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Posts posted by archimage_a

  1. Violence erupts in Nation's Captial


    Reports of Violence in and around Regent's Park last week have been confirmed by police spokesman, Traybor Smith. "Our investigations have revealed a web of destruction, centered on the person of Lord Wades, who we believe Masterminded the destruction of Edwin Chadwick's Miasma Tower as part of an Anarchist's plot to spread fear and panic in the Capital." The police service itself was entangled in the web of intrigue as Lord Wades has developed intimate relations with the Metropolitan Police Service over the past decade. Two officers in particular Marcus Hail and Jeremiah Burk, of the Regent's Park branch have been arrested in connection with assaulting several members of the St Dunstan's Catholic Church, though have been cleared of the murder charge by one Alice Weaver, eyewitness and victim to the attacks of Lord Wade. The attack on the Catholic Church has started fresh protests in Ireland and on the Continent, weakening Britain's prestige and prompting outrage at home, with a firebombing of Lord Wade's city house, and the death of his servants. Some say if he had not been killed by a mysterious lone gunman on the night in question, then he would have been lynched in the days that followed. The long term consequences of the actions taken today have yet to be fully appreciated, but it has already damaged the position of the House of Lords and of the Metropolitan Police.

    Lord Wade's estate has fallen to his Brother, Lord Howe.

  2. Ok...


    539 : 0

    529.2 : 9.8

    480.2 : 29.4

    441 : 39.2

    392 : 49

    333.2 : 58.8

    264.6 : 68.6

    186.2 : 78.4

    98 : 88.2

    0 : 98


    So 98 m/s*1 Tonnes = 98,000 newton = 9.9932188871837 Tonnes


    To reach 1,000 Meters per second you would need a 51,753.8 meter drop. (approximate, since gravity isn't 9.8 exactly)

  3. Ok, since the majority of people know who they are:



    If you see the walkway coming off of the U in Outer Circle, the Island that it crosses is where the first part of the story will take place.


    If you arrive late, and we have started, then I will invent a short story to explain how you got there...It will probably be that you saw a flyer and was interested in thie 'Miracle Cure for All Illnesses, by Edwin Chadwick', but if your character just goes walking in the park alot that also works =P.

  4. Nimbus is up. If everything gets finished by 18:00 GMT (2 and 1/2 hours time) then I will take a break to plan the session. If not I will do my best to run the session without a plan =P

  5. Illusion magic would cover illusions...Audio, Visual, Tactile, even smells and tastes.

    At first this might cover the ability to project your voice, or to produce a mask out of thin air...Or to summon up a magician's puff of smoke.

    Turning stuff invisible/silent would also be covered under that.


    I should point out that creating multifaceted illusions (ones that speak, move and feel) requires higher level powers. You can, of course, use two or three low level powers, but they will not neccessarily be in sync.

  6. Ok, the setting is London, around 1880 (Basically between 1880 and 1889, so feel free to choose stuff from that specrtum). An information pack on the era will be coming out soon.


    Also I will probably be using this map:



    Please begin your character generation and post on the thread.

    Most days I will be in #Nimbus if people need help.


    Please get your characters done by Friday so we can run the game on Saturday =)

  7. Ratzenstar:

    We explored the Island's caves, found 3 more Kobold bodies for you, they are back at the camp(in a grave). I also found a 100ft drop off, with water at the base.

    ShadowWing went after the Stowaway, and lost his trail after a set of impossible to find a path through trees. I assume some sort of illusion magic is involved.

    Meanwhile Tena threw up due to the stench of the Kobold Bodies, so the bath came in useful.

    I went after ShadowWing, we met up and journeyed back to camp.

    Then myself, Tena and ShadowWing went looking for the cave system you found and blocked off. We found our way inside and after throughly exploring found only a number of steep drop offs into water (Similar to the one I found, so underground aquaducts?)

    Last thing to happen, I was being lowered into the water, since ShadowWing can't see in the dark/underwater =/



    After docking at the habour opposite the harbour, he agreed a lootsharing scheme with the mercenaries and then sailed for Absolm(or whatever it is). He tried to get a job investigating the shackles, but the crew didn't like that, so he joined the military.


    The Shackles:

    After you DCed nothing happened to you...Just Kobolds ready to fire at you with their light crossbows.

    Meanwhile Elgretor and his Imp were captured by a Kobold. After he failed to cast Lesser Geas on the Cleric, he had the Imp chew through his bindings and escaped.

    Once on the surface he cast Commune, asked about Artifacts, and was told that there were some, and the Kobolds 'might' have them (Though Retech later said they definately didn't).

