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Posts posted by Lazyboy164

  1. I never said it was the best way to make money, it is just a guide to help make money. And it does raise several skills such as combat fishing and cooking. :P




    Raises combat if you use the lobsters for training food, but then you don't make money, totally defeating the purpose of this guide.




    Cooking you recommended not to do since it also loses money.




    When I read the title I was expecting to read about..well, a Non-Merchanting way to make money and raise some skills. Unfortunately not.....






    It just seems to be a decent guide on how to raise your fishing level :-k

  2. Decent guide.




    Just my something to add. When on world 2 and in trades, everybody might as well be muted and it's hard to communicate the price you're asking for. Generally if I already have some money, i'll put up how much I want with the item. It works sometimes if the person you're trading with has half a brain :-w

  3. I stand by my previous post though also agree with Aquashock in many aspects.




    One thing I can't comprehend is why people use protect prayers. Aqua you say you'll protect and if they want to live they should too. Ok yea, you're not going to get hit for a 35 by an abbysal whip, but you're not going to hit for a 35 either. Instead you'll be hitting 23's and it will be nearly impossible to get a KO. If they're no honour like you they'll just book it and you won't get a kill. If it's a range fight and both are praying, you just waste mor arrows.




    The whole basics behind "Honour" is that it's a fair fight. If I'm fighting another 126 melee we're probably both wearing near the same stuff and neither are praying. Using protect prayers would just be a waste of time. Just because both of us can use the prayers doesn't mean we should. There's no difference between both using it or both not.








    I think some things the noobs have grouped into Honour pking are complete BS and should be ignored. Ex. eating above half hp




    Running when out of food isn't dishonourable, it's Edge pking.




    Basically I agree with the principle of "Honour" pking but I think some of the things morons have grouped into the "Honourable" category are complete bull.

  4. Most people under level 90 ARE noobs. Especially level 40-70




    So...combat levels determine if you are a Noob? I think not. I have seen level 126's act like that 10 year old kid who sits at the computer all day drinking MT dew and eating [garden tool]-hos, thinking he is 1337 because he can beat someone in the wilderness. Yes, I have seen this..this is not a joke.




    I know people who are level *20* that are mature, know a lot about the game, and know all about the greatest and latest items and skills, and how to play the game.




    My point? Combat levels do not determine if you are a NOOB.




    I think if you were around the specific 126 long enough you'd see otherwise.




    As a 126 myself I generally agree with you. Knowledge is power, not combat level.




    However, being a high combat I think deserves some respect, if there's any left in the game. Getting called a noob every 30 minutes because I ignore someone trying to sell me an item I didn't ask to buy, refusing to do a skill cape emote, telling someone the proper price of an item as they try to rip off somebody else, ect. annoys me no end.




    I often choose the "play dumb" approach as I guess the 126 in your example was. If someone is in edgeville bank asking for free items, I may go up to them and ask them for free items as well. It is simply a form of entertainment, fooling with the minds of the dimwitted. I'm sure you'd find it entertaining as well.




    Since combat level is easy now due to recent additions (PC mainly) a better way to judge a "noob" is skill total. A balance in all stats, or atleast having tried all stats, shows they have some knowledge in the majority of the aspects of the game.

  5. I totally disagree with this article and find it greatly amusing at the amount of support. Of course this is probably due to the large length of time I've played the game, and likely the short length of time you have.




    RS1 pking was great and I challenge anyone to say otherwise. Why? There was honour, and everyone had it. If you were a pker and fighting another pker, it was generally to the death. Though of course there wasn't the ancients, teleblocking, teletabs and extras that the RS2 wilderness now has, it should still be the same.




    Runescape has simply grown too big, and the age/maturity of the general population has dropped significantly.




    I find it pitifully pathetic that you wear prosthlyte(sp) just to annoy, as well as encourage anyone else to do so. It is no honour.




    Of course you will shrug off my comment, as everything I'm saying will go in one ear and out the other. I expect the word "noob" to be thrown at me sometime in the near future.




