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  1. Okay, Tip.It's quest help gets it wrong again! A few years ago I swore I would never write in forums again with the number of careless stuff ups and errors I find in Quest Help. However, I have had a number of Runescape friends and myself have had nothing but trouble using the Elemental Workshop III Puzzle formula for Puzzle # 2. Using the formula as suggested by Tip.It does not, repeat does not give you the desired result as shown in their Puzzle 2 diagram. One of two things; either the diagram pic is wrong or the formula is wrong. Which, I do not know, but as a suggestion I feel the written formula is incorrectly written down. I have tried their Puzzle 2 solution formula several times exactly as they have written it, and I have had over the shoulder supervision watching itensely my movements as per Tip.It's instructions and the puzzle refuses to come out matching their picture solution. So, players if you are still having trouble with Elemental Workshop III puzzles don't feel too bad because even the so-called quest experts who endeavour to help, they cannot get it right either. Sorry I cannot offer a correct solution but if someone does know the correct formula I am sure Tip.It and thousands of other players would really apprecite it added here. Thanks. Cheers all. Ozteddybear Skill lvl 2405
  2. The Effigy & assist players idea is great Jagex. It encourages more player-harmony & fair rewards. But Jagex, this is where it ends as a good idea. Those who have struggled & worked hard in their RS career having attained lvl 99 skills can only assist other players a measly TWICE or ONCE within a 24 hour period because they cannot process more than 30k of Xp. Go to any G.E. you can see many frustrated & angry players (quite rightly) wasting precious time searching for high lvl players, who are there but have reached their 30k Xp in 24 hrs limit. It's ridiculous. Really, this is insufficient to say the least, to cater for the new demand. Not the Xp given, but the number of times a player can assist another. Yes there are a lot of lvl 99 players in game, but they are not all playing at once & the few that are playing are split up & divided into 171 worlds. Hardly enough to go around to assist the thousands of other players online. Think about it. Lvl 99s have earned their status with a ton of hard work & dedication to each skill plus supported Jagex as a lengthy paying customer. The lvl 99er deserves far better than a miserable 2 lots 15k assist per day. And the struggling players who desperately need assistance with skills deserve far better than wasting time looking around for hours trying to find a lvl 99er who can help with a particular Effigy skill. Come on Jagex you can do better & I am sure players will support the Effigies & game far better if these miniscule limits are removed. Ozteddybear Skl Lvl 2399 Please support but stay ON topic. Yes I know there are various lvls of Anc Effigy all being lvl 91+ - lvl 99er is used in this thread as a generic to cover all levels who have potential to assist.
  3. ozteddybear


    I have never known any time in the game where bank space for any player was overly abundant. Bank space is always precious and scarce. Now I have said that, can someone please explain Jagex's logic to me with this subject. SUMMONING Lvl 78 allows a player to have up to 16 pets. It also says you can have an extra 2 pets for each further 10 lvls. So that means you can have 20 pets by lvl 98 Summoning. CONSTRUCTION only allows you to build ONE menagerie and ONE pethouse to hold a player's pets. The maximum number of pets allowed is only TEN. Now this is whether or not you build the very best menagerie or just a lesser-simpler one that allows ten pets. So where do all the other pets go Noah? Why bother having the extra pets that Summoning lvl 78 to 98 allows you to have? Yeah sure, you can put them in your bank and clog up that so-valuable precious bank space. Of course in real terms most players would not bother getting the extra pets and keep them in their bank account. The 16-20 pets should ALL be, after the hard summoning work to gain each actual pet, IN the pethouse menagerie at the player's house. Yet you CAN'T do that! Another case of Jagex gives it to you with one hand but takes it all away with the other. You can have 16-20 pets but you cannot show 16-20 pets as you can only have 10! Come on Jagex do the math. If Summoning says you can have 16-20 pets then FIX Construction so you can have the all the pets in the house at a reasonable level. I mean there is a HUGE window showing a line of ten animals in the player's house with a ton of blank space underneath for other animals/pets which you cannot have in there.
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