Lise, the younger, by six minutes, who had the weaker claim, in

    exchange for the betrothal. Lise, being a skeptical Catholic was not entirely adverse to this deal, but her father refused it entirely, he still held designs

    on the Kingdom of Sweden, who's heir was, as yet, unmarried. Aage persisted in secret and on the day after Knud's death he was waiting in the courtyard when

    thugs, sent by Sofia, the other sister, arrived and set about their orders to assassinate Lise. Aage took charge of the guards who had not fled in advance

    and lead a fighting retreat out of Skåne and across the Ostsee to Rügen, before being met by vessel under the command of the Count of Lübeck. The first order

    of business was to demand recognition as the Sheik of Lübeck, rather than the Christian usage of Count, to which Lise gave without hesitation, the second she

    required more time as it was a proposal of marriage under the Archian dynasty. The Ylving Dynasty was already threatened by its two long descendants being

    female, but Sofia already had a son, who's Father had waived all dynastic claim and so the Ylving line might yet be restored. After a week of contemplation,

    during which the Battle of København was fought, killing the great General Ragnar af Burgundehulm and thus rendering Slevig a lame horse. Sjælland, the

    victors of the combat, proceeded to move from the defensive to the offensive and made plans for the invasion of Skåne. In the meantime Sofia had married a

    Norwegian Prince, disinheriting her first son. This, more than anything else, convinced Lise that only by swift action could the situation be salvaged.

    Accepting Jeremiah's offer of marriage, on condition that consumation would only occur once she was crowned Queen of Denmark. Ali'a agreed and set about

    drawing Slevig's Duke, Egil II, to his banner. Lise meanwhile toured the province of Lübeck, seeking a body of soliders she could call her own.

    A year passed and the battle of Ystad was fought inconclusively, with both Christoffer I of Sjælland and Benget, marshal of Denmark, losing almost their

    entire host and being forced to retire. In the Sofia's Husband died before contributing a son or one man in support and King Stenkil of Sweden vetoed any

    further marriage to his sons, suspecting posion from one of the many threats against Sofia. As the harvest came to an end, and many families looked to a

    winter of peace, hopefully turning into a year and then the status quo, Jeremiah struck. His force of some one thousand men, together with one hundred men

    under Lise, marched north from the castle of Travenstar, through Slevig, collecting men as he went before laying a brief siege to Flensborg and compelling

    the surrender of Egil I and in his place his son was installed, Egil II. Egil II was a compromise candidate, being zealotly religious but a man of honour as

    well, and so he sworn an oath of friendship with Jeremiah and an oath of allegiance to Lise. From here a strike into Sjælland immediately humbled the wreck

    of the army of Christoffer and he was captured and, again, compelled to give up his title to his son, Einar I. Here was a man who they both agreed on, rather

    than both disliked least, he was a skeptic but also a man of science, not merely content to naysay the church. With his friendship and alliegence secured the

    army of Lübeck was, again, on the march, or in this case sail. The crossing was hazardous, but well managed and once ashore three running battles were

    fought, each time checking the armies of Benget until finally the fortress at Helsingborg was reached. Here momentum finally ended and a three year siege was

    entered into, with the length being attributed to intestinal fighting between Lise and Jeremiah. Indeed it was only an outbreak of Camp Fever which claimed

    the life of Sophia that finally ended the war, but this victory did not sit well with the men of the realm, nor with Lise, who used it to void the promise of

    consumation. Immediately Jeremiah found himself back as being a hold out, without a hope of advance. Yet he had made two allies who would prove invaluable

    for his successor, Constaine.

    But his reign was still some way off, and as Jeremiah continued his efforts to improve the Sheikdom, his one achievement from the war, the Kingdom of Denmark

    struggled against the Kingdom of Norway, who now claimed Denmark as rightfully their's. The war was long and inconclusive, ending mostly because all of the

    protagonists had died, rather than an agreed peace. Jeremiah contributed little to the war, sending troops sparingly to his, demoted, forth, wife, spending

    more of his time training his son, Constaine, in the ways of statecraft, and of the wonders of the navy and power projection. Constaine married Mina and she

    provided much of the economic advise that the Archian Dynasty had lacked, and still lacks, and after the Hajajj was granted the city of Lübeck and made a

    great success of its running by close ties with the merchants from the North, West and Material Plane, as well as within Denmark. A large portion of his

    money was spent on rebuilding the Mosque of Ratzenstar after the pagan rabble burned it, and the township it serviced, to the ground, which has since become

    a bastion of Islam. This was particular bolstered after the death of Caliph Zakariyah and the مرة من الخسارة, or Time of Loss, before Badshah Imamadin I, "The Holy",

    called for the Caliphate to pass to him, as a descendant of Muhammad. But we get ahead of ourselves.