    He then uses his invisible Imp to investigate the area, and found a pile of loot. He was spotted by a Cleric and went to hide.

    When he got back the loot was guarded by the Black Dragon and a number (4, I think) of Kobolds.

    He then sent the Imp on a scouting mission. The Imp was seen, but somehow managed to acquire a bag of valuable cloth and fly half way out of range before initative was called.

    The Imp then turned around and cast Suggestion on one of the Clerics, which failed.

    Then the Imp was hit with Flame Strike, which the Imp is half immune to, though Retech didn't know that.

    The Imp was hit twice more and died (presumably dropping the bag of loot).

    After this Elgretor stepped forwards and talked to the dragon, attempting to convince it that he was a Scholar, studying 'The Artifact'.

    When asked to describe the artifact Elgretor appraised the pile of loot and found a Vorpal +5 Greataxe (Which the Dragon happened to be standing on...of course).

    The Dragon asked to see the Spellbook, and after much discussion, Elgretor passed him the spellbook.

    The Dragon read it, asked if that was everything, Elgretor said yes, so the Dragon 'Touched' him.

    Elgretor passed the Will Save but failed the Fortitude save. So saw the dragon for what it really was (Kobolds on a Glider...possibly with an Artifact, or some magic anyway), then spent half an hour trying to get the Vorpal +5 Greataxe using heropoints, since he took 42 damage from the Dragon's other attack (not sure what type).


    Pretty much it.

  8. We can look at the log...rather than guessing:


    [19:09:35] <13,8



    > Pointbuy

    [19:09:36] <3,0



    > Dungeoneering system


    [19:09:41] <2,8



    > Pointbuy

    [19:09:41] <3,0



    > Sorry. Little late on that one..


    [19:09:43] <15,3



    > Dungeoneering system.


    [19:10:24] <12,11



    > Um


    [19:10:35] <12,11



    > What's Pointbuy?


    [19:10:43] <4@



    > Nimbus/fate


    [19:10:52] <4@



    > Basicaly anything where you earn points


    [19:10:55] <4@



    > Rather than skills


    [19:10:56] <12,11



    > Pointbuy


    [19:10:57] <13,8



    > Get a quest > do a quest > distribute skills


    [19:11:01] <12,11



    > Well


    [19:11:03] <12,11



    > Hm


    [19:11:03] <14,0



    > Pointbuy, then


    [19:11:09] <12,11



    > Yeah I guess Pointbuy


    [19:11:15] <4@



    > Ok



    Jen: Pointbuy

    Earth: Dungeoneering

    Grim: Pointbuy

    Mather: Dungeoneering

    Nex: Pointbuy

    Alg: Pointbuy

    Archi: Pointbuy


    There has to be some sort of compromise, and I have offered a compromise that gives the Dungeoneering lobby pretty much everything they want, the only exception being Magic. We can vote on it later, if you would prefer.

  9. Also isn't it reasonably clear that no one actually wants a point-purchase system? It's just pointlessly complicated and unrealistic.

    As highlighted extensively the pointbuy is only used for the magic, mostly because casting fireball five hundred times is tedious...and sitting on the grass summoning streams of frilly lights really is the living end.

    If we wanted full realism then there would be a school, the game would last several years, and leveling up would come annually.

    Oh, and character creation, though that can be removed if people prefer.


    On top of that multiclassing multiple magics is largely pointless, given that people can fly with fire, ice, nature...etc...There isn't really a limit on what you can do with magic.

  10. I am drawn to a 1880s setting. Guns are reasonably uncommon, as are Cars, but can be acquired.

    Also the Tavern has something against Archers, so maybe Gunmen will be more tolerable =P


    Magic would be Esper and Artifact based.


    The Esper Magic itself is reasonably weak...Flame Magicians = Able to produce a candle flame. In game terms this means level 2-2.9 costs 0.2 per 0.1, level 3-3.9 costs 0.3 per 0.1, and so on. Each player gets a level 1 power at the start of the game (For instance Candle Flame, Ice Nail, Rock Knuckles) and most NPCs will have some limited form of Magic.


    Only Magic would be handled through the Nimbus system (Minus Parity Levels), everything else goes through the traditional Dungeoneering system.*


    Artifacts can be acquired and produce singular effects, depending on the magic type being used. The Artifacts tend to be the size of buttons and tend to be mounted on weapons, clothes or, for the magically enthused, wands/staves. A typical artifact might be 'Firey Sphere'. For Fire/Pyro mages this would produce a flaming sphere at double (Up to a certain point, 7, for instance, decided when the artifact is created) their level. For Water/Hydro mages it would produce a steam cloud at their level. For Electro mages it would produce a flaming sphere that erupted lightning bolts, at their level -1 (Since Fire and Electricity don't exactly work together =P).


