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Posts posted by Lep

  1. So... I can apparently remember my password 16 years later somehow.


    I am now 33 years old. Have a wife, a house and 2 beautiful children and might be going for a 3rd. I have actually logged into RS3 a few times over the past year because my wife mindlessly mines ore for some reason in the mining guild lol. So I have done the same. AND CAN YOU BELIEVE IT I actually spent some time in 2023 'decking myself out' in the best gear that I could afford to kill frost dragons and yes, I actually hardcored frost dragons for a couple days at the age of 33 lol.


    I had been playing Guild Wars 2 for the past decade but fell off of that game as well. Priorities when getting older, you know.

    Hello everyone. 🫡




  2. I only took a class about this type of thing once in grade 10 and didn't really pay attention. Anyway, how do I implement the type of style that this guy did in his post where it says Lyssa's Grimoire The Ultimate Mesmer Guide?


    I tried to figure it out myself for a while but couldn't get it to work. I tried right-clicking to inspect element; I ended up thinking that this should be how to lay it out:


    <div style="" class="flash">
    <span style="font-size:20pt">
    <strong>Lyssa’s Grimoire</strong>
    <em>The Ultimate Mesmer Guide</em>
    Whereas this is a direct copy/pasta:
    <div style="" class="flash"><span style="font-size:20pt"><ins><strong>Lyssa’s Grimoire</strong></ins><br>
    <em>The Ultimate Mesmer Guide</em></span></div>
    But regardless, my post ends up like this:
    <div style="" class="flash">
    <span style="font-size:20pt">
    <strong>Lyssa’s Grimoire</strong>
    <em>The Ultimate Mesmer Guide</em>
    Their forum uses textile and "normal" bbcode. Both of which I am clueless about.


  3. Has a gasless push rotary mower (blades spinning horizontally, not vertically) not been invented or something? I am looking for a non-electric and non gas mower but all I can find are the reel mowers which cut vertically like scissors but fail to cut high grass and weeds.


    A rotary style mower shouldn't have that problem since it would be the same idea as 99% of the gas mowers out there, but I can't seem to find one?

  4. Let's say the last time I played RuneScape or was even a member was many years ago; around the time of Nex armor release era or when Solomon's store was just starting to take off.


    If I become a member today, what am I missing out on from the ridiculous introduction of Solomon's store? (Ridiculous because what kind of game has P2P and a cash shop?) Am I missing out on a ton of features if I just become a member and don't use Solomon's store? Is that thing a pay-2-win issue nowadays?


    What is Solomon's store all about?

  5. So, apparently Guild Wars 2 allows macros because there is nothing they can do against them. Simple ones, that is.


    How do I create a little macro that can't be detected, such as this?:

    -I press F.

    -0.75 seconds later, this automatically activates 1 other key.


    I'm unsure of the exact timing I would need, but I would need to fiddle around with it. This little macro would allow me to get a guaranteed Lich Form stomp off, which, although is humanly possible to do, is almost impossible to pull off because of the precise timing required.

  6. So... Aero Snap is able to make programs like Guild Wars 2 fill the entire screen EXCEPT for the taskbar which is amazing. But I have to drag/drop it everytime I want to do it. It's not a big deal but it would be handy.


    Is it possible to somehow make a window automatically Aero Snap itself when you open it?

  7. I've always loved ancient history. It's the only history that's interesting to me, whether it be ancient ruins, lost knowledge or mythology. Personally, I believe there is actually some truth to mythology when you get deep into it. Hard to believe that of all history recorded, mythology was all made up by men.


    If there's anyone else out there who likes ancient history as well then you'll surely know of the hundreds of ruins out there and the fact that there are no explanations for how any of them were built other than that somewhere down the line, we somehow lost a significant amount of knowledge. There are some structures with stones weighing over 900 tons - stones we don't even have the technology today to lift.


    Our "technology" today is pathetic, primitive and its embarrassing to be living in this era. We are the stupidest humans to have existed in the entire history of the human race. Sure, getting to space is new, but we did it with pathetic technology.


    The common theme with lost knowledge is basically geometry/triangles, space/planets, math, anti-gravity and other things that the last person to have utilized wasn't even that long ago... it was Edward Leedskalnin in 1951 who built Coral Castle.


    This then goes further into religion and then illuminati or free masons, which pretty much all tie into each other, but what I'm wondering is how the hell does an important amount of knowledge get lost to the entire human race when thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands had this knowledge or witnessed this knowledge in the past? It doesn't make sense to actually lose this kind of knowledge.


    It's really curious. And if we should ever recover this knowledge again I'm sure we'll all be like, "Well, that was obvious."

  8. So annoying <.< .


    I always laugh about how "advanced" they say the world is but simple things like this can't even be done. Another annoying this is having to manually switch playback devices between using headphones or speakers. My old 6 year old computer that was windows vista could switch automatically. My $1700 4th generation build? Can't do it automatically... lol...