    After the death of Jeremiah Constaine set about cleansing the Sheikdom of non-believers, and did this by deal with the Danish King, Einar Hvide, who had been

    Duke of Sjælland, the last survivor from that war, that all 'Heretics' should be sent to Lübeck, and visa versa. Inside a year the constant riots had ended

    and Constaine had a free hand to secure the boarders. This he did first by a substantial tribute to the Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, and then by raising

    an army and sailing for Uppland, then capital of the Swedish Kingdom. The landing was unopposed, and after it became clear that he would eventually win, even

    against the seemingly unchallangable power of Sweden (though we now know that a fierce revolt was taking part in Audenborg, which had diverted substatial

    troops, giving only the illusion of weakness) Denmark stepped in to claim parts of Southern Sweden, Eindar having died and been replaced by Christoffer II,

    his younger brother. This intervention gave further weight to the revolt in the West and thus Sweden disintergrated into Norway, Denmark and 'Sweden' the

    offical title claimed by Constaine after King Niklas was killed, leaving no surviving heirs.

    Constaine set about rooting out Christendom and digesting the half populated, half ravaged Constaine, diverting considerable revenue from Lübeck and earning

    himself the title "The Blessed" for the great war, its relatively bloodless resolution and the conversion of the Counts. However Constaine, having achieved

    his aims within such a short space of time was at a loss as to what to do next, with Norway, Denmark and Rus all presenting land threats, and Sweden not yet

    secured, and thus he withdrew into scripture, with Mina taking charge of the running of the Kingdom. However of this union, and of the other three wives,

    eight sons and five daughters were born, bringing the number of living Dynasty members to sixty, of these the first son, Ala'i, stood out only by his

    devotion to the word of Islam, often requiring his parents diplomatic skill to smooth over insults when he was given the city of Lübeck and began driving

    away the merchants.

    After some thirty eight years Constaine died peacefully in his bed and Ala'i, already some twenty nine years old, took control of the Kingdom with no issues,

    proceeding immediately to mobilise the army and march against the disunited Kingdom of Denmark, again two daughters had become the soul heirs, but this time

    instead of siding with one or another Ala'i declared both incapable of good governance by virtue of being Christian and had both executed, along with whole

    villages who failed to crucify their priests, citing the Surah "'The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might

    and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that

    is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter.", when he came across them. His reign cleansed Denmark, but also

    destroyed it economically and militarily, as roaming bands would burn the crops of villagers who were not Hafiz, or 'Guardians' of the Qu'ran, capable of

    reciting it at will. Mercifully this practice only lasted two-three years in most parts of the country, after the devestation became so accute that three

    cities were entirely devestated.

    This devestation played a major role in the defence of Lübeck in the following attack by the Holy Roman Empire, and several uprisings almost spelled defeat,

    only through the marriage of Is'mal, Alai'a's oldest son to Acenith bint Ra'uf, of the Fatimid Dynasty, and their intervention in the war, did end the

    conflict on the status quo.

    Ala'i lived another several years, but as soon as the war ended he left for Alamut, leading the Hashashiyyin, the Assassins of Islam and giving substantial

    wealth and power, as well as a dynasty, to the order. For this, and his treatment of the Christians, he was known as "The Apostle".

