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Posts posted by ctp080188

  1. Great start to my year, my grandma died on my birthday :(. The other one got a stroke 2 days later had to be put in a hospice. But nothing too sinister after that, went to Hong Kong, made up with my ex, so it's all good now.

  2. The fact that I posted like on page 10ish? (can't be bothered to look) and that was earlier today and we have already reached 24 pages... Conclusive evidence tip it is a huge bunch of flippin camera/attention [bleep]. Even the lurkers came out of the dark.

  3. OMG SUZI FINALLY what took so long you have no signs of miserable disfigurement which is what I would have expected from someone who takes YEAAARSS to post their picture lolol.




    Oh yeah and I'm mixed race, whoever thought I was straight asian.




    My dad. Who has effed off to St Lucia to see my aunties and uncles, and yet more baby cousins, without me, bastard.



  4. Not a fan, commercialised himself after his first album he was on every track going. Only song I like is the soca/calypso version of don't matter, but that's because of the beat.

  5. My problem with RayOxide is that he thinks everyone cares about what genre of music you listen to, or what clothes you wear, as it obviously defines everything that you stand for. To say you dislike a whole genre when you have only sampled a tiny bit of what it has to offer, and to point out faults that occur in a great deal of popular music, just render your opinion useless.




    I can't believe you were expecting something other than the response you got after your "voicing of opinion". We all have opinions that don't have a complete understanding of, but those opinions I keep to myself.

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