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Posts posted by R2Keen2

  1. If he/she was really the first to 99 Cooking, and not Tks, evidence of so will eventually come up. I know Tks was the first to 99 Cooking because I have done my research. Not because just 1 person has told me she was the first. Also, I have spoken to her =p.




    Yeah Your right, She was first. I was confused because he did hold top 99 for a while, turns out he was the first to 15m xp.

  2. What makes you realise that you are actually considered "old-school" in RuneScape? I've only played for a 23 months, on and off but i was around in the xp battle between Zezima and Lilyuffie88 and the release of Receipe for Disaster, when I could have bought a full phat set for around 200mil.




    I know I'm old school but cause I don't have the slightest what your talking about.

  3. Steel is the best exp/money for the time spent mining. Higher level metals take too much coal and Iron is a bit to unreliable smelting. Its not unwise to take up magic for high alchemy to get decent return on Steel Chest Plates. It won't cover supplies if you buy but its the closest thing to doing so.

  4. kbd and it was also the only way to get a d med


    I'm pretty sure when dragon mediums appeared they were also obtainable from fire giant. Thats how I obtained the one I had, but i suppose it could have been added to their list a day or two later as well. My memory isn't that good.

  5. 0/10




    I don't play anymore, or frequent the board and I've purposely turned off my signature for the thread. I'd imagine my contribution isn't widely used since the graphics overhaul of the game. Almost every name I see if for the first time, so multiple posts just mean a person enjoy replying to everything, not that they are known.

  6. Everdred was the first to 99 of any skill. He got 99 woodcutting on the 28th of August 2001 at ~20:25 GMT/BST (according to my IRC logs from that day). The crucial tree was cut with a Runite hatchet axe (a valuable item at the time) provided by bluerose13x (screenshot).




    I believe he was actually the second on both counts, but he is commonly named the first cause the other guy was so unknown and might have been banned. Its been a long time so I'm not sure. But yeah he did it without bot'ing.

  7. Why is someone on the list that abused bugs? I see 4 people that have been ban or stat's were 0'ed. Why are the on this list




    In the early days of RS there was no really punishment for abuse or cheating, an a real sense of good vs evil arose out of it. On top of that was the original PK system in which you either were or weren't. So groups would literally chase cheaters across the world and servers, which lead to them banding together to fight back.




    Its not really known if some of the top players adobted bot-ing later on to maintain thier position or they were always abusers. But either way their names were (at least from my time in game) legendary.

  8. I still don't see why when people stop playing Runescape they say they've 'quit' or 'retired'... It's not a job :P If you play a game on the playstation for a while then get bored of if you don't 'retire' from playing it, you just don't play anymore, I see no difference in Runescape o.O








    I didn't play from January-July this year, was just bored of it really. I was very impressed with some of the updates Jagex had introduced within that time though. :) Although I still think Pest Control was the worst thing Jagex could have possibly done to combat, like it wasn't already easy enough :anxious:








    Because you can't really win or complete a MMO such as and including runescape. You toil away for a quite a while after its become more fustrating than fun, the obvious relation there is the game has become like work. You choose to accept that your not enjoying this effort or that its simply time that could be spent elsewhere and you retire. You can always pick up a goal again because something new is bound to have been added but when it comes to a consule game, once you've completed it odds are theirs not enough reason to do it again.

  9. Its possible flipflop is telling the truth but like everyone else has said, highly unlikely ( bit of an understatement [ also an understatement :P ] ).








    Making that kind of profit can be done but comes with an astronomical amount of risk as well. Depending what he traded and when it is possible but far more likely he's just full of it.








    Cardovilian also makes a good point.. a financial advisor would be far more benefiticial to you than any of us but so far no one has pointed out a specific route to take, we are just helping you try to find a direction. Investing is like anything else in the world you have to find a stratigy that works for you, and best way to do that is learn how others have done it successfully, and build your own.








