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Posts posted by limpxbizkid

  1. well... before you all say im a silly little boy i know a male is unable to get pms, but all my mates belive i have pms because i get mood swings.








    Do any other MALES have any symtoms of pms? just wondering...








    ok lets define some terms.








    premenstrual syndrome




    n. Abbr. PMS




    A varied group of physical and psychological symptoms, including abdominal bloating, breast tenderness, headache, fatigue, irritability, anxiety, and depression, that occur from 2 to 7 days before the onset of menstruation and cease shortly after menses begins.












    pl.n. (used with a sing. or pl. verb)




    The monthly flow of blood and cellular debris from the uterus that begins at puberty in women and the females of other primates. In women, menses ceases at menopause. Also called catamenia.








    unless these both apply to u...ud have to b a chick (or as many call it 'rather odd') u dont have pms.




    as for the mood swings, u could jsut b on pot? :P

  2. ty people 4 voting, btw its society and ebvirioment








    i think that answers the english mark question.








    How many hours a day do you spend on your computer more than when in 200-




    also, could you fix this? i got no idea what could possibaly mean.

  3. I think the australian government should take action, or maybe i'm just too patriotic for australia and it's people..








    its because of the australian govt that shes only getting 20 years and not life imprisonment (or execution, this is [edit] bali [what can i say, im tired] were talking about). she'll also b extradided extradided to australia aswell. neways they're gonna appeal, i hope they've got a better deffence this time tho (im not saying it was a crappy defence but she was found guilty....nothing was concrete either)

  4. yeah ive tried the rune things...but if some full rune comes up to me with 65+ str.....well if i keep having to click on the mage attack.....well with 1 def they usually hit almost everytime so i get caught up eating and clickin the spell ive died a few times from trying that








    thats why u get defence. 1defence is/was a flaw in the combat system. of course im not saying that 1 def is bad, but it disadvantages u so u dont have that leading edge. this is good coz atleast the system is a bit mroe fair (but of course 1def still owns).

  5. e0333"]Instead of everyone crowding in a bank yelling out stuff they want which is hard to catch, there should be a thing they can access from the bank, where everyone lists what they r buyin or sellin and the price. So when u want to buy something, all u would have to do is go though this sorted list to find what u want.
















    P.S. There could also be jobs people want done, listed also.












    Tell me what u think








    it sounds like it'd cut down on player to player interaction, which isnt what u want to encourage on an online game.

  6. prayer do determine your combat lv. Every 6th pray lv i get, its a new combat lv....








    prayer rolls more under the melee category, coz u dont see prayers that boost range and magic, they really all boost fighting (the defence ones im not counting).




    prayer sandals is a cool tho. not to sure about the gloves, they'd look a little out of place









    :cry: :cry:











    OMG :lol: :lol: :lol:








    lol, he owns.








    but excluding his, id say darth vader. im more of a fan of the older eps. gotta love that let down when he gets his helmet taken off revealing some frail old bald guy...there goes the "all powerful" image.

  8. ok heres my program. 2 random numers are generated. the first one a day, and the second is a month. limits are set for the second (1-12, duh, 12months in a year) and the first number is given a limit depenting on the 2nd (eg jan has 31, 28 days for feb and so on).








    now heres the problem. i (and many others, well, i only agree because of others) considder it "bad programming" (which in turn, makes you a "bad person") to just have a print statement for every condition.








    heres the code:




















    int main(int argc, char *argv[])








    int m, n;
















    m = rand() % 12 + 1;












    if(m == 1)








    n = rand() % 31 + 1;




    printf("The date is January %d\n", n);








    else if(m == 2)








    n = rand() % 28 + 1;




    printf("The date is February %d\n", n);








    else if(m == 3)








    n = rand() % 31 + 1;




    printf("The date is March %d\n", n);








    else if(m == 4)








    n = rand() % 30 + 1;




    printf("The date is April %d\n", n);








    else if(m == 5)








    n = rand() % 31 + 1;




    printf("The date is May %d\n", n);








    else if(m == 6)








    n = rand() % 30 + 1;




    printf("The date is June %d\n", n);








    else if(m == 7)








    n = rand() % 31 + 1;




    printf("The date is July %d\n", n);








    else if(m == 8)








    n = rand() % 31 + 1;




    printf("The date is August %d\n", n);








    else if(m == 9)








    n = rand() % 30 + 1;




    printf("The date is September %d\n", n);








    else if(m == 10)








    n = rand() % 31 + 1;




    printf("The date is October %d\n", n);








    else if(m == 11)








    n = rand() % 30 + 1;




    printf("The date is November %d\n", n);








    else if(m == 12)








    n = rand() % 31 + 1;




    printf("The date is December %d\n", n);












    printf("The month number is %d, the day is %d\n", m, n);












    return 0;












    is there a way to make it better. to make it do, when it gets to the if statement jsut look up the value in some way? and also does it really need 12 if statements?








