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Posts posted by Stubru_Freak

  1. its fake couse the sara pl8 and rune t pl8 are the old pl8s before the update,and the rune pl8 normal is the new pl8 how that can :?








    When they changed the arm lengths, they forgot to do it with trimmed...








    Jeez, you guys want to think EVERYTHING is fake...








    Read the topic before posting

  2. This pic is FAKE!




    1. With lvl 3 clues you MUST DIG HIGHER THAN LVL 20 WILDY SO YOU CANT TP!








    He walked to lower then lvl 20, then teled. You could think of that yourself.








    2. IF he got the reward in the wild, he couldnt tp cause the Reward Screen would go away.








    How stupid should you be to open casket in wildy?








    3. You can see that the background of the platebodies are bad quality. Copy and pasted?
















    MAybe just the image format?








    (I'm not saying it isn't fake, I don't know, but for now I believe him.)

  3. You said things like roughly x monsters a few times. This makes me believe you don't know the logical order the monsters spawn. Sorry if I'm wrong and you do know this. I'm only trying to be helpful. Well it goes like this:








    lvl 22




    2x lvl 22








    lvl 45




    lvl 22 + lvl 45




    2x lvl 22 + lvl 45




    2x lvl 45








    lvl 90




    lvl 22 + lvl 90




    2x lvl 22 + lvl 90




    lvl 45 + lvl 90




    lvl 22 + lvl 45 + lvl 90




    2x lvl 22 + lvl 45 + lvl 90




    2x lvl 45 + lvl 90




    2x lvl 90








    lvl 180




    lvl 22 + lvl 180




    2x lvl 22 + lvl 180




    lvl 45 + lvl 180




    lvl 22 + lvl 45 + lvl 180




    2x lvl 22 + lvl 45 + lvl 180




    2x lvl 45 + lvl 180




    lvl 90 + lvl 180




    lvl 22 + lvl 180




    2x lvl 22 + lvl 180




    lvl 45 + lvl 180




    lvl 22 + lvl 45 + lvl 180




    2x lvl 22 + lvl 45 + lvl 180




    2x lvl 45 + lvl 180




    2x lvl 90 + lvl 180




    2x lvl 180








    And so on








    So you always get this:








    All monsters you got before, same order + monster




    2x monster








    Edit by oddfaery2 05/30/07: Close. There will now be a list of waves in the guide though... Was surprised there wasn't one already!

  4. I think you should mention that the Martin Twaith store can be used as a tax-free general store (tax-free: gives high alch value for items instead of low alch, just like general store in bandit camp, wildy. (This of course is because just like in wildy, no tax inner ever finds the place, after all, tax inner is a government job and i don't think those guys really like the government)).

  5. Doing lvl 3 clue scroll, and I'm gonna kill this zammy wizard, so I'm thinking about dropping my sextant, watch and chart after killing him. So my question is:




    I have with me: the casket, a dbaxe, a spade, a sextant, a watch and a chart.




    What three items will I keep when i die?

  6. no offence but it's fake u can teleout with the clue reward screen up but then again i once got a reward from a guy the guy that has a key from silverlight quest whats hes name ummm i don't remenber lol o well but if u teleported how come you are in the staff shop?








    Guy listen, he digged up the casket, teled to varrock, opened the casket... you must be really stupid to open the casket in wildy...

  7. Wow I am seriously amazed, you people need to snap back to reality. This is a game, people play it to have fun and here you are discussing inflation? I mean I think its a good article and its fun to know how much money there is in the total of runescape, but inflation?




    I what we have here is a luxury problem: you are allready millionairs and dont want other people to become millionairs, so you think up ways to prevent others making money. To you it may be nothing when shop prices increase or when you need to pay the bank to withdraw notes or need to pay toll or something, but to beginning and medium level players it will make the game a lot harder and also a lot less fun! When you really feel there is too much money in runescape, make an example and withdraw a couple millions from your bank, go to a place where nobody ever comes, drop it and watch it dissappear.








    You are right, I changed my mind about my above post (even though i'm not a millionaire).




    If money wouldn't be inflating, then if one person gets richer, another person would get less rich. That means if some1 makes 1mill, someone else loses 1 mill the same moment... That would s*ck

  8. A good solution to shop prices would be like this:




    You should be able to "auction" items somehow, putting in a minimum price, then let people place bids on your item. This could for example be in a special auction room in varrock general store. You should then offer one item, or a stack of items/notes, then set a minimum price. Then other people can come and see all items auctioned, and bid on the items, these auctions should take about 5 minutes.




    Then the shop prices should be the average amount these items are auctioned for.




    This would mean there is no cheap input of high-value items by stores (for example, the shop prices of runes before the update lately).




    Also, if the difference between buying and selling price would be less, this would make high alching less attracting and selling to shops more attracting.




    Also, shop stocks shouldnt reset after updates, so in the end shops get overstocked of certain items, so high alching is better, or even transporting items to other, more remote shops, like the one in karamja... Or a new shop somewhere even further away.




    However smart players can make a profit out of this, lots of players will make losses, so money will be drained.




    If this is well investigated, and made perfectly balanced out, this would seriously lower the amount of money made in the game, and slow down, or even stop the inflation.

  9. bs!!!! i like always get like at least 70 or 80% and get cabbage, hwo do u get 60 and got 101 deaths and those arrows








    Just luck, I got cabbage (or things the value of cabbages) too most of the time, just lucky this one time.




    Also I think that your % counts like this:




    First they decide what they will give you, for example 100 chaos, 30 coal and 500 iron arrows.




    Then if you have 100% (impossible), you get all of it




    If you have 50%, you get half of it (50 chaos, 15 coal and 250 arrows)




    If you have 0% you get nothing




    And so on...








    So even if you have 80%, if they decide to give you cabbage, you get cabbage, but only 80% of it



    500 chaos and 137 death my record








    cool... that's way too much for a random event lol... you should be able to choose to go to maze urself :D












    Lol yes it is alot but i had like 79%.




    And i bet most of the people will chose "go to the maze" after all there is phr33 st0ff.








    But you should only be able to choose it if your name has 2 words, first starting with s and ending in u and second starting with f and ending in k, or your name should be the name of an animal with a number 10 after it...




    Isn't that a good idea?

  11. I have been a member for about 2 weeks now, and have got many lvl 1 clue scrolls from the ham ppl, etc. But am now getting bored woth the rewards from these clues.








    Can anyone tell me wher to get any better clues from, such as a lvl 2? i have tried fighting guards but no luck there!!!








    Fight more guards!




    I got 3 clues already from 500 guards or so

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