    You do have a small amount and thus i agree that day trading is going to be quite a gamble for you but if you research and learn enough you can reduce a certain amount of risk(though there will be a considerable gap for failure, atleast you will understand what to look for in the future).

  10. With ebay its possible for the winning bidder to bow out of a purchase.. its not all over ebay, but it does happen. I remember walking into a room while someone was watching Kathy Griffin's reality show and talking about bids to stay the weekend at her house for charity. The top bid was huge but ended up getting passed on by the top bidders till it was to the 40 or 50th 'top' person and he got it for like 6,000.








    Well in my post i suggested about.com












    Lots of good information, though i definitly suggest utilizing your public library for books to read.












    Is a set of tools and support offered by the company. They are advertised on TV but as i said, they are a publicly traded company and the internet doesn't have much bad to say about them. Main thing to remember is that they are a business and will undoubtibly attempt to sell you something at their free seminar, but 2 hours isn't a waste of time if they do teach you something.








    Most TV commercials are scams or offering an underhanded technique, but the internet is a great weapon for combating that purpose. If it sounds interesting check out the website, then google the address with something like +review. The thing to be careful about is many scam sites exist in multiple addresses or alternate forms, one great place for checking out something is scam.com generally if i see them listed in the links google returns i read what the users there have to say cause its often someone voicing concern or showing connections with a host of other sites in the same racket.








    There are also sites that will charge you to tell you information you can just find free on other sites, most often its recycled info about how to take advantage of Google Adsense or Amazon Affiliates to make your own profit. Google requires that you have a site and decent amount of traffic, where Amazon affiliates works more like a store where you more or less set up the window and get a commision should you send a buyer to them.








    Investing generally will not make you huge amounts daily unless you start off with a large sum. Its of course possible to gross large amounts but you've got to take into account things like trader fees, broker commission etc all subtrack from what you actually net. Most sites or commercials that tell you you can make couple hundred a day doing little to nothing are full of it, but its not to say its impossible.. hypotheticly you can win the lottery after all. People can become instant millionaires in the stock market or very possibly make side money.. but the fact is the less research you do in the area your buying and the things your investing the risk skyrockets.

  11. Building off what Blue has said, Dividends are usually looked at as a sign of a healthy company.. when investing long term its thought of as wise to see which companys pay large dividends and have not decreased the ratio over the past few years(increasing is all the better).








    When Buffet controlled Berkshire Hathaway the company only once paid a dividend of 10 cents but was a hugely profitible organization for its stock holders (which buffet was easily the one with the most shares). Because Buffet was so invested in the company it stands to reason that he wanted to make the most of his investments and pushed it to be one of the greatest investments a holder could buy.








    Because most companys are not led by people like buffet the dividend acts as a sign of trust from the company to the shareholders.

  12. Investing is a rather tricky thing.. trading in the short term in general increases your risk and limits your profits. It is possible to do it successfully and make a living at it however you have to be willing to accept that some days you'll mess up and possibly loose a good chunk or all(if you really do something stupid).








    My suggestion would be to do some reading on the subject especially since you don't seem familar with a lot of the terrian.








    I recently read Jeremy Siegel's The Future for Investors : Why the Tried and the True Triumph Over the Bold and the New. It takes the long term approach though puts more value on researching induvidual stocks rather than going with funds. It also points out that dividends are slightly like a built in saftey net when prices drop. Hes views seem along the lines of what Warren Buffett used to write about and just shows that Buffet's words are still as valuble as the time he wrote them.








    I've spent hours browsing about.com's investing information. The other thing you could do is sign up for a finance tracker like over at yahoo and pick a few stocks, practice your buying and selling to see your profit.








    Funds are a good way to go long term, though a avid investor can usually choose stocks that will out proform them if they know what their doing.








    As far as investing short term i'd suggest looking into a free investools seminar. The company is publicly traded and there doesn't seem to be anything on the net sayings its a scam so my guess is its a pretty reliable company. They will more than likely suggest purchasing their tool set and possibly some other things in the course of the seminar but i'd say check it out and maybe you'll get some free knowledge out of it.