    edit: i refuse to disable smilies for this post. so yes, august is the 'cool' month.

  9. It may be the pages you are trying to view are to large (file size) and your connection just plain can't handle them causing a choppy connection.








    im on adsl 128kbps, it should handle it jsut fine. and the problems only jsut started recently happening.

  10. every now and again, particually when im in these forums or any other php forum or page my borwser jsut freezes. when i close it it shuts every window for that browser closes to (which is usually rs aswell).




    ive got ie6 sp2. im yet to try this problem with firefox extensivly but i cant really say that i get the problem with firefox yet.




    are there any things i can do (without switching browsers) to elimate this problem? coz i dont think that microsoft updates go any further past sp2.

  11. thats really dumb, why not jsut drop the junk, burnt food (why the hell do u bank that stuff again?) on the ground. coz chances r, by clicking on an item in ur bank/inv then selecting to place it in a bin ur clicking jsut as much.




    if its half decent crap sell it in a bank sale (ores as u mentioned). if u cant be bothered jsut give all the stuff to a newb and convince them that the burnt stuff is more commonly known as "rare black lobsters".




    bins r a waste of time indeed


    With this you can attack other players outside the wilderness, and it also prevents your character from getting skull on its name while PKing. (Only if used in the wilderness) And the level recudion will be eliminated (only outside the wildy)




    Edit: It also gives following bonuses:








    15 in Slash, Stab, Range, Crunch and Magic












    Other Bonuses:




    76 Prayer




    You have to be kidding me........Thats one of the stupidest things I've heard. Scenario time!




    Jim an honest, fine young man finnaly completes is phat set, he goes into falador world 2 near the bank and is suddenly hit by an enourmous hammer 3 times within a second and collapses!!POOR JIM,he was also wearing full rune at the time so he loses his helm and the entire set! Then Jim logs off and throws himself off a 10 story building to his death, later Jagex is sued for liability and must shut down Runescape, thus children of the world find that the yhave nothing to do and murder their entire family in cold blood, then the police and law officals of the world are overwhelmed. World leaders launch missles into trouble zones and kill off 75% of the worlds population, those that remain are deformed and psychotic. This is how your idea would lead to the end of the world.









  13. so much for the saying "you get what you pay for". why do f2pers want more? how hard is it to pay $5US p/month or goto one of those pay for surfing website and have them pay it into ur paypal account?




    personally im still f2p, 2 reasons. the first is i dont care that much about losing a runescape account in proportion to having a credit card keylogged and i cant find (or b bothered looking for) a website that pays u for surfing that pays into ur paypal account. and the second reason is in f2p you have all you need. theres enough armor and weaps and alot of the pking wars r held on f2p








    edit: damn typos

  14. It's like he's using the force or something to grab the rock and put it in place








    lol, star wars related








    Does anyone know how i could play that backwards?








    yea, in almost any movie editing program. i dont kno ne other way.


    You'll find that it stops happening once people grow up.








    Right. Based on no knowledge of psychology or anything remotely similar, here's my cliche' response...








    Teenagers are trying to find who they are, so when they find something they're really into, like a musical style, they cling to it with everything they have.








    hmm, yea what he said. cept im still a teenager and i considder myslef grown out of it *goes back to trying to put on his womans jeans on*

  16. Show me one place in Runescape with electrcity. Look on walls of buildings, there are torches.








    tch, obviously theres a benjamin franklin quest somewhere in that list.








    also cannons have been around since leonardo da vinces day (i remember some tv show where they tested a weapon he designed to try to replace cannons, a cannon ball fireing crossbow that needed 16tons to pressure to fire [it was huuuge!])








    last thing, copyright issues. well 'the abyss' itself is copyrighted.

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