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  1. Just about everything he says is true imo, a while back, there was this sudden burst of youngsters from my school and neighbourhood that started swarming RS, I actually got flooded with 'free stuff requests' in real life as well, and the overall level of maturity in runescape is just below 12 right now, I quit a few months ago, gave away just about everything, because I actually didn't feel like I was doing something special anymore. I used to be a merchant, with phats and everything, but I got hacked, so I figured I'd be a skiller, but EVERYWHERE you go, and EVERY skill you try, there's 15 youngsters there swearing at each other for taking their rock or demon, even at lvl 105 I had trouble finding a nice spot, and more importantly, a nice person to share the spot with, for without them, I couldn't mine my way to lvl 30. Runescape just isn't the game it used to be, it really did have this amazing feeling about it, with it's nice atmosphere, overall pretty friendly people or just people minding their own business, and things just pretty much remained the way they were, in my later days I had trouble keeping up with the updates, I didn't have enough time to do what I always do AND try out the updates and see which were worth it. I switched to WoW and found a cool guild with cool guys, all around or over my age, well over the avg 14 yr olds that swarm runescape, and it's great, its just what every game needs. Everything becomes fun to do with friendly people or the right thing to reward you, like it was amazing getting full dragon for the first time, but those things just aren't around anymore, or at least, I didn't see any. I'm kind of having trouble explaining what's my problem, or I feel like I am, but I hope someone sees what I mean.
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