  13. Ah, I always love to see that list, R2, thanks for posting it. :) Nice to see my name on there several times. I just can't believe how low I am on the player killing list. :P Psh, we all know Kobe and I deserve to be much higher than that. Hehe.








    Yeah, Leo was a pest sometimes, but four years later it becomes apparant that it sure is a great thing that he did, documenting all thos great players. Seeing all those old names almost brings a tear to my eye. ;)








    I'm almost positive it was Lightning that founded the lovely Wanderers, maybe along with someone like EricD16 or Erixson, but I'm pretty sure she was the creator.








    XdomX Posted it, i just had to mention its pretty complete though not all together accurate along with other things said...








    And for the record of people talking about Rab, I believe he was actually part of the Jagex Team so his being an early player(if indeed the first to sign up) was probably because he was working or talking with andrew at the time. I could swear he wrote atleast a quest or two.








    Found an old KingLeo post specificly on the wanderers..




    "January 2001 - The Wanderers Clan was found by Lightning, Ace2you/Merlin. Sir Beachy was the first recruited member. Stud690, Soulassassin, Flapjack, Rab, Zaptone Z, Rattsabre, Sunjon and Mj were amongst the first few to be recruited as well."








    I'm not sure how accurate it actually is but seems correct to me. Merlin may have been forgotten simply because he was eventually kicked from power.Annoying or not KingLeo probably does deserve credit for most memorable historian

  14. I'd pretty much left the game back before the graphics update though i returned on occasion to try out different skills such as agility or do some random crafting.








    I left because after playing Ragnarok the combat system was rather boring and then moving on to EQ runescape just paled in comparison, since then i've played World of Warcraft and tried a host of other games. As of now my consistant gaming is once a week i play Savage Worlds (tabletop game) with a local group.





    Legends Of Overall Stats




    Tiwi, L6vi, Zaptone Z, Ashley, Alchemon, G Bub, M Oldfield, Bluerose13x, Tks, Pugxsi, Lightning, Hiana, Doublebubble, Dirtydevil, Sandytrain, Sunjon, Phillip, Stud690, Numb22, Gugge, Thereturnofx, Haxx0r Maxx, Mj, Wapiti, Viikate, Arsenes, Arsefrommars, Sir Beachy, Rush Wind, Mysticsmagic, Joe1002








    Legends Of Combat




    Alchemon, Sandytrain, Hurkules, Zonghui, Muhahahahaha, Washi Rfd, Darkprince, Phillip, Dirtydevil, Who Da Best, Lady Lynda, Robin Hood2, Almedin3, Ashley, Azot, Dmxkobe8, Gregechidna6, Equalizer T, The Great E, Eva 02, S A X, Gearshifter, Galaxyg, Lightning, Mooncricket, Sir Beachy, Terminator, Wickedwayz, Erixson, Fist Of God, Sir Elliott, Pycckuu Bouh, Ladykilljoy, Datrupimp, Trupimp, L6vi, Tiwi, Ericd16, Mj, Babyluv, Buffyslayer, Lando, Zaptone Z, Roaddogg, Haxx0r Maxx, Sunjon, Magna, Stud690, Jb, Yedija, Polomeros, Red1010, Nock, Trixstar, N15n, Swan Love, Oppai, Doublebubble, Russ An, Needamaid, Thedealer, Yrret 5, Bigkingsfan, Dakiller, The Good 1, Thesimpsons, Spockrock, Max333, Daniel Ruels, Bdvo89, Xzzibit, Crovax, Methattron2, Ssj4, ***edyomomm, Drakkus, Sexy Razor, D E A D L Y, Gugge, Coolerkiller, Pink Lady, Undrtakr1, Zarium, Xxpr0xx, Steveat711sd, Mysticsmagic, Joe1002








