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  1. Ok, what's your end goal? to disconnect Gamespy and EA to disconnect from me when im not playing. heh... :D
  2. Ok i need to know HOW to figure out whats connected to my I.P and how to off it (disconnect certain things connected to my ip) i got windows XP and use a Microsoft Router and use adelphia CABLE connection. :) thanks
  3. Mooncricket? damn now thats going back. levidog also...wasnt levi scamming people too? out of adam kites or somthing? airman100, mage...^.^ me and dmxkobe had a few good rumbles... and teamvsteam fights, me df and another against kobe and his crew. was fun. didnt who da best cheat in wild? or acused of it? like uh, forget...like, making people lag or somthing? i think it was just a riidiculous rumor though. duckman ya, had insanely high hard to duplicate theifing level, like double the exp needed for 99 i think? lol CKY was probly the first known herblaw trainers.
  4. when i first started, almost noone had knowlege. but ya, the good ol days omg most fun i ever had on a game was when i first started rs.
  5. Term and robin had a clan that they let me in and we went pking in wild woot. that was when wild was pretty new. Datrupimp i remember him and DF (Df Razor) and sabres and gladz (i think) pking on Karjamara while i was fishing... and ive been playin since the adam longs... maybe even before, or arnt those sold in the shop? hell, i remember the steel kites LOL.... haha good ol days.
  6. alot of people won't recognize ALOT of those names (especially leza or wasnt it lisa? hell, to long ago to remember stright haha) because some ofem are really old players(as in, starting the first year of rs)
  7. i think he also hated being called Led (as in pencil led) not sure the proper spelling. sup pker dude, not sure if u remember me, we bumped into eachother one day and sorta kinda became friends and talked and stuff :) (iz me joshthegod) been gone a long time :x i remember u was cool though, cant belive you still play o.o didnt she charge that much for adam kites and rune squares and battleaxes....? yup i guess i was right than o.o i remember that everyone talked about it that day. i think greg told me he was sharing with someone, or someone sharing with him, because either him or someone else got banned, forget who exactly but he was in the mix, guess they never banned him for it. holy ..... hahahaha now THATS oldschool. hell ya, i always wanted to merchant like him, his skill can never be duplicated sad, i remeber every one of those names.... have i been playing to long? blick actually came after pokey dabomb jabroni and makaveli (that i remember) What about Wifebeater? haxx_0rmaxx? road dogg? azn purity? unbeaten? king sabre? i know im missing a few more, Argh i forget.
  8. Well its obvious that it's in your own time zone, assuming you play on your location's server.. And I don't use ssp with this guys, for some reason. Seems to work better without o_O Edit: And that inventory you listed is useless for lower level people, like me (level 87). We need tons of prayer pots because we can barely hit them. I suppose I'll edit the guide though. Thanks for the help! ya it always seems you hit (Connect) less when your strength is alot higher than your attack, dunno why. always been like that for me o.o i hit pretty often when i keep my attack stat next to my strength stat.
  9. i remember he did get his smithing skill dropped alot because he was sharing i think not sure about banned.
  10. haha shot5times is funny. he had me download somthing on msn (cause we sorta became friends) and he said HAHAHA I JUST GOT A KEYLOGGER ON YOU...so i had to reset my comp, haha idiot. but he almost got me, from than on i dont trust ANYONE except a extremly select few. he also hacks people and uses there msn accnts , aim accts, etc to try and get your friends. BTW is he still around? haha By far the most known, recognized, and most talked about player in RS history has to be bluerose13x for what she did. staying on top in the smithing rsworld and holding a monopoly on it, thus everyone gave her the prices she wanted for what they wanted even if it wasnt equal value. (remember the whole assload of nature runes for a adam kite?(i belive it was) I've done buisness with her and she seems nice, but i at one point thought that she was a accnt sharer (FORBIDDEN BY RS LAW) and although she came out of her way to denie it ALOT when i've thrown it up in the air. Anyways, bluerose was greedy, but smart. and thats how she became the best smither, and most known, recognized, and most talked about player in Rs history. and while posting this i died, and lost my damn dragon ring and halloween mask, just great....
  11. it will end when jagex makes a new/better game or a Sequel to rs. :D like most other rpgs.
  12. How glad will you be when they come to RS2? :? thats why we let them stay on RSC...
  13. im glad there is macroers in RSC, less to deal with in the real world of Runescape. :D
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