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Posts posted by Topazjewel

  1. Breastfeeding doesn't bother me so long as the mother is making at least some sort of attempt to be discreet about it (which I've never seen one who wasn't, so it's never bothered me).




    If I walked by a park bench I'd rather see a mother breastfeeding her child than a couple making out. Different people are affected by different things, but I think the baby's well-being is more important than a little discomfort (however much justified) on the part of a passer-by.

  2. All I can say is FINALLY.




    Thank you so much for cleaning out the crap. The Off-Topic forum has needed this for a long time. Those threads should've been gone a long time ago, but better late than never. Hopefully the people who are upset about it will LEAVE and not come back, because those posts were sick and I don't like the idea that I'm associating with people who write and enjoy things like that.




    So thank you, to Turtlefemm and all the other mods/admins who finally took action.




    Looking forward to a better, cleaner Off-Topic. :D

  3. I just got my test score a few days ago. I didn't take any AP classes last year but decided to take the English Lit test for fun. I got a 4. Which is pretty darn awesome for not having taken the class.




    My junior year I took these classes and following tests and got:


    AP US History - 3


    AP Biology - 3


    AP Language and Composition - 5




    So obviously English is my strong point, which is good because that's what I want to pursue now that I'm headed to college in the fall.

  4. The bank now is not as good as the one suggested here, but it's an improvement.




    There will ALWAYS be someone who has to complain... The new bank is great, and I'm pretty sure that this thread influenced it quite a bit. :D


    Or any part of it that was on the official RS forums, since they said thanks to everyone who put their ideas up there.




    But yay, a new bank system, finally! :D

  5. Not to be a Negative Nellie (well, maybe a little), but I sincerely doubt that this thread had much IF ANY of an impact in Jagex's decision to make changes to the bank system. The current system has been the same since RS2 came out, and with all the other updates it's only natural that the bank would be one of them.




    So, while you can cheer yourself and pat your own back, it's not your doing. Until Jagex mentions your name in particular, linker009, I think everyone can go on safely and accurately assuming that you had nothing to do with it.




    Nice work, anyways.




    Kudos to Jagex for finally updating the bank as they see fit.




    I was all excited reading this thread over again after reading the behind the scenes, and then I read this.




    Way to be a negative Nancy, aka, a gigantic [wagon] and buzzkill.


    The only reason it would bother you is if you knew I had a point. Sorry.

  6. Uh, just get members.




    I know you anticipated someone would say that, but honestly, why would Jagex do this? They're a business, and the extra bank space is one of the incentives that gets people to sign up for membership, which is where they make their money.




    If they lessened the need for bank space (by having a different way to store random event items), they would be lessening the demand for bank space and cutting their own profits.




    While I would appreciate something like this, it's not a realistic idea because it doesn't benefit Jagex as a company in any way. (Except happier f2pers, but there's that whole FREE aspect there.)

  7. Not to be a Negative Nellie (well, maybe a little), but I sincerely doubt that this thread had much IF ANY of an impact in Jagex's decision to make changes to the bank system. The current system has been the same since RS2 came out, and with all the other updates it's only natural that the bank would be one of them.




    So, while you can cheer yourself and pat your own back, it's not your doing. Until Jagex mentions your name in particular, linker009, I think everyone can go on safely and accurately assuming that you had nothing to do with it.




    Nice work, anyways.




    Kudos to Jagex for finally updating the bank as they see fit.




    I'm going to laugh when Jagex DOES use Link's or Thag's format.








    I think it's nice that Thag and Link came up with their own concept for how the bank would look, but just because a new bank is coming doesn't necessarily mean that their work had anything to do with it. That's my view, please respect the fact that I have an opinion, even if it differs from yours.

  8. Not to be a Negative Nellie (well, maybe a little), but I sincerely doubt that this thread had much IF ANY of an impact in Jagex's decision to make changes to the bank system. The current system has been the same since RS2 came out, and with all the other updates it's only natural that the bank would be one of them.




