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Posts posted by TROLL

  1. criticism is not insulting if it's not baseless. saying that people in a certain age bracket do something is hardly stereotyping when it's been said at least 10 times by now that there are definite exceptions. if someone says that drivers aged 16-25 get in more car accidents then older drivers, is it stereotyping? is it saying that ALL drivers aged 16-25 are reckless kids that can't go five feet without hitting something?




    Saying most young persons out there are racist is not condescending, maybe ? Yeah right...








    for one thing, i never said anything like that, and i have not used a condenscending tone in any of my posts.








    Um.....please people, people are rude and disrespectful are not only those under fifteen, i have met alot of people over 18 that act immature and stupid. And before you ask me, im 17 years of age. And i personaly think there is no such thing as racism. So, you would call me racist because i called you Nig-, and you do realize in other languages they do not use word african-americans when they talk about black folks, but they use word Nig-. and in their language it doesnt sound so cruel and racist. No, i am not racist. a word cannont make you racist, and i believe once again NO SUCH THING AS RACISM








    i see where you're coming from, but there's more to it than just racial slurs.




    Then what makes you think adults won't follow the same behaviour in-game ? If anything, adults are more set in their views than younger people to begin with. Younger ones are more easily influenced and are in contact with all sorts of people when they go to school, from all kinds of backgrounds. Adults choose who surrounds them, and even if they work with people they disapprove of, the relationship is completely different than for kids in a school.








    that's besides the point, the rascism problem here isn't coming from adults.




    Ever heard of the KKK, slavery (you mentioned superiority, what better example then that) ... etc ? You need to get out more. There are millions of racists adults. The only difference now compared to the examples I've given is that it's illegal to act on it. But that never stops people from doing it.








    i meant on a computer game. i know full well of racist people in real life.








    dude, no wonder im taking this personally, take Cather bl0k for example, hes afro-american (he says so himself) if some moron would go saying almost all afro-american people are scum (those are NOT my points of vieuw, i am not a rascist) i am sure he would take that personally, and he has every right to do so.




    i agree that most idiots in rs are under 15, but to go saying








    fair enough, but you were taking it as a personal attack.








    is plain BS, cuz most people under 15 are really nice people too.




    there is a HUGE difference in saying: "most people under 15 are beggers/scammers" and saying: "most beggars/scammers are under 15"




    the second is probably true. but the first isnt. if it was true, then i would be geting a lot more PMs "phr33 st00f pl0x!!" and "i am JAGeX staff!! give me your pass or ill ban you!"








    that's exactly what i've been saying 2 times in both of the threads.




    i think 15 is a little high for our purposes in this thread, i would say 13 or under would fit better.

  5. Many of the comments on this thread are disgusting, some of you are saying that the younger player are rascist jerks, and yet YOUR stereotyping them, and thats not solving anything.








    I cant think of anyway to help solve the problem of pure immaturity or rudeness, BUT I am certain that pointing them isn't making the world a nicer place.
















    ahh anouther moment where I am so glad I dont play rs :P








    like everyone's been saying, there are exceptions to every rule, but most people in the under 14 age bracket are jerks. someone who throws a hissy fit when you kill his monster isn't going to be 18 years old. not everyone in that age bracket does immature things, but most immature things are done by people in that age bracket.










    u gotta admit its quite funny








    Funny to someone old enough to understand it. And if you're under 15 and understand it, well, you shouldn't.
















    this might come as a surprise to you but children know what their genitals are called

  7. to quote what i said in the other thread:




    look, stop taking this so personally. how old do you think people that go around saying "buying gf" are? 20? what about someone who throws a hissy fit when you take "his" rock? 50? most people that are under 15 tend to be little jerks, but as we've all been saying, there are exceptions to that rule, including people like you.
  8. So many complex qoute trails its getting hard to pay attention.








    Ok lets get some things straight racism is not the issue on runescape, its simple critisism.








    And to blame the majority of it on a certain group of people is like going downtown and screaming "ALL YOU F*CKING CRACKERS ARE RASCIST SOB'S".








    Now seriously consider where this conversation is heading towards and avoid pointing the finger at certain age groups, because then you simply become part of the problem.[/code]








    no one has said anything like that, read the thread.




    in other words you say: almost all people under the age of 15 (the mayority) are immature little jerks, that verbally abuse people, scam, and do all kinds of nasty things (your statement)




    tell me how that isnt discrimination.








    look, stop taking this so personally. how old do you think people that go around saying "buying gf" are? 20? what about someone who throws a hissy fit when you take "his" rock? 50? most people that are under 15 tend to be little jerks, but as we've all been saying, there are exceptions to that rule, including people like you.

  10. not sure what this has to do with me quitting rs, which everyone should do by the way.








    But the only thing I can think of off the top of my head that could affect anything, would be to revolt, but overall that would hurt more than help, so I'll get back to you on that question.








    But seriously people should just take a month or week of off rs at least, and remeber what it was like having a life, once you TRULY stop its just as easy as starting.








    everyone should quit rs? not everyone plays 10 hours a day, hell, i can barely play for an hour at a time.








    so you're saying that when you have your revolt you're going to have old people work until the day they die, ban homosexuals, and give everyone a gun? sounds like a utopia to me!

  11. first you go off telling me i'm simple minded and don't know all the facts? i made a reply based on what you had previously said, don't add more info later on and call me out on not knowing everything that happened. also, it's outright hypocrisy for you to tell me not to insult your intelligence (which i never did) after you do the same. but, for the sake of not turning this into a mud-slinging fest, i'll let it go.








    don't get me wrong, it's great that you can make your own money and can pay for yourself, but little things things like having a simple birthday party aren't going to kill you (unless of course your family is not particularily wealthy, but still). nor does having money for yourself allow you to have a superiority complex, but as you said, let's not stray from the issue.








    from your previous posts it seemed like yur friend had said "hey, i'm trying to a get a whip" and then his friends gave him a couple spare million out of the blue.we can both agree what he did wasn't right, now that we both know the facts.

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