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Posts posted by slushee

  1. i've been experimenting with ROW and ROC and i've gotten 3 clue scrolls in the past 24 hours.


    i was actually at the cave horrors, my first trip with a ROW i got an adament helm many herb seeds and many herbs when i went on my second trip i brought my ROC and got quite a few coin drops it seems like but i did get this:






    sold 550k :3>

  2. lol, it's been draining faster ever since the prayer menu update, me and leesters both mentioned it




    here jagex blatantly lies lol






    You trust Leesters over something that came from the actually creators of the game, Jagex?




    lol yea sure


    it's pretty obvious the rate is increased, i've experianced it for myself, if jagex did do something they wouldn't say it because they know how upset people would get

  3. wow you guys are pretty ignorant about it.


    incase you didn't know there are college courses at several IVY LEAGUE schools that offer classes in his poetry.


    i just wanted to say RIP again becuase today is the day he actually passed away :cry:

  4. if he didn't pull the [bleep]e out of his chest he would of lived




    ya, if he left a poisonous barbed stinger in his heart he would have lived :roll:




    wow you sound smart, can you even read?




    if he didn't pull the [bleep]e out of his chest he would of lived




    So hes going to walk around with a [bleep]e in him for the rest of his life?




    if you are joking, that wasnt a great joke.




    if you are being serious, then i feel sorry for you.




    if you get stabbed with something its better to leave it in and get to a doctor. you can cause a lot more damage pulling it out. this goes for a lot of things, if you stab yourself with a knife (really deep), you arent supposed to pull it out. if you step on a nail and it goes all the way through, you arent supposed to pull it out. this is even worse because the barbs dig in when you pull them out.




    so what have we learned?


    it was in his heart, your heart is filled with blood, you pull something out and guess what, you bleed to death! :D

  5. yea thats [bleep]ing redicoulous i just died against dharock because the faces sometimes decide not to show up i look at my prayer 12 left then finish him off with my last hit, SOME HOW i die when he doesn't even hit me. utter [cabbage]




    whatever screw barrows


    im back to merchanting i guess

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