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  1. "faces change, people stray, time and time agine." i think thats the right lyrics. this guy obvessly had depression problems.. he probably had bi polar aswell. My mom has bi polar and she is always saying crazy stuff like that, and she pulls knifes and stuff on ppl lol. Any1 with bi polar or any kind of high depression,, have a high risk of commiting suicide. I dont care who you are and how good yur life is going. One time, when i was younger i think i was 14. I took a bottel of Adaril"which is recalled now, cuz it gave people heart attacks... anyway that day if my friend didnt say nothing to me at school,, i wouldnt have throwed up them pills I could have died and or gone [developmentally delayed]ed."special" :roll: I learned my leason and realised that Life was more important then i thought And i learned to control my anger so i wouldnt feel that way no more. just keep this in mind ppl dont let yur emotions get to you,, If you dont like the way yur living get away from it .. do something new. Otherwise yur spend a eternity in Limbo.
  2. i have been.. picture link fixed cant u read. They wont know unless i say
  3. Ya its hard to choose anymore,, but i know 1 thing . You have to play something that keeps you moving and kicking butt. Heres a small list of all the mmorpg's and fps i play wurmonline silkroad runescape(not no more tho, quit about a year ago) D.O Rakion Gunz lineage2 Supreme destiny Kights online All are good games with tons of skills to train... cant seem to pick 1 tho :roll:
  4. http://www.freeworldonline.com/ This game is Kinda like Fable in a sence but Grafix and annimation is like Everquest or Kights Online and has more of a fantasy setting/ I just started playing it and i found it has a kinda addictive Fight style like Fable Had. One of my Favorite things to do in game is Arch! But you can master any skill you like. Mounts are buyable .. You can have Pets from Chickens to giants Spiders! My headless horseman :lol: Me arching some monsters Great Muti combat THis game also has a creative side with skills that vary from Alchelmy to Tailoring... its has about everything! To Join my clan ARCHARY on FreeWorld, just post a message here and follow these steps in game to Join my party every time you login.
  5. Lol id have to say Fox and the hound(cartoon) Homeward bound 1 and 2 Ninja turles the movie Fival goes west(cartoon) Beavis and butthead dose america(my cousins used to watch mtv alot) cheech and chong up in smoke 1 (lol at the time i didnt know anything about smoking weed or what it was but i thought it was great movie) Mortal combat the movie ( we would kung fu fight all day ) The land before time series of movies ( the last one i remember watching was the 3rd 1.) Space Jam ( the loonly toon basketball movie with michal jordan ) Went ever i was watching thes movies it was 1995 to 1998.. so i was about 5 to 8 years old. That qualfy's as a kid.
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