    It is the internet, so granted the youngin's love to act tough and run their mouths. However I doubt you realise that, despite being a computer game, the characters that surround you are people too. And therefore they deserve your respect as much as if you knew them in real life, computer game or not.




    "Honour" in pking makes it so much better. If you're a good pker you'd make money. If you're a bad one you'd have to train better, rather then pull out your anchor and waste someones food just for fun. For fun? Why don't you pk with honour against someone else with the same. THAT is fun, and a challenge.




    You call honour pkers lazy? HAH. The ones without honour are the lazy ones. 1-iteming, risking nothing to make some gain? Level 70's attacking 90's with anchor, trying to get lucky, rather then training their stats? Today's noobs are spoon-fed and it's destroying the game.








    This article just shows the sad future the game Runescape has coming.




    It shocks me that despite the vet's in the Tip.it staff this article would get published. I suppose it's some RS-2 Product that's incharge of the times, though.


    The Smash Brothers (N64) boss; The Magic Hand. schater.gif








    *Smiles* *s[racist term]s, trying to hold it in* *cracks* *rolls around on the floor laughing*








    That thing was as easy as the first boss on barbie horse adventures for god sakes :P








    now one that is hard as hell, is the Super smash brothers melee for game cube. Left AND Right hand. Took me and my friend like 3 hours to beat it.


    Im harsh, yeah, i can be nice and provide constructive criticism too but it all depends what mood im in, reading this doesnt help me put me in a good one, and there is nothing you can do about it sometimes. Deal with it.




    There is a fine line between constructive c&c and flaming/discouraging a beginner. :roll: Harsh critiques are needed for the ARTIST TO IMPROVE, but flame or discouragement is just useless and shouldn't be posted at all.








    And there is something I can do about it. Report you to an admin or moderator. :)












    About the sig: Not too bad for a start, but I wouldn't call it "Pure ownage". :P Try doodling on paper and then try to imitate what you've drawn on paper with your computer. It seems to boost my spirits and also gives me a head start on the work.








    lmfao your jumping all over axe and calling this guy an artist? Im Artistically challenged and even I can trace around an image.








    Support him so he can get better? Get better at what? cropping? or putting more detailed dots everywhere?? I hope your joking....this guys got no potential at all, except maybe being the guy that crops everyones images so they dont stretch the page.








    Atleast if he did SOMETHING, ANYTHING at all. But he calls a copy and paste job pixel....its sad.








    [ADD] oh heres my pure ownage









  8. Ok well i got a fake email from "Jagex" yesterday. It was about becoming a player MOD. I knew it was fake but i was curious to how dumb it was so i opened it and then clicked the link. All of a sudden my Norton pops up" Urgent Trojan Cant repair file - access denied"








    I closed it immediately and did a Norton 2005 full system scan and it came out clean. So i opened the email again, got the pop ups again but read the actual form. Near the bottom it asks for your username and password.








    the exact name of the trojan was JS.Trojan.Blinder








    after doing a bit of research I came up with the conclusion all it does is masks (blinder = makes you blind?) the actual URL of the site your going to.








    If this is still on my computer, which i don't think it is since Norton didnt find it, could it contain a keylogger or something of the like where I could lose my account?








    NOTE-i didnt fill of the form oviously.








    Any info is greatly appreciated.








    [EDIT] if the form asks for your password, why would they put a keylogger in? Unless the hackers are actually smart and think you'll think that way.....lol im confusing myself.

  9. his arm around her waste kind of looks deformed because theres 2 bumps right after each other. Maybe make a faint outline around the guys arm so you can tell thats what it is (that is what it is right?)




    just my opinion :) and the birds by the castle seem a bit to dark compared to the other birds.

  10. may i suggest moving the moon, it kinda confused me with the first version (gold trim) although its his opinion not mine that counts, but you usually buy a sig so people will like it as well as yourself...so yea, just a suggestion, move the moon to the other side.

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