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Everything posted by Cookie_187

  1. i jus startd gettin camo aswell :? i thought that was members only, but obviously not... jus another thing to fill up our already full banks :roll: ok guys, we got the point... u pay 4 members n u get more spaces, stop repeating it ova n ova! :x sum of us don't play enuff 2 waste our money on members, n sum of us actually hav lives. lol... :lol:
  2. wow, this has had alot of replies since i last checked... so what's this about new armours for f2p? or did i miss-understand something i read in here? (bit off-topic i know, but i'm curious! lol)
  3. well any1 that actually wants 2 go along wif this... go 2 the runescape home page. in the "knowledge base" box on the left, click the "comment on our service" link. unda the "other comments" heading about 2/3 way down the page, click the "click here" link. log in. click continue. select "suggestions" in the "type of feedback" drop-down box, and click submit. add a comment bout a few more bank spaces for free accounts, and send. thanx heaps 2 any1 that actually goes thru wif this. i'm desperate 4 the space, n really appreciate it!
  4. the thing is tho, we shouldn't hav 2 jus drop those items that we can't get bak... i kno they want us 2 pay 4 membership 4 the bankspaces, but i 4 1 don't play enuff anymore 2 b wastin money on membership, is that fair enuff? it jus gets really frustrating sumtimes! even my lil bro who's a member thinks it's totally unfair... will sum moderator please jus delete this topic then? no1's gonna support this, soo... sorry bout this guys, but i thought it was worth a try... (it wasn't really even gonna b like a full on petition. nuffin 2 serious that mite get us in trouble or get our accounts banned, jus wantd 2 c how many otha ppl felt the same way n mayb send game suggestions thru the site or sumthin simple like that)... i seriously expected heaps of ppl 2 bak me up on this 1, but hey... forget it then!
  5. the zombie clothes was jus an example... but there's gotta b people that hav full mime and zombie, and don't want 2 drop it. and they shouldn't hav 2! please sign this petition!
  6. Currently in the free version of RuneScape, we only have 60 spaces in the bank. Members get heaps more space every time something new comes out. But what about the free version players!? We have had new stuff introduced to us recently, like the zombie clothes which take a few spaces... I don't know how everyone else is handling the 60 spaces, but it really frustrates me when you just don't have the space for stuff! Anyone else who would like 75-80 bank-spaces, leave your RuneScape account name and E-mail address. Get as many of your friends as you can to sign aswell, and let's win this one guys! AC_AC_AC [email protected]
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