  9. It's my first PC build and it's for gaming.


    The first one is one I made after lots of researching a bunch of stuff:



    And this one is one that my local computer store is recommending compared to the one above (he doesn't think I need a heatsink other than the built in one):

    Intel i5-4670k Haswell processor with Intel heatsink

    Intel DH87RL Haswell motherboard

    EVGA GTX 660 Ti Graphic Card with 2 Gb DDR5 memory

    Gigabyte onboard network card and Integrated sound card

    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit operating system

    Western Digital 1 TB Black hard drive (deduct $25 if you go with blue drive)

    Crucial 128 Gb M4 CT128M4SSD3 solid state hard drive

    8 Gb Kingston DDR3 memory

    Thermaltake case (red front as you viewed in the store) plus Antec 650-watt power supply

    Two year hardware warranty

  10. It's just better graphics and has more advanced sharing abilities (which I don't care about). That's pretty much it. Playing all games on the Vita is a nice touch, at least.


    My problem with consoles and with the new PS4 is that they all completely ignore PC games. I want my console to do... everything. Better graphics, sharing videos and playing with friends easier isn't exactly innovative.


    Innovative would be letting me throw out my over 9000 wires, speakers, router, d-link, 2 power bars, PS3 and do all of my gaming on 1 sexy looking piece of hardware with a couple of cords. Don't know about you guys, but I'll wait to see what Valve has in store with its Steam Box.

  11. There is a thread on Guild Wars 2 forums that says that this is an example of a computer can handle "everything Guild Wars 2 can throw at you."


    Another guy posted a link trying to help me as well with another build.



    There's no way in hell I'm paying that much money to play the game, which means I'll just have to settle for less graphics. Guild Wars 2 is also CPU heavy. I used the information they provided and made my own build using the extremely minimal knowledge I have...




    Would that be a good build? Is everything I chose needed, neccessary or even good? And if it is a good build, is it possible to choose even cheaper parts and still get the same quality? I already have a keyboard and mouse but I don't know if I'd need a new screen. This is the screen I currently use. http://support.acer....L2016Wsp2.shtml

  12. I'm not sure. The minimum requirements for the game are:

    • Windows® XP Service Pack 2 or better
    • Intel® Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz, Core i3 OR AMD Athlon 64 X2, or better
    • 2 GB RAM
    • NVIDIA® GeForce® 7800, ATI X1800, Intel HD 3000, or better (256 MB of video RAM and shader model 3.0 or better)
    • 25 GB available HDD space
    • Broadband Internet connection
    • Keyboard and mouse

    It has graphics settings in the game like reflections, anti-aliasing, ultra shading, textures, etc. The above is the minimum specs required but those specs definitely don't work in World VS World with a lot of players. I could just buy all the parts and have my friend put it together for me.

  13. I've never built a computer before and never really plan to since I have zero knowledge. I've only ever went to a store and bought a computer ready to go. But now I need a new computer that can handle Guild Wars 2 on maximum (or just high) settings and be able to handle World VS World which can consist of 50 VS 50 players. My current computer can just barely handle Guild Wars 2 and can't handle 10 people in World VS World.


    I was hoping someone could give me a list of every single thing I need. And I was hoping I could just bring that list to a computer shop and say, "I want this. Build it for me and I'll pay you." I don't want to ask a computer shop guy to build me something that he thinks is good because I'm 99% sure he would try to scam me with cheap products. I want to spend $700 maximum. Would prefer under $600 if it's possible.

  14. I have 2 power bars plugged into 1 outlet in my living room. The items plugged in are:


    - 1 lamp. (Used all the time at night)

    - 1 charging station for my 2 PS3 controllers which is always running.

    - 1 charging cord for laptop which is used once a day to charge laptop/

    - 1 charging cord for mini DvD player which is never plugged into mini DvD player because I rarely use it.

    - 1 charging cord for PS Vita which is used after playing it.

    - 1 40" Toshiba television. (Energy star) (Used all the time)

    - 1 Samsung sound bar. (Energy star) (Used all the time with television)

    - 1 Samsung Subwoofer. (Energy star) (Used all the time with television)

    - 1 cable box. (Used all the time with television)

    - 1 PS3.

    - 1 Super Nintendo which is never used.


    Doesn't seem like much after seeing it posted like that, though the wires sure look a mess where they're hidden lol. But onto my next question:

    I have 2 other outlets in the living room. The one outlet just used 1 power bar which has plugged into it:


    - 1 computer. (Used all the time)

    - 1 computer screen. (Used all the time)

    - 1 modem. (Used all the time)

    - 1 router. (Used all the time)


    The other outlet in the room has plugged into it:


    - 1 lamp. (Used all the time at night)

    - 1 air condition that is only plugged in during really hot summer days. Otherwise it's not even plugged in.


    So it's really just your basic computer/entertainment system with a couple lights and charging cords. At most I will have the computer stuff, television / entertainment system, 2 lamps and PS3 running as well as 1 charging cord for whatever reason.

    Does each outlet use its own separate amount of electricy or do they all share the same power?


    PS. The house we live in is 170 years old and the main house has those old button switches where you press the buttons to turn on lights. The part I live in, however, is an addition that was added at an unknown time before we lived here and already had the newer light switches where you flip them to turn on the lights.

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