    The setting, beyond the general era of 1880-1889 is undecided. We could do Victorian London, or City-X, or the area around Caster in that era. We could use something like the Meritocracy that was discussed last night, with Magic being the Governing power, or the Quisitor of Caster, or Impertor of Priest Town, or Stovepipe hat wearing politicans. We could do Air/steamships, or the exploration of the African Interior. I am open to most things...as long as they explained in a manner I can understand.


    *Leveling up for most skills will be through the traditional Dungeoneering system of 'You do a task and you get better at doing that task.'


    For Magic you would set yourself a task, for instance "Travel to the Tailors and buy a pair of Goggles", I assign a difficulty rating, and if you complete the task then you gain points that you can spend to increase your magic skill. You can then spend skill to gain powers. These Powers may affect artifacts, reduce modifers or add new effects to your spells.


    In all skills each full number(interger) value increases your rolls by 1. Levels are capped at 20.


    Alternatively you can spend the points gathered to tailor a quest/task. For instance you could spend 4 points to buy a chance encounter with a bard, who tells you of a secret tomb containing the Artifact of "Force Shield". Essentially you give me an outline of a quest and I fill in the details and run it.


    Finally, for an increasing cost (1.0 for the first, 2.0 for the second, and so on) you can buy 'feats' which have a very wide meaning and needs to be nailed down.


    The game will be using Aspects and Fate Points.

    Please consult: http://www.faterpg.com/dl/sotc-srd.html for additional ideas, the system explained below is just my interpretation, I am willing to modify that if the changes make sense.

    In summery:

    An Aspect is a character Trait, for instance "Tyrant" "Coward" "Muscle-Bound" "Genius", etc. They are the traits that make up your character.

    Using an aspect adds 5 to a single roll, or allows a re-roll on things covered by that trait (since I am doing the rolling please tell me when you are using a +5 BEFORE I roll.). For instance "Tyrants" would be better at intimidating people or commanding troops, or counting gold. "Cowards" would be better at running away/dodging attacks, etc. Either of these uses 1 Fate Point.

    Aspects which have negative connotations, for instancy Tyrants being unable to show mercy, or Cowards who can't fight particularly well, gain 1 Fate Point when their aspect gets in the way. They actually have to get in the way to give you Fate Points, you can't simply start a fight with a mouse then not show mercy/be afraid of it.

    If I intervene on behalf of an Aspect, aka you are about to let another party member walk free, but you are a tyrant, I will take over your character, but give you a fate point. If you then attempt to free them straight away you will be warned, if you persist lose all of your fate points. Freeing them later, when your character has had time to reflect, is fine.


    Aspects are decided at the beginning of the game, 2 by you, and then 2 by another person(randomly selected) and 1 by me. Along with the 'Blurb' of your life, as explained below.

    At the end of a 'bought' quest you can change 1 Aspect(Character Growth), or by spending 5 of your Fate Points a (randomly selected) person can replace one of your Aspects(Epiphany).

    Plot Aspects, for instance 'Adept of the House of Tarsus' can be changed to reflect story development. Feel free to add these sorts of aspects in character creation.

    Naturally extreme derpery when selecting other people's traits will result in someone else picking them...For instance selecting, for Mather "Afraid of Science" or "Mortal Phobia of Ice" for Retech. The Aspects you select for other people should develop the character based on what already exists.


    The Blurb of your life should be just that. You write one to three lines on where you grew up, what you did as a child, etc (It is assumed everyone will be approximate 22-27). The person who choses your other aspects then writes what you did in the last 10 years or so. I then write what you did in the last two months or so, leading up to the present moment. I will take any comments you want into consideration.

    ...Simply I will add an event that causes everyone to meet up for one reason or another, as well as extricate people from any long term jobs they may have had.



    You are level 1.0 in your magic/-mancy skill. This is set in stone and cannot be changed during creation. If you wish to not have magic then simply don't add this skill, you can choose a magic later, if you change your mind, but will start at 0.

    You can select:

    1 skill you are at 10.0 in. (46.9)

    2 skills you are at 5.0 in. (22.8)

    3 skills you are at 3.0 in. (12.6)

    4 skills you are at 2.0 in. (8.4)

    5 Skills you are at 1.0 in. (5.0)

    (warning, convoluted/confusing rule system follows, using this is NOT advised.)