    So, while you can cheer yourself and pat your own back, it's not your doing. Until Jagex mentions your name in particular, linker009, I think everyone can go on safely and accurately assuming that you had nothing to do with it.




    Nice work, anyways.




    Kudos to Jagex for finally updating the bank as they see fit.

  9. [hide=Simple enough]JUNO_800X600_WP03.jpg[/hide]










    this would work well. the colors are too bland though. i would suggest something like that, except for the skirt with legs like the girl is wearing.


    No; Mel totally needs to try to match that outfit and get (Brent?) to match what that guy is wearing as closely as possible. That way they're more easily identified. The colors are half the outfit, "bland" or not (the other half being the pregnancy, which I think is well in hand here.) :D Have fun!

  10. The theme was something like "Classic Hollywood." I went with this really nice guy named Garret, and we went with 2 other couples so it was a nice group date feel. We had pizza and fried rice and sparkling cider at Kate's house, went to Prom, then went minigolfing. Then back to Kate's for cheesecake and MarioKart on N64. I had a really good time (I threw up on the minigolf course, though). My date was really sweet and cool about it. It was awkward, though. #-o

  11. Are you happy with the current report system weve got?






    Are you happy with the current customer support?






    How do you think Jagex could improve their system?


    Expand the customer support team so there are more people able to answer and respond to reports.




    (By the way, this belongs more in the Suggestion forum I think?)


    As you can see, my result was identical to where Hitler's point was on the graph :ohnoes:


    You are so full of it. That's the 3rd different set of results you've edited in for yourself. First you were in upper right area, then EXTREME upper right, and now you've magically changed again. Nobody's going to feel impressed or threatened because you've somehow matched Hitler, especially after the way your results have been changing every few hours. :roll:

  13. I support this, sounds a very good idea.




    Just one question though. If you withdrew, say, a dragon wcin axe which is very expensive (in my standards ::' ) and you went out with it and got killed and lost it (and yes i do know you would need 3 items or more that were worth over 2mil that would make you lose this, but this is just an example), would that shadow just sit there for eternity until you got a new one? or would it fade away after a while?




    ~ Sibmaster


    Hmm.. my idea would be that if you no longer owned the item (as in it wasn't in the GE, inventory, or equipped), the shadow would disappear. You'd have to still have the item for it to work. :) And like someone said, good point, if you went back to f2p after members you'd lose the shadow ability. Maybe shadows would be for members only, since they're the ones who really NEED them because the bank is so huge for them.

  14. Also as a drawback, a shadow item still takes up a bankspace. Or did you mention that?


    The point isn't to save bankspace, it's to make it easier to return items that you pulled out for use back into your bank without having to search for their spot. ;) So essentially it's a space being "saved" for an item that you already own and have equipped or in your inventory, just waiting to be put back without a hassle.

  15. This idea is a bit underdeveloped in my brain, but maybe someone has some ideas to build it up a bit.




    Don't you hate when you only have one of a certain item, and after withdrawing it your whole bank organization system is RUINED until you put it back (which requires lots of scrolling to find the correct place to insert it back into)? Wouldn't it be neat if you had a "place shadow" option, where the spot is held for you for when you deposit the item again, rather than the item going down to the depths of the bottom of your bank space?




    Maybe a faded image of the item that goes there would remain, so you'd remember that it was a shadow. With a "0" for quantity. I don't know if this is possible to accomplish, or if there would be a limit to the number of "shadowed items" you could have so as not to bring RS crashing down.




    Anyone have any elaborations to this idea or maybe a better "spot-saving" idea? :D

  16. I am good at everything I ever tried.




    So you haven't tried modesty yet then.


    Oooooooooooooh! xD I'm sure he has, he just isn't trying right now. And after all, the intro to this topic DOES state that it's a bragging thread. ;) So.

  17. evil - I am not. :P




    Looks like we've hit a tie; 3-3 for silver/black and brown/black. All the girls want silver, all the guys want brown. Tricky tricky.




    (The silver look way better with your blue eyes ;)!)

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