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Everything posted by me_poulin

  1. and beening animated it might cost more... just saying...
  2. w8 new idear ill take 1 of some 1 in full rune slashing his scimmy ;-) and id like it Animated: and Transparent: Effort: hardest ever ;-) lol
  3. a little big dont you think?
  4. good luck getting a sig for 50k....
  5. any last suggestions comments anything no wow thats awsome i need some support here i work on that all day lmao!
  6. other guy got owned lmao ;-)
  7. oo i get it kinda simple tho... but good job ;-)
  8. whats with the big red line?
  9. i dont really care what it is Colour: maybe red and black Animated: (Yes) Transparent: (Yes) Effort: (hard) can you get it to flash (Me Poulin to blacknights) id like it not to fast so you can read it some what read it anyway and yes there is only 1 k in BlacKnights K must be capatalized
  10. there iv added some stuff iv fixed the shading in the back round and added some brightness where the tourch is i think it looks pretty good now :-)
  11. ok i think i finaly got the scimmy working for me its better then befor anyway any1 got any other suggestions for me? maybe something to put in the back round right now hes in like an under ground cave the thing nexed to him is one of those stalagmites any idears for me all suggestions are welcome.
  12. Ok I fixed it up a little bit hows that i tryed to work on the scimmy but i cant get it right ill try and do better on the nexed one i do...
  13. k i posted my 1st 2 yesterday and heres the 3ed i still havent got the scimmy dun perfect yet but im working on it tell me what you think of it and dont make fun of me its my 3ed try at this sorda stuff... changes more changes more changes final changes lol
  14. its awsome dude mr.x ownz check out the sig he made me!
  15. thanks dude ill try makeing them bigger and adding something in back of them ill start a new1 tomarrow and see if i get a better respons to it :)
  16. awsome awsome where do you wont to meet for the payment?
  17. k nice to know you getting to work on it now ty ;-)
  18. i think im gana work on the wepons im no good at makeing scimmys and baxes so ill work on getting better at those for now...
  19. well im getting bourd of rs these days so i started to play around in paint for a few hours and i came up with these i think there not so bad im gana be working on somemore soon i know these arent verry good but i just wont to see if people have any idears for me befor i make more btw these are my 1st attempts so dont make fun of me :'(
  20. you should tell me acutaly it would save them work if i dont like it...
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