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Posts posted by Lionheart_0

  1. Oh hai there.




    A bit of programming, a few beers, and some old memories happen to bring me back here tonight.


    Many names I recognize here, and many more I do not. It is a bit odd seeing avatars and signatures (let alone usernames) considering a certain magical Image board I visit every day.


    I hope all you gents and gentle ladies are behaving yourselves.


    What's your avatar supposed to be?



    Serephurus .... That sounds familiar. Kefka.


    And hi tripsis!

  2. Oh hai there.




    A bit of programming, a few beers, and some old memories happen to bring me back here tonight.


    Many names I recognize here, and many more I do not. It is a bit odd seeing avatars and signatures (let alone usernames) considering a certain magical Image board I visit every day.


    I hope all you gents and gentle ladies are behaving yourselves.

  3. do you have trouble with threat? that should be the only reason why you'd gem for expertise/hit. other than that +30 stam all the way


    I need to take the hit gems out and replace them with expertise actually. I am not expertise capped yet. and stamina dosen't help much for mitigation. I could gem nothing but 30+ stam gems and get closer to 43k hp, but I would be getting hit for 10-20k in ICC.

  4. Said it once, gonna say it again. Dante's Inferno is to God of War as Fallout 3 is to Oblivion.



    Except, you know, Fallout 3 was created by Bethseda which created Oblivion.



    I want to play this game cause I am a big fan of action games, as well as the Divine Comedy.

  5. ITT: People attempt distance themselves from the psychology of society, and fail.


    There are exceptions to every normality. But stories like this hold much more truth than credit is given.




    Pretty good Christmas. Of course I got my Droid phone earlier because we switched plans, but it "technically" wasn't a Christmas gift. I may buy a PS3 with the money I have (got about $400 now) although I'm not entirely 100% on it.



    Which phone :eek: (I got the HTC Hero and love it).


    I got:

    Lots of socks


    Lots of dark chocolate

    A skin for my phone


    Good jeans

    A dress shirt and tie

    An electric shaver (Good bye disposables!)

    $15 for gamestop

    And a poster that says "You know you play too much World of warcraft when..."




    Good times!

  7. I don't mean to be a rude, but why are you Lionheart (a global moderator) posting a topic like this in GG when it belongs to Help and Advice? Also welcome back. Try God Wars Dungeon bosses, they definitely will catch your attention.



    Because this is a generalized thread with discussion value, which I do believe is something to be posted in "General Discussion". Although people can give me advice, it is totally possible for it to become a discussion more then just that. Most help and advice topics degenerate down to a mod saying "This has been answered, locked!"


    I have decided to look more into this god dungeon thing. The only problem I am having is coming to terms with the chance of dieing. I remember back when I played a lot that I rarely took chances cause I was afraid to loose my stuff. Of course Getting rune armor back is nothing (Which is what I only had when I stopped playing), but the idea of loosing some of that more valuable armor scares me.

  8. Ya I think the only real thing right now I can really do is just try to level up skills and what not. I don't care too much for economy nor pvp in this game (Unless in safe games). I guess I have been a bit spoiled with no problems when dieing, and with easy group play. I'll still do some stuff once in awhile for one month and see where it goes.

  9. So it has been 2 years since I have last played even casually. I thought I might as well join up and fool around a bit while I wait for some things to change in WoW.


    Within those 2 years though, this game has changed dynamically. So many mini games, and so many additions to skills (I re-named my Character to Ark-heart if you wanna see my skills now).


    I'm just wondering what is some fun stuff to do now. I tried to think of what I should do in game but I was drawing a big blank. I hear about this god dungeons thing which sounds pretty cool (Is is like that bug queen or with multi bosses?) Any feedback would be nice.

  10. Hello there.


    Sorry, but I do not think it is a normal Admin duty to convert a piece of our site to a different format our users to use. I will be locking this and you may send a pm to someone (Not me, I just mod) perhaps requesting this, but it would be much faster for you to do this yourself.


    Thank you

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