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Posts posted by neocrosby

  1. @neo: you didn't entirely answer both my arguements, but I'll try to answer your 'partial' one. Your arguement confuses me, as before, you sounded like someone who made one mistake and should've deserved it. However now, there are a few things that have left me partially-confused. Sure, you may have been around for longer, but as you clearly know, games change. Why should an update in the present affect things in the past? As far as i/many others see things, stuff you do in the past should be left...in the past. Your arguement is that 'I made one mistake in the past, and I deserve to get that settled/wiped, but newer people don't'. Here's a question: if someone got pk'd/killed for their items in the past, what should happen to them? Your arguement is that all people of the past should be forgiven/have this option. Therefore, if your arguement was correct, then jagex should give everyone who ever got scammed, killed in wildy, killed by a monster, or generally lost any items their items back. I still don't get your arguement 100%, and your 'I've played longer so I'm holier than thou' attitude hasn't exactly helped...


    Sorry for not answering your questions, I didn't how they had any relevance to points I am trying to make.

    People complaining about how its easier to train their character now with new updates should have had those options all along make no sense. You are right the game does change. Those are in game changes and updates... The Reinstatement of Banned Accounts isn't an in game update such as things added to the game. It is so different it makes no sense to lump them together. It just makes our debate confusing and way off topic. I understand what you are getting at here, but the difference between training in game changing throughout the years is way different than changing the way people can cheat and get away with it throughout the years.


    I am not debating people losing items fairly in game due to wilderness pking and such, being scammed, killed by monsters their items back, that is completely ludicris and has nothing to do with what I am saying.


    I can see how you being a new player could take me as an "I am better than you because I have seniority" or whatever, but that isn't what I am using for validation to receive fair treatment in getting my account back just like everyone else who has ever been banned. I think I have received cruel or unusual punishment based on how easy people can get away with cheating these days. I didn't think that way before this was released. All I am arguing is its unjust to just pick a date and say, ok you cheaters can get away with giving us money for your account back, and all y'all before can't. Thats all.

  2. If that were the case though, then what's stopping people from lieing about their bans. I'll use another example:




    What does lying about bans have anything to do with the points I am trying to make. How does Jagex rate one crime worse than another? Was I some jerk stealing peoples items? No. I was that jerk trying to unfairly get level 99 mining while also having a real life outside of Runescape, thats all. I am not trying to fool anyone, I've been completely honest with admitting my wrongdoings in this game. I've admitted I deserved to be banned. My argument lies with I don't think I deserve a permanent ban, when people now are being allowed to fork over mommy and daddies money to wash away their wrongdoings and giving longtime players of the past no such option. If I ran the game I'd want to help out the players who were there in 2001 and 2002 giving me $5 a month to start building this game from a [cabbage]ty nearly 2d game, into what it is today. Instead of giving handouts to the bandwagon kids of the last several years and forgetting their older players. Just be fair and give this option to everyone if you are going to make it an option at all.


    For example, a friend who showed this macro software to me during the month I made the mistake was also using it on fishing. He used it to fish from somewhere in the 80s to level 98. When he got on one day his fishing level just happened to be 92, so he quit playing. I am just frusterated and really questioning the people who sit behind Jagex desks looking at cheating customers. Are some laid back and like, oh i'll just rollback the dudes stats a bit... (this same character was also permanently muted several years prior) Did I just get some jagex employee who was having a bad day read up on my case? Saw that I was macroing in Rimmington on iron ores, and instead of noticing, well hey, this guy has gained quite a bit of mining xp in the last month, I could roll him back, but screw it, I am pissed at my girlfriend so I am going to take it out on this dude instead. no black marks...played since nearly the beginning of the game...oh well PERM BANNED with no chance of ever seeing daylight again. I guess so.

  3. @crosby: sadly, I am not with you....


    I respect your opinion. Just believe me after a year and a half of being banned I have learned my lesson. I could have went on and just made a new account, but it wouldn't have been the same. That character was my only character, I am sure you know what its like having something you held so dearly. I threw it all away. I deserved it, i know... I am not in regret that I got caught, I was at first, but after over a year of sitting with my punishment I started to think what if I did get to 99 mining and didn't get caught? How dishonest. Living with the fact that the time in 8 years of my life invested into my character was completely negated by 1 month of cheating. The then importance of having 1 level 99 stat was greater than my character as a whole? I was wrong.


    My argument is not that I still deserve to be punished further. My argument is why is it fair that people who committed the same mistakes I have today, who have invested far less time into the game, and far less time being punished, deserve to have the easy buy out, and I don't? My argument is that this update should be for banned players of the past, not of the future.



    I didn't fully understand your point until I reread your statement and can agree that at first it seems like what you say makes sense, however I did play this game 8 years mistake free, and didn't get the chance that kids who have played this game for 6 months and make a mistake will get. It doesn't "seem" unfair. It is unfair.

    This was my first offense ever in all those years, my character would have been going on 10 years old now... that kind of loyalty to a game means nothing when they can let people with several offenses over long periods of time get appealed, and now bought back? For shame... now I am started to question if I even want to play a game where the creators have such distorted mindsets.

  4. My account (the only account I have ever played on) deserves this option. I really hope I get it. I started playing Runescape in September 2001. Was a member ever since it was an option.

    I played it religiously all through highschool with my group of friends. After highschool I took a bit of a break, but as old friends also got back into the game so did I. around 2009, 8 years of playing the game combat level 124 or so, I cheated. I wholeheartedly regret it. I was in a rough point in my life. I was the only person in my group of friends after 8 years of playing this game I still didn't have a level 99 skill. (96hp, 93 range, 83 mining) I wanted to get a 99 so bad, I was desperate.


