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Posts posted by unkn0wnwarrior

  1. This one was taken in December... I'll see about finding a better one for y'all later this weekend.


    [spoiler=Don't get too excited now...]cwVbjEA.png



    Yeah... so that's me. Unfortunately I don't have "the beard" in it, though.


    EDIT: Found a better one


    [spoiler=Still not my glorious beard, but it'll do.]WfcWlhI.png


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  2. I don't have enough of a neckbeard to live in my basement year-round, my brother has that honour

    I wish I was that lucky... My basement has no electrical outlets (barring one for the dryer).


    Pretty sure we went the opposite. I think it said our 10-year ones have a chip, our 5-year ones don't.


    5- and 10-year chips? When did this become AA? :P

    You got something against AA?
  3. Unkn0wn, we used to have 10-year passwords, but a few years ago they turned them to 5-year passports, because we have biometrical data in a chip in our passports. And to stop that from aging, limit was reduced to 5 years.

    Tomorrow, going to popchoir festival. To sing. Gonna be epic.

    Pretty sure we went the opposite. I think it said our 10-year ones have a chip, our 5-year ones don't.
  4. there wernt race options for starting, just different starts. Starting out in the warrior's guild, mage's guild, thief's guild, or dark brotherhood. Shipwrecked off the coast, starting off as a bandit, stuff like that. Also oblivion had it going for it that you wernt a chosen warrior, which I dont really like in games.

    The Skyrim one has some race-specific starts. Khajiits start with a Caravan, Dunmer start in Raven Rock (Windhelm without Dragonborn), Orcs start in a Stronghold, etc... There is also all of the guilds, houses and a few others like ship-wrecked.
  5. Found out Canada is finally going to 10-year Passports. Unfortunately, it means I have to wait another week to get mine, or else have to renew in 5 years.

  6. I keep meaning to get Run for your lives... I love RND and the Unofficial Patches. I ignore texture mods, mostly. Frostfall was a must have for me, though.


    I also have Life in Prison, but it gives me a headache sometimes. I probably shouldn't have got a 50k bounty to try it out. It took me 3 hours to drop it to 43k.

  7. Broke a plate today. I was taking it to the kitchen to be washed at a later time and dropped it 2 feet before reaching the sink. I spent the following 10 minutes making sure to clean up all the tiny shards.


    It is the second time I have reduced our dish total since moving into this place in December, the first one being a plastic bowl I kicked out of frustation/blind fury. Apparently I am the only one in my household that believes in rinsing dishes after use to help avoid stuck-on food.

  8. I can't think of anything particularly embarassing or expensive, but I'll give my most heart-breaking one.


    I am, and always have been, obsessed with the mime outfit/emotes. I had just got the last piece of the set (this was years ago) and walked around in it for a while. I put on my armor when I was done showing it off and went to the wilderness... forgetting to change the gloves and boots. I died. I had those gloves for less than a day and it took me a full year to get the gloves and boots again.

  9. Also, my characters appearance hasn't been changed for 9 years (meaning it's been the same since tutorial island)

    I have one who hasn't changed in 9 years, and one who hasn't changed in over a decade.


    The 9-year one-

    I once had a collection of around 10k empty buckets, but recently filled and sold them.

    I had over 7k pink skirts, as well.


    The decade+ one-

    Completed Dragon Slayer at level 40ish, wearing Mithril armor with only a few lobsters and low prayer level. It's probably not too impressive now, but it earned me a lot of praise at the time.

  10. Anime I watch on my laptop. Anything I can, I watch On Demand. The only thing I watch as it airs is Sports, but that is less fun this year since our cable is hooked up through a 13 year old 35" piece of junk, whereas at my old place I had satellite hooked up to my 47" LCD.

  11. 5:55am and I have been unable to fall asleep. I have been having these troubles all week, but it will hopefully end when it cools off a bit next week.

  12. Watch? Hockey and Lacrosse. Mostly Hockey, but Lacrosse is fun when they actually show it on TV.


    Play? Non-Ice Hockey variations (I'm a Canuck who can't skate, mostly due to knee and ankle problems.)

  13. Albel's recent posts in the Today... thread made me dig out my own RC helicopter. I forgot how fun it can be.


    What makes me smile about it, though, is when my aunt's cat tries to swat it out of the air. She doesn't get even remotely close to it, but she tries. Every time.



    It's not as fun when your scores are really low and there's nothing you can do about it, but I know what you mean. Sitting there doing nothing goes by much slower than being busy.

    I can attest to that. I spent a lot of shifts at my old job doing nothing (sometimes literally, sometimes not) and those days always went a lot slower. I started leaving early a lot because of it.


    EDIT: I just realized this is my first post in this thread.

  14. saw the latest die hard

    9/10 due to some over-dramatizations or some silly things but


    It was like, a comedy mixed with guns and violence. I loved it.


    You liked that shit fest of a movie?


    yeah i heard it was pretty bad as well

    I kept hearing bad things, but I enjoyed it. It was weak for a Die Hard movie, but it was pretty good as an Action movie.
  15. I've lurked TIF for a couple of years but only decided to join the community a couple of days ago. I've always been very involved on Runescape Fansite Forums, and I have no idea why it took me so long to come out of the darkness here. I have already met some nice people here and received an incredible response on my Introduction thread. I feel I will really enjoy my stay here, however long it may be.

    Yeah, we're good people. Mostly...


    Has it really been 8 years for me? Wow, that's a long time. On the other hand, I was already 16 when I joined? What?

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