    If you want to customise this list then 0.0-1.9 costs 0.1 per 0.1. 2.0-2.9 costs 0.2 per 0.1, and so on. The bracketed values are the totals for each catagory. This is only used in character creation. This should sum to 95.7. The highest level you can reach is 14.1 at 94.7.

    All figures:


    0.1 = 0.1

    0.2 = 0.2

    0.3 = 0.3

    0.4 = 0.4

    0.5 = 0.5

    0.6 = 0.6

    0.7 = 0.7

    0.8 = 0.8

    0.9 = 0.9

    1 = 1

    1.1 = 1.1

    1.2 = 1.2

    1.3 = 1.3

    1.4 = 1.4

    1.5 = 1.5

    1.6 = 1.6

    1.7 = 1.7

    1.8 = 1.8

    1.9 = 1.9

    2 = 2.1

    2.1 = 2.3

    2.2 = 2.5

    2.3 = 2.7

    2.4 = 2.9

    2.5 = 3.1

    2.6 = 3.3

    2.7 = 3.5

    2.8 = 3.7

    2.9 = 3.9

    3 = 4.2

    3.1 = 4.5

    3.2 = 4.8

    3.3 = 5.1

    3.4 = 5.4

    3.5 = 5.7

    3.6 = 6

    3.7 = 6.3

    3.8 = 6.6

    3.9 = 6.9

    4 = 7.3

    4.1 = 7.7

    4.2 = 8.1

    4.3 = 8.5

    4.4 = 8.9

    4.5 = 9.3

    4.6 = 9.7

    4.7 = 10.1

    4.8 = 10.5

    4.9 = 10.9

    5 = 11.4

    5.1 = 11.9

    5.2 = 12.4

    5.3 = 12.9

    5.4 = 13.4

    5.5 = 13.9

    5.6 = 14.4

    5.7 = 14.9

    5.8 = 15.4

    5.9 = 15.9

    6 = 16.5

    6.1 = 17.1

    6.2 = 17.7

    6.3 = 18.3

    6.4 = 18.9

    6.5 = 19.5

    6.6 = 20.1

    6.7 = 20.7

    6.8 = 21.3

    6.9 = 21.9

    7 = 22.6

    7.1 = 23.3

    7.2 = 24

    7.3 = 24.7

    7.4 = 25.4

    7.5 = 26.1

    7.6 = 26.8

    7.7 = 27.5

    7.8 = 28.2

    7.9 = 28.9

    8 = 29.7

    8.1 = 30.5

    8.2 = 31.3

    8.3 = 32.1

    8.4 = 32.9

    8.5 = 33.7

    8.6 = 34.5

    8.7 = 35.3

    8.8 = 36.1

    8.9 = 36.9

    9 = 37.8

    9.1 = 38.7

    9.2 = 39.6

    9.3 = 40.5

    9.4 = 41.4

    9.5 = 42.3

    9.6 = 43.2

    9.7 = 44.1

    9.8 = 45

    9.9 = 45.9

    10 = 46.9

    10.1 = 47.9

    10.2 = 48.9

    10.3 = 49.9

    10.4 = 50.9

    10.5 = 51.9

    10.6 = 52.9

    10.7 = 53.9

    10.8 = 54.9

    10.9 = 55.9

    11 = 57

    11.1 = 58.1

    11.2 = 59.2

    11.3 = 60.3

    11.4 = 61.4

    11.5 = 62.5

    11.6 = 63.6

    11.7 = 64.7

    11.8 = 65.8

    11.9 = 66.9

    12 = 68.1

    12.1 = 69.3

    12.2 = 70.5

    12.3 = 71.7

    12.4 = 72.9

    12.5 = 74.1

    12.6 = 75.3

    12.7 = 76.5

    12.8 = 77.7

    12.9 = 78.9

    13 = 80.2

    13.1 = 81.5

    13.2 = 82.8

    13.3 = 84.1

    13.4 = 85.4

    13.5 = 86.7

    13.6 = 88

    13.7 = 89.3

    13.8 = 90.6

    13.9 = 91.9

    14 = 93.3

    14.1 = 94.7

    14.2 = 96.1

    14.3 = 97.5

    14.4 = 98.9

    14.5 = 100.3

    14.6 = 101.7

    14.7 = 103.1

    14.8 = 104.5

    14.9 = 105.9

    15 = 107.4

    15.1 = 108.9

    15.2 = 110.4

    15.3 = 111.9

    15.4 = 113.4

    15.5 = 114.9

    15.6 = 116.4

    15.7 = 117.9

    15.8 = 119.4

    15.9 = 120.9

    16 = 122.5

    16.1 = 124.1

    16.2 = 125.7

    16.3 = 127.3

    16.4 = 128.9

    16.5 = 130.5

    16.6 = 132.1

    16.7 = 133.7

    16.8 = 135.3

    16.9 = 136.9

    17 = 138.6

    17.1 = 140.3

    17.2 = 142

    17.3 = 143.7

    17.4 = 145.4

    17.5 = 147.1

    17.6 = 148.8

    17.7 = 150.5

    17.8 = 152.2

    17.9 = 153.9

    18 = 155.7

    18.1 = 157.5

    18.2 = 159.3

    18.3 = 161.1

    18.4 = 162.9

    18.5 = 164.7

    18.6 = 166.5

    18.7 = 168.3

    18.8 = 170.1

    18.9 = 171.9

    19 = 173.8

    19.1 = 175.7

    19.2 = 177.6

    19.3 = 179.5

    19.4 = 181.4

    19.5 = 183.3

    19.6 = 185.2

    19.7 = 187.1

    19.8 = 189

    19.9 = 190.9

    20 = 192.9