    Legends Of Range




    Kobiianardo, Robin Hood2, Phillip, Flat, Theboss123, Thedealer, Dirtydevil, Stinger X12, Travis23, Autokill, Graffixetet, Fightin Dog, Archer Might, Freestone, Aynard, Bttrflii, Dravenstormn, Kngpin, Ichi, Dw Marco, Dw Buddha, Archer Speed, Killa Priest, Littletn, Judist, N15n, Ethyrial, Theboss, Crushed, Matt49, Moss Johnsun, 6shooter, Blix666, Broken646, Jayded Eyes, Alchemon, Thehate, Sue Me, Buffyslayer, G Bub, Haxx0r Maxx








    Legends Of Wizardry




    Fist Of God, Bluerose13x, Gormis, Iampenguin, Mystic Kila, Zaptone Z, Sunjon, Ashley, Mysticsmagic, Tiwi, Lady Lynda, Lando, Zonghui, Muhahahahaha, Azot, Pycckuu Bouh, Tks, Viikate, Oppai, L6vi, Tram, Steveat711sd, Swan Love, Destroy U, Mtw700, Ezarc, Skone751, Chris Boyd3, Kunibert, Lotta Might, Puffffin, G Bub, M Oldfield, Ganelon2, Stud690, The Good 1, Alchemon, Moonmage, Sandytrain, Aguilaus22, Dmxkobe8, Simskiller, Lightning, Almedin3








    Legends Of Prayer




    Yedija, Gearshifter, Muhahahahaha, Lady Lynda, Gogeta, Sandytrain, Wickedwayz, Eminem2001, Talamarimage, Queendemoni, Dirtydevil, Bytesmee, Pink Lady, Zaptone Z, Ashley, L6vi, Azot, Dakiller, Haxx0r Maxx








    Legends Of Cooking




    Arsefrommars, Archstanton, Zonghui, Shaolincook, Bl Nd3d, Red1010, Tks, Wapiti, Kitsu Joe, Akraen, Pizza B0y, Unknown Boy, Sander, S1acker, 2 X Treme, G Bub, Pycckuu Bouh, Muhahaha, Lightning, Vii Edea, 0wn3d, Matthieu, L6vi, Babym39, Dirtydevil, S O B Bspace, Who Da Best, Zezima, Sandytrain, Sir Elliott, Wethebest








    Legends Of Woodcutting




    Everdred, Eldgar, Magrathea, Zaptone Z, Brolli, M Oldfield, Arsefrommars, Rubbermaid, Chromex, Cowchicken, Thehate, Blitz Kreig, L6vi, Rattsabre, Rush Wind, Thereturnofx, Dragoon 707








    Legends Of Firemaking




    Magrathea, Zaptone Z, Arsefrommars, M Oldfield, Tiwi, Everdred, Thereturnofx, L6vi, Rush Wind, Doublebubble, G Bub, Sandytrain, Phillip, Ashley, Cowchicken, Dragoon 707








    Legends Of Fishing




    Tks, Wapiti, I Zepher I, Shaolincook, Akraen, L6vi, Red1010, Wethebest, Matthieu, 0wn3d, Bl Nd3d, Big Kuku, D Manil, Virx17, Kitsu Joe, Q Xoz, Arsefrommars, Thesimpsons, 2 X Treme, Couga, Sandokan, Babym39








    Legends Of Crafting




    Hiana, Lt Angel, Goneril, Zero Star, Xxcavalierxx, Bluerose13x, I Godddess I, Pink Lady, H Bar, Writh, Sunjon, Mysticsmagic, Avd, Ascherb, Lil Might, Polgara, Angelwrath, Rainbow247, Wedger, Slysteeler, Everdred








    Legends Of Smithing




    Bluerose13x, Krest, Gormis, Iampenguin, Lostwind, M Oldfield, Ezarc, D Rad, Red Lock, Musashi22, Fat Trader, Ghettomasta, Fogies11, Hiana, Arris, Cedog, Zweihander, Euklid, Zezima, Lotta Might, Tuntun1, Skon751, Twy, Cwc Zephir1, Sinai, Geliloth, Pocketfluff, Swordsmen








