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Posts posted by Barking-Loon


    Well it is their property, and I wouldnt want people selling for example my guitars on eBay.. So yes I think its right. And Im sure that USA has some laws about selling other peoples property.




    think about this. if somebody borrowed your guitar and made a song with it, recorded the song and sold it, would the song be your property or theirs?








    if i create a character, with my time and mouse-clicking skills, within the jagex game, it should be my property.








    regardless, when i create a new account, i agree to keep my password to myself, and to not share my account or transfer it to anybody else or let anybody but me use that account. if i break the agreement, jagex has every right to ban my account permanently








    in that sense, it would be illegal to sell your account, and ebay can be forced to remove any auction that would result in an illegal sale








    If I borrowed my guitar to someone I wouldnt have them agree on that all that is played on it belongs to me.




    Jagex has done that, they have made us agree that the characters weve made belongs to them.




    It should have been your character if you hadnt agreed on that it is Jagex property.





    I like christmas though cuz it tends to bring out the best for people








    :x If only that were true. When i work (at a fast food resturant) peopel are always so stressed the pass few weeks near chirstmas...











    It is true, when I work (arrange a christmas fair and selling hot dogs there) I meet lots of happy kids with their parents getting bargains from local crafters. :)

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