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    What makes you think I'll tell you?!
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    RuneScape, RuneScape, RuneScape, RuneScape!
  1. W00t, LOTR isn't winning! It's 43-42 to The Godfather! Godfather winning by 1 vote!
  2. Just to let everyone know, it's 35-35 tie! I despise LOTR so I hope they lose, so it's literally neck-a-neck!
  3. lol, yeh that happens to me sometimes, when i wc, i think its all due to lag, even in small amounts...
  4. the arms look a bit out of proportion to the t-shirt but i think that's the effect? other than that, that's really good...
  5. its an alright sig, but you really do need to work on the background, because it looks real boring and plain...
  6. in my opinian its not very nice, it's a bit wierd also, the "man's" head is a bit messed up, thats what i think...
  7. i have to say, that it is a nice sig, i like the work, but the text does need to be a bit bigger...
  8. the sig is good, but the colours look a bit boring, (balck and white..(and grey...)) but other than that, i think it is really good...
  9. i always save in png, becoz its cleaver that way, well, to me it looks clearer, but sometimes, they are to big, i dont like saving in gif or jpg as sometimes, some of the things i make go all blurry afterwards, but as Mercifull wrote, there is a time and place for each file format....
  10. i like it but there are a coupe of things, for me, it was hard to read the small writing below the name, and the black thing is really wierd, i cant even see what it is, it looks like a blob, thats just what i see...othere than that, great effort!
  11. thats quite cool, some nice work there and as some1 earlier said, the icons in the inventory are the same as RS2, you shood hav changed them, make them look 3-D as well, othere than that, i like it...
  12. im fine with the current graphics, i dont see what the problem is, and as some1 says, they are updating it, to make better graphics, but i think full 3-D would look a bit messed up..
  13. http://members.home.nl/maxthedragon/downloads.html is what u use to talk normally but otherwise with NPC's i dunno, sry...
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