    I would give alot of leeway with Items, provided your backstory allows you to have them. Obviously be reasonable...If you were the assistant to Hiram Maxim, who died under mysterious circumstances, and left you his Maxim Gun then there will be fallout from that. Likewise if you are an Artifact Thief, hence you have 20 Artifacts, there will be a lot of fallout out from that. However all stories will have 'fallout', so don't ask 'How many artifacts can I have without getting fallout?' And don't be afraid of fallout. If you are a nobody, who never did anything with their life, and is basically boring as hell, then your adventures will be boring =P



    I should be in #Nimbus for the rest of the day, or until Windward at least.


    I do not expect people to begin generating characters yet. This is here for setting and system comments.



    I am going to highlight that nothing is set in stone, and comments like 'Chaos', redesigning the conversation, or general obsfucation do not help. I know people are not going to be happy, I am trying to provide the basis for a dialogue and gather ideas for creating a game. Naturally I am going to defend my side, but I am also going to respect what other people say.

    Please remember that this is not a tooth and nail fight for supremacy, you are trying to convince other people of the soundness of your idea so that a good time can be had by all. It doesn't matter if you have the most awesome idea ever, if people don't want to play it because you conveyed it by shouting 'Shut up and listen'. Please take your time and explain your idea as best you can, and give other people the chance to voice their ideas, and respect due process. I am not going to launch a game that people are unhappy with.


    As you can see above I have articulated an idea for a game system. It has taken me the best part of two hours and isn't complete, but from this people can suggest changes, draw ideas and help to produce a game.

    I got a lot of good ideas from the Bartimus(or however it is spelt) Trilogy when it was explained to me. I don't know if I will be able to use them, but at least I have the capacity now.


    At anyrate, feel free to post, talk or otherwise.

  11. Ok then. So since the voting system broke down entirely, here are some options:



    Dungeoneering, not Dungeoneering



    No, Illegal, Shunned, Limited, Yes



    Together, Individual



    THE Town(Game is set in a town), A Town (Game is set near/around a town), Over there (Game has a major town), The County (Game has multiple major towns).


    Fate Points:

    Hybrid, No


    Skill System:

    Pointbuy, Realism


    Voting closes midnight (BST) tommorow.

    I will have deciding votes in ties.

    You have 2 votes in each catagory, you cannot vote for the same thing twice.

    If you have a suggestion please post it in a way that can be understood by a dispassionate observer (In this case my Next Door Neighbour), if you think someone else's suggestion is good then vote for it, again in a way that a dispassionate observer would recognise.

    I reserve the right to discard things.


    Once things have been decided there will be a day for people to suggest new catagories, for instance 'Does Science exist?' to tailor the idea down.

    Again I reserve the right to discard things. This is not, I repeat NOT, your opportunity to dictate a game system. I will, as far as humanly possible, respect your decisions, but I will be running my own game...any situation where 'No you are doing it wrong' could feasible occur should be regarded as being on 'shakey ground'.

  12. I had been considering Aegis as a Time Travelling game (With Stalker Elements), but Retech had rallied heavy support for Dungeoneering, and since there is only one 'free' game slot I figured it would be better not to make things more complex, though if anyone wants to become torchbearer for that idea/2025 feel free.

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