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Posts posted by rft

  1. =\ I liked serenity.








    yay same here. More enjoyable then either of these films...








    imo too many people are voting for LOTR because of the special effects and stuff. personaly I thought python was better. the thing is that I didn't really like godfather either. I agree that it is an excellent film, but it was pretty long and i didnt really enjoy it. out of the two, I would definitely say that it is more deserving than LOTR, but I can't really bring myself to vote for a film that I didn't really like. No vote for me I think.








    Anyone give me a score update though?

  2. Well here's my piece on the film:








    Contrary to what most people said, I thought that this was pretty good. The problem that the filmmakers had was the the book was simply too long, and was not possible to make into a film for kids. In the book, they don't get to hogwarts until about chapter 8 (don't quote me on this). The fact that they compressed the first few chapters into about 15 minutes was very good (and done well), as they needed to leave time for the end of the film. I thought that the roles of Winky and Dobby were written out well, and you didn't really feel that you missed them (particularly as I find them very irritating).








    Generally, I thought that it was well put together, but I did have a few criticisms:








    1) Rita Skeeter made a big impact near the start of the film, but then effectively disappeared without any explanation as to her secret. The film could have ended on the train with Skeeter. Makes it difficult if they want to write her into the 5th film...








    2) There wasn't enough dialogue at the end between




    a) Harry and Crouch jr.




    B) Harry and Dumbledore




    c) Dumbledore and Fudge (actually there was none)




    A few more minutes of the film would have just helped tie up a few loose ends that were missing.








    3) What was the point of having Sirius in for 1 minute of the film? He could have come in at the end (even in dog form). Poor Gary Oldman!








    I rate it 7/10








    Well that's my 2 cents - feel free to flame, but remember its just my opinion...

  3. yeah i posted a thread about this a few months ago. I think it is a great idea.








    A few suggestions could be








    "xxxx+ skill total"




    " xx KQ kills"




    " A muppet" (mine)








    the problem with this idea is that there would be an extra line for every person, and in crowded areas (such as banks), trading would be made that much harder.

  4. The problem that I have with world 2 is that everyone wants to be on it. All the traders and merchants are there, aswell as people looking to buy that rare item that's hard to find. The other problem is that world 2 is where some of the minigames exclusinvely occur. I only ever go there to do shade burning in mortton, but the wait to get onto the servers is very long. I guess the other minigames such as the blast furnace are also popular on world 2?








    It seems to me that the only solution is to have a trade server where most abilities are disabled - no wc, alching, rc, pking etc such that some of the more popular worlds are left to do other things such as the minigames.








    Given that rs is only becoming more popular, it is only going to be harder to do shades quest and get tomb keys in the future. This also goes for other team minigames such as the blast furnace.








    I do accept that you can still get a clan/team to build the temple/run the blast furnace on other servers, but if you want to do it on your own, then you are a bit stuck without world 2.








    any thoughts/suggestions?

  5. err yeah, a bit more detail would be nice. There is a lot in the wild already though.








    there is lava maze/dungeon, agil course, mage arena, and numerous treasure trail locations for people to find. The only thing that is missing i guess is a wilderness based quest. However, this is not my thread, so i suggest you post your idea for the wilderness, and I'll comment on it.

  6. nice post by the way.








    A couple of points. Firstly my wilderness experience is generally un uphappy one. I tend to get pked a lot esp at green dragons, and often i die. I tend to use the wildy now for 2 things: getting white berries at red drags (which i have also been pked at) and runecrafting. I have never killed anyone in wildy either. I've been to agil course once and rogues house once for pickpocketing, but generally I dont bother going that high.








    Regarding runecrafting, I dont take any tele runes with me except ammy of glory, but it is hard to tele away quicky as i have a full inv of ess, ss i have to drop ess, take off ammy, rub it, and then try to get away. So I think that entangle is very effective against runecrafters as you almost certainly have time to cast teleblock before they get run run away. I dont bother doing mass runecrafting if there are pkers around as i cant afford to lose my pouches. They take ages to get back from abyssal monsters, and in my view are more useful than the drag hide i'm wearing at the time.








    My final point is about treasure trails. I've never done one in the wildy before, but i'm sure that I will at some point. surely you cannot 3-item for a trail? you need spade, clue, watch, sextant, chart, plate, legs + wep (to fight zammy wizard). you might also need food, tele runes, ring of life etc. Surely you have a good chance of getting something off them, especially if they have just completed their clue.








    anyways thats all i have to add. I agree with your post generally. personally, i'd like to be more adventurous, but the amount of pkers just puts me off training or item grabbing in the wild.

  7. i started a thread on suggestions called "examine player option" if anyone want to post ideas on that.








    but back to the point, i often ask people what their total level is as i always find that's a better level to judge people. I am combat 77, total level 1195 ( which I think is pretty good for my combat). However, i am trying to keep my combat level down as much as possibe to avoid being pked at low level wildy/abyss. I always get annoyed when i go up a combat level. Makes killing green drags in wildy that much harder.

  8. yeah i do agree to some extent. Spots are really crowded at places like catherby where there are som many people you cant seem them all, or if any items are dropped. But your suggestion for allowing an option of on/off for examing might be more hassle than its worth for the programmers for just a silly addition.








    secondly, regarding flaming, website, swearing stuff etc surely they could just apply the same filter in the examine box that they do for the main text screen.








    Well, any further comments/examine box suggestions welcome.

  9. I thought that it would be great if we could each have 25 characters, say, to describe ourselves in the game so people could 'examine' you like you examine npc's and enemies. It would be a lot of fun to examine people.




    For example:








    examine <>




    " A rune merchant" or




    "A dragon slayer"




    "25 KQ kills"




    "A muppet" (which i think will be mine)












    what would you have as your statement?

  10. yeah i agree with a lot of the posts here.




    I'm 65 mining and 57 smithing and i find it hard to make a lot of good money. Comparing to fletching maple longs and high alching them, it doesnt make me much money at all. Also with mining, you have to keep clicking on new rocks, but wc you just keep chopping until the tree is felled (so it is easier to get logs than coal). I think one of the solutions has got to be to increase the high alch value of smithed items. This would make a lot of smithers happy at all levels, and would make it a lot more worthwhile to do.




    Personally, i use fletching for my money making now. Bowstrings=crafting exp, wc=exp+seeds, high alching=rc exp(for nats) +magic exp. Its much better for levelling a lot of skills and better money.




    Secondly, I think that there were some good points about bringing in new armours at high level, and making rune lower level to smith. i dont think this is right as it is penalising the people who have got to high smithing the hard way.




    Making drag elemental armour (and having it untradeable) sounds like a good idea, but again, thos high level smithers can only alch to make a profit. they would also have to be lower stats than dragon armour as dragon should be the best stuff in the game. Alternatively, as suggested, they could have variable stats, so good against slash, but terrible against crush (for example).




    but I really do think that people with high def should have something special to wear, even if it is more of a status symbol than effective armour. (I am lev 61 att/def/str)

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