    I heard of this autominer that my friend had been using for months. I used it and within a months time I had gotten up to level 97 mining. I really thought it was going to work, and I would have cheated my way to a level 99 that I had always wanted. Until one day I signed on and it was all over.


    Without a single offense ever in the 8 years of playing this game, my account, without warning was perm-banned. I felt crushed. I immediately regretted my decisions. After two failed apology appeals, that was it. I severed all my ties from this game. It was hard. Like an old love, it was painful to try to forget. Of course 8 years of my life wasn't worth cheating. I can look back and realize how desperate I was, but have learned my lesson. I will never make that mistake if I am ever given the chance to get my account back. I remember checking back at the 6 month and 1 year anniversaries of my ban really hoping I would get a last chance appeal or something, but never anything. It has now been a year and a half since I was banned. I have obviously learned my lesson.


    Even without my character or any real hopes of getting it back ever, I still find myself checking out Runescape. Seeing how the world I once loved so dearly has changed and evolved. Now that the wilderness and free trade are back, like the good old days that I was so fond of, the regret of cheating hurts far worse than ever before.


    I remembered last week getting some hope when I saw the release of Banned Account Reinstatement, thinking wow, I would make a great candidate for this.

    I am willing to "buy off" my penalties, if that means the month of my life I wasted running that stupid autominer and my mining reset back to level 82, I don't care I just want my account back. Anyone who has lost something they held so close for 8 years of their childhood, having been taken from them for a year and a half would learn their lesson, don't you think?

    I sure have, I am willing to pay for my wrongdoings. I would become a member again and obviously a honest playing player of the runescape community.


    I never received the option to buy my account back unfortunately. Is it for real only players banned after this update get this option?

    That is absolutely unfair. I find it hard to believe anyone can think of a more deserving player than I to deserve something like this.

    Jagex should be giving this to their now-adult players who have stuck with them since year 1, who have made 1 damn mistake and have done hard time for it, rather than letting new players slide and never really feel the hurt of being banned for so long.


    So who is with me?

  5. I swear to God if level's 99 cap get removed I will give up with my life. 3 years to get 2 99's then all of that work was for nothing.



    chill out, I started playing runescape in september of 2001, and failed to acheive a single level 99...


    Me not buying the shoes isnt going to help kids in third world countries at all, sorry. I like them, they're my favorite, so i buy them...



    Not true, one person does make a small difference, especially if that one person owns that many pair of said brand shoes like you do. There are tons of similar shoes out there made in American factories for fair labor prices. Doesn't it make sense to support a company that supports its workers, not exploit them so that




    this loser can climb up the worlds richest man list?







    Nobody "needs" that many pairs of shoes, just like americans don't need a lot of the things they own.



    Right, think before you buy. Nike sucks.

  7. look_its_rob if you care about anyone other than yourself, google anything on Nike Sweatshops.


    Nike is a disgusting global corporation that exploits and uses children to make their products. Everything made by Nike is outsourced mostly to third world countries, and made by little children for pennies a day. Don't support that stuff man.




    who needs that many pairs of shoes anyway. Honestly?






    Goodwill, $2 shoes.


    lasted me 2 years and counting now.





  8. I love tattoos they are addicting. They eat up all my money.


    I have full sleeves planned which i hope to have finished this coming winter.




    I have a tattoo for my band on my shoulder with swedish writing, an animal rights tattoo which is part of a sleeve on my left shoulder, the word Vegan on my inner wrist, the outline of the city I live in on my leg, and Blastoise the pokemon on my asscheek, im not kidding. I like blastoise. alot.

  9. The most recent time I've died was the worst. Reason why I don't play anymore.


    I had just finished the smoking kills quest, and was beginning to slay to get points to combine my slayer items. My first task was cave horrors, in which I had just killed several thousand to get a black mask. For some reason I had all my best items on me for melee and range. I was wearing my full armadyl with ranger boots and using a dragon scimitar and rune defender because I was very close to a strength level. I usually switch back to guthans at about 40hp, which never ever have a problem with healing at that high.




    I was browsing forums, since killing cave horrors had gotten so boring. In under a minute I hear, dun dun dun dun dun... and I show up in falador with a fury amulet, guthans plate and guthans skirt. I'm guessing I lost a good 35+m in that one death. the 35+m I had spent months gaining. I felt like a pile of [cabbage] for a long time afterwards. Realizing even with the Angel of Death gravemarker, dieing with the ectophile meant there was no way for me to get back to Mos'leharmless.




    then immediately cancelled my membership, with the reason that I lost all my valuable items. Then I get a cancellation with some snobby, "are you sure you want to cancell your membership, regaining your valuable items is almost just as rewarding as getting them for the first time." [cabbage].

  10. uhh, this sounds super weird to me. It would make the game far to easy and less adventurous. I don't think I would use this feature even if it was released. I mean, don't get me wrong, I do enjoy teleportation, because walking sucks, but something THAT easy wouldn't make many things skills challenging. The amount of 99s would skyrocket!

  11. I think 99 in all skills should be 50%, the other 50% coming from 200mil in every skill O_o






    No, because getting 200xp in a skill is like getting level 99 in a skill on 15 different characters.


    that is waaaay less than 50%.




    im sorry but getting level 99 15 times...is a little uhh.... how can I say, go outside and ride a bike or read a book.... good greif.

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