    Legends Of Mining




    Ezarc, Gormis, Kibble, Lotta Might, Iampenguin, Viikate, Writh, Cedog, S H A R K, Euklid, M Oldfield, Glove, Twy, Wes Dh, Fogies11, Waltteri, Fat Trader, Zweihander, Sinai, Ghettomasta, Lostwind, D Rad, Geliloth, Krest, Elmasmalo, Silencrx, Pocketfluff, Swordsmen, Hiana, Spockrock








    Legends Of Herblaw




    Moonmage, Bluerose13x, Toxa007, Wedger, Shacoya, Halw Gnun, Lord Cky








    Legends Of Thieving




    Swedemike, Thehate, Matthieu, Shadowbeast2, Duck Man, 280zx, Tazsteven, Shorty 2001, Lonekeeper, Teagirl5








    Legends Of Fletching




    Lightning, Blitz Kreig, Chilipeppers, Scarletstar, Moridin, Pker Dude Jr, King Orion 2, Ntucke99








    Legends Of Agility




    Thehate, Mad Max 87, Phoenixuk, Duece Winsor, Dakini Sword
















    Legends Of RuneScape's Birth




    Caramon, Visolela, Hitman X, Silverion, Eternal Adam, Joe Jenninz, Salem, Blaze mace, Jerico, Oldmanschild, Dmonik, Starlude, Doc Iron 9, Rodrigo, Merlin/Ace2You, R2keen2, Great Vegeta, Esq, Militant, King Sabre, Uk Sabre, Sodevilish, Wasssupp, Rab, Ice Sabre, Sun Sabre, Messiah 10, Wolf, Ironbear09, Lyssa, Kristoffs, Da Sinner, Agassi, Mitchell, Jamk911, Slayer25, Adam4life, Poope, Lyte, Kewldewdm, Dmonik








    Legends Of PKing From 2001-2002




    **In no particular order!




    1. Russ An - First to PK Zonghui officially 1v1 in wild, Amazing PKing speed




    2. Danny1880 - One of the most deadliest PKers ever to exist. Considered the Pioneer of RS catching




    3. Angel2002/I Wicked I - The most controversial PKer during his time. Lifeless catching... lifeless luck




    4. Zar Family 2 - One of the scariest pkers during his time. Not good to be caught by him and his team.




    5. Robin Hood2 - The Legend of non-wild PKing.




    6. Bs Arkan - The 2nd highest lvl pure during his time and posessed 1337 catching skills.




    7. Max333 - One of the most skilful PKers of all time... since 2001 to 2003.




    8. Paki4ever/The Lapper/Kingpin - One of the earliest pioneer of pures.




    9. Polomeros - Insane high lvl PKer... crazy stats with crazy dmg




    10. Who Da Best - A Legendary PKer during his time.




    11. Dmxkobe8 - Considerably the pioneer of Magic-PK.. high lvl and extremely skilful.




    12. Gregechidna6 - 3rd person to reach 99hp legit. Super high lvl and not to be messed with.




    13. Masterlance - A controversial PKer during his time, 1337 PKing skills with mad *** stats.








    KingLeo made a new legend post like every week or two for a while, but the fact of it is any legendary list is going to be subjective. I like his lists simply because i get an honorable mention in some of them but truth is i was hardly ever a legend to anyone.








    I don't believe lightning founded the wanderer's, an original member yes and possible a co-founder but i don't think she was the soul creator, i'm not positive my time within the group was very much near their final split.








    My claim to fame was the wilderness map and work i did as tip.it crew.. aiding with some of the board processes back when we were constantly shifting message boards since silverion at the time was no longer hosting them. I was a decently respected mediator amoung admin/mods on the board but as time went on my presense become less and less prevelent. I definitly don't belong on the birth list since i entered maybe a few weeks before the addition of fishing and the island but comparitivaly its definitly a long time ago in the life of the game.








    King definitly had the best lists in my opinion even if they were a tad incorrect. The golden days were great of course, but the thing is not to get caught up in as he did, as i know i did for a while myself.

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