    Is'mal held little interest in commanding the Hashashiyyin, seeing them as a tool to be used, rather than something he needed to lead, therefore he passed

    control of the Hashashiyyin to his oldest brother, Hussayn. However he had been schooled by his father until he left and developed as much into a zealot as

    his father had been and mobilised several armies to reclaim the 'independant realms' which had slipped away after Sweden had fallen, such as Åland and

    Gotland. These campaigns were only a prelude to the massed, two front war, against Rus and Norway. The war lasted some twenty two years and saw the

    annhilation of several generations, breaking Norway and Rus, and leaving Sweden depopulated and barren, the only areas that remained at anything approaching

    city levels was Lübeck, which saw no fighting due to its position. Several plans had existed to attack the Holy Roman Empire, and studies show that the Holy

    Roman Empire was planning a similar measure, but the war never came, for Sultan Is'mal, or "Ironsides" as he was commonly known, was battered to death with a

    mace during a battle with Rus. Muddam, his ninth son, and only surviving, of eleven, had survived only by become a Iman, though now that he was thrusted into

    leading a nation he had to renounce his vows, though continued to conduct ceremonies when time allowed, and he made sure it did.

    The long reign of Muddam is distinguished that in forty two years there was no war, and the celebration of the Empire of Archius (Scandinavia). Beyond that

    the complete devotion to gaining vast amount of religious unity and economic revival mark Muddam down as one of the greatest leaders to date, and gives him

    his well earned title "The Holy".

    While Muddam took the Imperial title for the Empire, he did not take it for himself, insisting that he only ever wanted to be the spiritual leader of the

    Empire. Imamadin held no such compunction, having lived most of his life by the time he gained the title Badshah. However his reign largely continued in the

    same vein as before, save for an invasion attempt by the Holy Roman Empire, which was repelled with such ferocity that the peace deal saw the surrender of

    Germany, the centerpeice of the Empire. On the back of this victory, and with the passing of Caliph Zakariya, last of that branch of the line of Muhammad,

    and the fact that, due to the marriage of Is'mal, the holy blood of the prophet ran through his veins, the Caliphate was re-established. However Imamadin was

    not long for this world, and of his seven sons only one had not already passed on by the time he died and entered as "The Holy", part in jest for how it

    seemed that Muddam I had just carried on in a different body, and part for bringing the Caliphate from the Holy Land to the Empire that only a century and a

    half before had been entirely pagen.

    Muddam II did not continue that trait, and though he only lived another thirteen years, he doubled the size and increased the population by a factor of

    fifteen, and all this began when a Norse Emir revolted at the extreme level of power the Badshah wielded, preventing them from most all wars. Muddam II

    listened to the man before he was executed, and decided that Orkney must be recovered from Scotland. Almost immediately an intervention from France and

    England destroyed the Archius ability to make war by destroying the ramshackle navy and a dishonourable peace had to be given to save from economic ruin by

    blockade of Øresund.

    After a half year interlude Muddam II struck the Kingdom of Brittany by suprise attack, bringing victory before either England or France could intervene

    decisively. A year later a Jihad had been declared for France, and was underway, with armies driving up through Navarre, which had been conquered during the

    interim, aided by the Aftasid Sultanate of Iberia, as well as Brittany and Brabant, the only place where mainland France touched mainland Sweden. English

    intervention was affected despite a fierce naval war, but the English intervention was not sufficent to altar the outcome of the war, which ended some seven

    years after it had begun with the complete surrender of the House of Carpet, who were pensioned off to Aquitaine. The war had, of course, taken its toll, but

    Muddam II struck Scotland again, in the last year of his life, and it was there he died, and he was named "The Good" after his determination to bring

    salvation to the heretics, now known as infidels due to several alterations made to the Qu'ran during the مرة من الخسارة.

    The very brief, 9 days, rule of Caliph Muhsin I was brought to a sudden end by a Scottish national. He is known as Caliph Muhsin I as he was not celebrated

    as Badshah, while Caliph is hereditary and automatic.

    Badshah Muddam III lead to a fusion of the previous rules, lasting some 63 years, expanding the empire and bringing about the rule of rightousness in the

    land so that the strong should not harm the weak. Of primary importance was the decision not to continue his Father's work and destroy England, but he rather

    negotiated a five way treaty, between the Holy Roman Empire, Archius, England, Aftasid and Leinster, each assuring none would go to war, except for self

    defence. This break greatly assisted Archius as it was soon dragged into a revolution in Scotland against the Islamic ways, France, by irony, had taken to

    the ideas whole heartedly. The revolters looked for support from England, but they found none and so instead called for help from Rus, Poland and the

    Byzantine Empires, the last three Empires not Islamic or on friendly terms. Only the Byzantine Empire answered the war cry, and so an invasion of France

    (Through Bordeaux as Toulouse was controlled by the Almoravid Sultanate.) was began and repulsed wholeheartedly. With Scotland in uproar Muddan took the

    unorthadox stept in throwing his full weight behind an attack on Thrace, which turned into a protracted war, but largely achieved its aims in destroying the

    will of Scottish people to fight. Once subdued a pardon was given, and several Scottish landowners were given lands conquered from the Byzantine Empire.

