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Posts posted by Emmentail

  1. C&P from Pictures thread... But basically I loved untrimmed HP cape. It was nice, and I thought, why not get as far as I can without leveling anything else to 99? So.. at 17.8m HP xp, FINALLY I got another 99, and another, and another, and another, and another.


    PM's galore thanks to this new announcement system.. :lol:


    Good day:


    Summoning 98



    Prayer 96 & 137 Untrimmed HP Cape



    Sniped after getting 137.



    Ranged 99



    Attack 99



    Strength 99



    Defence 99



    Magic 99



    5 Flashies



    I want platinum hair, but I don't want to ruin my hair trying to do it. I haven't any experience in the process, nor do I want to spend $200 bleaching my hair.


    It cost me £70 for my first bleach. At first it didn't take that well cause my hair is naturally quite dark and the ends were dyed brown so they went a bit yellow/orange. But then when I went to get it re-done it went really bright! That was £50 i think. Tip: Get a really really good conditioner. Otherwise your hair will turn to straw.


    Always worth chatting to a decent hair salon about getting it done. It's quite drastic, my scalp was a mess for a couple of weeks after the first bleach.

  3. Whatever it's called, it really sucks ass!!! Ever since the Bot Nuke i've had to play on the lowest of low graphics to get Runescape playable. After this Troll Warzone i'm down to a constant 3-4 fps no matter where I am. I can't do any "high risk" activities because I simply can't react fast enough. Even things like taking items out of my bank! I click on an air rune, move my mouse over to another rune and it takes out the one in-between them!

  4. Quest which has no need for dungeoneering to be in it #1 http://www.runescape.com/kbase/guid/a_clockwork_syringe_members


    Quest which has no need for dungeoneering to be in it #2 http://www.runescape.com/kbase/guid/sym_salt_in_the_wound_5_newest


    As Deathknell rightly points out, the mythology behind demonheim doesn't fit either of these quests. Now if it were involved in a MOTM quest and we needed to find out more info about Bilrach or something. A Clockwork Syringe was clearly a way of enticing players who want the quest cape or like the Pirate saga to train it if they haven't already.


    Also, where was the week long Farming celebration a year after it was released? Cause it's clearly the only skill Jagex have produced correctly. They seem to be trying everyone that dungeoneering is a skill when in reality it offers not much new to the game (looks at BA for 5 person team based minigame) and you're rewarded with tokens for items.. *cough minigame*. But hey, it's not as bad as MA!

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