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Posts posted by mucco

  1. As I stated in the guide, the attack animation overrides the mining animation. So even if it looks like your character is sitting there like an idiot getting attacked and doing nothing, he is in fact mining the ore. Clicking it multiple times will do you no more good then clicking it once and leaving it.








    The fact about animations is clear, the point is another:








    I'm 97 mining. I can get gold within 4 seconds about 60% of the time. When it takes longer than 4 seconds that means the computer is generating a "bad" cluster of numbers for me. If I don't get the gold within 4 seconds I just click the ore again, this will reset the "randomness" and I usually get the gold within the NEXT 4 seconds.








    When I mine down there with only 54 prayer :oops: mining speed is a key factor, as I'm not assured to get a full load of ores with one pot (4). I've noticed that reclicking the ore after some time often does make mining faster.








    Maybe it's something to include in a possible new guide? If I clicked the ore only once I'd have to take several pots per trip, this goes for everyone with a low prayer level.

  2. I'm actively using this method lately, with great results, congratulations wakka. It's not empty, for sure, but most of the time there aren't more than 3-4 people mining at the same time so if you can find them and organize the thing it's all good.








    I got a question: do you ever reclick the ore if it's hard to get? If yes, how often? I find it hard to get an ore in the first 5 seconds, usually.

  3. This guide is amazing Wakka. I have been using it and the results are great. I get about 100 ores and hour for a nice 575k per hour. Thanks for sharing this, but sadly it is starting to fill up with miners.








    Uh, is it 100 ores or 575k per hour? There's quite a difference...

  4. you guys can read but you just want to see the negatives and post your ugly comments sadly...








    The comments you've read are there to help you to improve, not to be mean and upset you. Nothing is perfect, and this guide isn't surely, so people try to tell you what in their opinion is lacking. It's not spelling or grammar itself the most important thing when there is good stuff in it, like you say, but the point is that a good guide must be compared to other guides to be judged. There are a lot of merchanting guides already, which talk about feathers, and rune scimmies, and more - but they're easier to read, faster to understand, and the form does help this.








    A guy who reads your guide thinks: "why do I have to decypher every word I read? Where exactly is this place? How do I get there?" It's likely that the people you want to help with this guide are not very experienced with the game, so they may wonder where "west varok bnk" is. That's an example of a lack of pictures. Other guides show maps, precise locations and such stuff and this guy who was reading your guide moves to other ones. Especially if it's talking about first-level merchanting, which is possibly the most known subject for a guide and the one with most writings about it, a guide should be comeptitive, so either say something new, or say it better. If it doesn't, you understand it's pretty useless ;). Your guide is informative and helpful, no doubt about that, but many other writings are more.








    That's why you get all the constructive criticism, it's there to help you, don't flame who tries to make you better.

  5. =D> Very nice! I've read it while mining for 85... Anyway, it's excellent, especially the part about getting the gold ore (which was pretty much the only thing I didn't know). Also the tips about keeping your sanity are helpful, and true for all types of training, not just smithing.








    I'd call this a "roleplaying" guide, as it teaches how to gain by yourself what you want, but obviously training the 3 skills separately goes much, much quicker. One very dedicated player could get 99 mining in 1 month and a half, and as you said it's the longest part. When you have a lot of money smithing and crafting go much quicker, but it's true that it ruins the spirit of those skills.








    EDIT: it's Port Phasmatys not Phantasmys btw

  6. Nice guide, it lacks a couple things to be considered good for a f2p mining guide though.








    You may want to add the southeast Varrock mine, as there are 4 iron rocks there (I believe) and the walk isn't much longer than west mine.




    A good place for gold and silver is the crafting guild, although bank is a bit far away, it's probably faster gold than karamja volcano.




    Also, for high levels, the hobgoblin mine (halfway from edgeville to rune rocks) can provide a lot of good ores, including a furnace nearby, so you can bank directly addy or mith ores.








    The advice about worlds is good, but I had to spend a couple minutes trying to find all the squares! Maybe it's just me :XD: but some brighter colours could do.

  7. Very nice guide.








    You may want to put the "no glories used" line under the pros and not the cons. :wink: Also, the time to do an abyss trip running is around 1m 45s or so, and walking is never done due to pker danger.








    The biggest drawback of this method is having to go to the abyss every 25 runs or so, to fix pouches. It could drain as much time as recharging glories, I don't know though. To bring damaged pouches isn't something I'd do, as it's painful to get them back once they degrade fully.








    In the cons, I'd write that it's soooo boring :lol: Abyss needs you to pay attention, so it's not as boring and repetitive.

  8. Nobody mentions the best of all times: SEAN PAUL?? lol




    No joke, hes making some good music, "the trinity" is a pretty good CD.




    Btw my best favourites are (not in order):




    Green Day




    The Offspring




    The Hives




    Red Hot




    My Chemical Romance




    The Darkness




    Sonata Arctica (<= they RULE!)




    Franz Ferdinand, of course

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