    Then for a long time there was peace, and Badshah Muddam focused on the things that were important to him, the Arts and Science. Magic, though it had long

    been used in the form of relics, had been almost completely destroyed. Scholars and Theologians agree that the unity of Islam and Christanity, in the belief

    in one God, though they call him by different names, makes it less neccessary for that God to show himself as he does on the Material Plane. Several Material

    Plane Wizards have pointed out that their Gods all have different personalities, different aspects, even working against each other, but to both the

    Caliphate and the Papacy the meaning behind this is clear, the people of the Material Plane are too stupid to believe there is just one God and so Allah, in

    his wisdom, appears as multiple Gods, to help them understand the world better. The Material Plane Wizards retort that they have mastered several spells

    through diligent practice, and the Papacy and the Caliphate respond differently. The Papacy claim that this is merely the Devil's work, who tempts the weak

    willed with promises of power in exchange for their soul, and the 'diligent study' is actually extended feeding sessions for the Devil, who replaces the soul

    with 'magical' energies. The Caliphate rightly assert that there are definate, unchangable laws, set by Allah, for us to discover, but that these discoveries

    are not mysterious but complex, and Wizards and the like are either tricksters or they are applying scientific knowledge haphazardly.

    Several long circulars were produced, covering this, and similar subjects, but continually the Papacy would lose arguements due to their scaremongering and

    the failure of Christanity to repel Islam, despite claims of superority. Increasingly the Papacy was passed over for the Patriachy, in Kerson, until the two

    offices were folded together during the late reign of Muddam III, when the Holy Roman Emperor announced he was a Muslim.

    However this long peace created complacency, and so when the English struck on a multipronged attack, into France, Denmark and Scotland, Archius struggled to

    repulse the invaders. Muddam III refused to take up arms again and so command fell to his first son, Constantine. However he could not fight in all three

    areanas at once, and so gave command of a third of the army, in Denmark, to Constinian, the forth brother, and another third to Constone, the second son, in

    France. Thus the three brothers held control of the armies, while the Third Son, Constrite controlled supplies and money. The Fifth son, Constrate was to act

    as go between, and the rest were not follow the others orders. During the war the system worked and England was crushed under the well oiled machine, more

    than this with Muddam III out of the picture the treaty was declared void and an attack on the Byzantine Empire seized Jerusalem and much of the lands south

    of the Bospherus, while the Holy Roman Empire strained under pressure from above, and Archius troops intervening when neccessary.

    However on the death of Muddam III the system broke down entirely. Constone had been killed during the fighting and so Constantine and Constinian had

    agreeded to share control in France, so when conflicting orders appeared things spiralled out of control. Constrite, seeing how his position could be used,

    manuevered himself into being promised the Caliphate if he assisted each to outwit the other. His efforts ultimately split the empire and lead to a

    wholescale slaughter of Archian Dynasty members as they occupied most every Sheik and Emirship, and could not easily be brought off with gold for they had


    It is here that my story truely begins, for I am the 6th Brother, Prince Constantino, fled from the realm of my fathers and their fathers before them, ye back unto times unknown. I am no great fighter, had my brothers not betrayed my father, then I would have traveled to Alamut, to join with my Great, Great, Great, Great Grandfather's people and learned the ways of the Hashashiyyin, as I did after my Hajjaj. Instead I have taken several relics and taken a ride on a merchant's cart through to the Material Plane. I cannot believe Allah will abandon me at my time of need, but so too can I not think that he will show himself to me just because I am on his plane and know the truth.

    As I sit in this little rowboat, I still wonder what effect the magics I used to get here will have had. I wonder if my disguise as a fisherman will fool anyone, or if the wreckage I see all around is one day or one month old. I wonder who my Mother was. This world may not yield many answers, but that will not stop me asking the questions.


    *While disguise checks are usually kept secret from the player, for the purposes of giving other players a chance (all be it a very low one since I rolled a 20) of recognising it is a disguise: 34 (20+7+2(trait)+5(Minor Details only...I am in a fisherman's boat, with fishnets, and I have been on the sea for a few days) | I would guess a +5 bonus to see it is a disguise, given that I have a backpack that is strangely immune to the sea =P Maybe +2 given I am stressed so should have faint blue Slyph lines, and +2 from the breeze that seems to follow me.*


    Abbreviated version:

    I row my boat, I have my fishing nets in since there is debries in the water, I have a confused look on my face. My beard has been turned wiry by the salt water, though is black. My skin is light and pale, smeared with dirt, salt and some blood. My clothes are torn and ripped. The boat itself is not a mess, but it looks like it has been at sea for several days.

    Greetings I am Crusoe, Jac Crusoe.

  10. I would like it, but its your character, so you should make it your own =)

    Looks good to my cursory glance.

    Couple of things:

    Remember Retech gives us an extra 6 skill points for Swim/stuff. Action points don't count for anything, so you can dump them. Also I think you get an extra ability point (Strength or Charisma or etc) at level 4. Sorry if you already included that =P


    Beyond that I don't know/it looks good =D

  11. I'm looking at the rulebook and I noticed something. The Psy Rating abilities' descriptions say they give you psychic powers. Is this supposed to be your maximum that you can buy, or do I have a lot of freebies to claim?




    I think you need to reroll the double vile deformity (since you can't gain disturbing twice)

  12. How many pounds of meat do I have left from my visit to the butcher? Also would it be possible for me to just find a cow or something and use seal wounds to regenerate its flesh as I carve chunks from it?

    I would assume they have rotted over the last five-seven days.

    You could carve the flesh off and regenerate the cow, but the cow would still lose mass...just not die.


    They are permenant, but there is a 'get out' planned in the future.


    Mather, it would be a daily check, and I meant double as in 2 penalties, rolled seperately. =P

  13. Hi all,



    During the voyage Mask befriends the cook, who offers you, and your comrades, a meal specially cooked for them. If anyone doesn't want to eat the meal then they don't need to turn up to the session.


    Each person who takes part in the meal will roll once on each of the following two tables, taking a bonus and a penalty.

    You can choose to take a double penalty and choose your bonus, or lose your bonus and choose your penalty.

    If the penalty doesn't apply to you then you should reroll.


    Bonus Table:


    1-15: +5 to each characteristic

    Nourish the Soul:

    16-35: You heal 2 wounds/non-permenent characteristic damage each time you kill someone/something (Doesn't apply to insects, apples and other fruit/vegtable =P), this cannot take you life over your max wounds.

    The Secret Ingredient:

    36-60: You gain the ability to spit venom, doing 1d10+5 R damage. It is a full action. You may also roll again (on both tables).

    Iron Stomach:

    61-85: Double your total number of wounds

    Hits the Spot

    86-95: Gain a +30 bonus when making Aiming actions, or +60 for full round aiming actions.

    Master Chef

    96-00: Gain Unnatural Intelligence (x3), or x4 if phrased as part of a recipe.


    Penalty Table:

    Spices from the East

    1-20: You take 1d6 wound if you spend any part of an hour in sunlight. The next hour you take another 1d6 wounds, and so on. You may choose to take clock time or relative time (Aka 19:59 and 20:00 both give you 1 wound, or 19:59 and 20:59)

    Forbidden Meats

    21-38: You gain the need to eat only red meat, further if you do not eat at least 20 pounds of meat you lose 1 Weapon Skill permenantly, and take a -20 penalty until you eat fresh meat.

    Eye of Newt

    39-65: Your Psi/Wizard Score is reduced by 50%

    Roc Eggs

    66-76: You may only stay on land from one sunrise to another (or one sunset to another). If you stay on land for longer than that you take 1d10 intelligence damage per 5 minutes after that (heals after 1 day) (Jumping, standing in a bowl of water and the like doesn't count)

    Mystery Meat

    77-90: Roll three times on the major mutation table

    Round Worm

    91-00: Healing magic/powers no longer affect you, and you heal at half the normal rate.

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