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  1. I assure you I do know what I babble about, it IS 40 Defence, if it wasn't I would NOT be able to use it on my 40 Defence pure, yet I can so therefore it is 40 Defence to wear :wink:
  2. True they do have the Defence to train at different spots, but where I've said is the only place I, personally, have trained. If you have any places you have trained your pure, by all means post and I shall add it. :)
  3. I get PJed most fights so I'd rather have teleports than not, if people dislike that they should go to MB, Duel Arena or take TB. I don't have a teary when someone teleports on me, I just know I wasn't fast enough to KO them :wink:
  4. Thanks for the feedback :P I will learn how to edit and use it appropriately for vid #2 and beyond :wink:
  5. I have over 1k kill pics over my 2 pure accounts, all of which are over 50k and most over 200k of loot. Stats don't make the PKer, but they do help :P 1 Defence I've found is good to begin with when PKing, to learn how to switch, timing, potting, etc. 20 Defence is awesome profit, you can die 10 times and only need to kill 1 Rune Pure and you've got enough cash to rebuy all your Initiate Armour. 40 and 45 Defence rock when PKing at 89-95 Combat, but it's all luck mainly. On Rune_Carna I went for higher Attack instead of higher Strength because I'd rather hit constant 34s instead of a 40 here and there. Short answer: Yes.
  6. I would have put that in, except the Helm of Neitiznot requires 55 Defence. It's good, just out of the Defence range.
  7. Thanks for the feed back :P I was going to add in effects, but when I tried to, it would ruin what you would see in the pile :( Ah well, can only get better :P Evanescence pwns though :twisted:
  8. This guide is only written from my experiences, I have PKed as each melee-style of pure. My accounts: Rune_Carna (45 Defence) and Melee_Carna (was 1 Defence, 20 Defence and is now 40 Defence). Enjoy. [hide=1 Defence]1 Defence Pures; This are the 1st step for ANY type of Pure. Ideal Stats: 60/70 Attack 80-99 Strength 1 Defence 70 Range 52 Prayer 82 Magic Note: 60 Attack for Dragon Scimitar, 70 if you want to use Abyssal Whip. 82 Magic and 70 Range arenÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t required, but are welcome additions to your pure (70 Range for Black Dragonhide Chaps/Vambraces, 82 Magic for Ice Blitz) and 52 Prayer for Smite. Ideal Gear: Note: Fire Cape can be used instead of Team Cape. Amulet of Glory instead of Amulet of Strength. Training: Rock Crabs or Experiments for the stats you want. If you have Prayer Potions you donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t need for PKing, go Bandits. They are costly, but well worth it IMO purely for the fact that you donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¹Ãât need to constantly click (beware of randoms though). PKing: 2 Rings of Recoil (1 Equipped, 1 in Inventory), Pure set (Super Attack and Super Strength Potions), 1-2 Prayer Potions (3-4 Doses), a Dragon Dagger (P++) and the rest Sharks. Also a teleport if you choose to take them, I chose not to as all you lose is a DDS, hardly worth teleing for. In my experience, (at 70-75 Combat) I only ever took in 10-12 Sharks and 1-3 doses of Prayer Potion aswell as the Recoils, DDS and Pure set. You or your opponent rarely live long enough for you to eat more than 15 Sharks and drink more than 2-3 Prayer Potion doses. Quests: Italics means not required. All Recipe for Disaster Requirement Quests for your Glove type. Lost City: Dragon Dagger Horror from the Deep: Unholy Book Monkey Madness: Dragon Scimitar Recipe for Disaster (5 Subquests): Mithril Gloves Death Plateau: Climbing Boots Desert Treasure: Ancient Magicks Recruitment Drive: 1k free Prayer Experience.[/hide] [hide=20 Defence]20 Defence Pures; Do NOT train Defence, do Nature Spirit quest (A requirement for the 6th Subquest of Recipe for Disaster) for the Defence experience and then and ONLY then, train it until 20. Ideal Stats: 70 Attack 85-99 Strength 20 Defence 70 Range 52 Prayer 82 Magic Note: 70 Attack for Abyssal Whip, higher Strength to balance out your Defence levels. 82 Magic and 70 Range arenÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t required, but are welcome additions to your pure (70 Range for Black Dragonhide Chaps/Vambraces, 82 Magic for Ice Blitz) and 52 Prayer for Smite. Ideal Gear: Note: Fire Cape can be used instead of Team Cape. Amulet of Glory instead of Amulet of Strength. Training: Rock Crabs or Experiments for the stats you want. If you have Prayer Potions you donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t need for PKing, go Bandits. They are costly, but well worth it IMO purely for the fact that you donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¹Ãât need to constantly click (beware of randoms though). PKing: 2 Rings of Recoil (1 Equipped, 1 in Inventory), Super set (Super Attack, Super Strength and Super Defence Potions), 2 (4 dose) Prayer Potions, a Dragon Dagger (P++) and the rest Sharks. Also a teleport if you choose to take them. In my experience, Initiate Pures are best at around 80-90 Combat. Be warned; you WILL die a lot through PJers/DDS Specials. Quests: Italics means not required. All Recipe for Disaster Requirement Quests for your Glove type. Lost City: Dragon Dagger Horror from the Deep: Unholy Book Monkey Madness: Dragon Scimitar Recipe for Disaster (6 Subquests): Mithril Gloves Death Plateau: Climbing Boots Desert Treasure: Ancient Magicks Recruitment Drive: Initiate Armour[/hide] [hide=40 Defence]40 Defence Pures; Do NOT train Defence, getting Rune/Barrow Gloves will get you your Defence levels. Ideal Stats: 70 Attack 85-99 Strength 40 Defence 70 Range 52 Prayer 82 Magic Note: 70 Attack for Abyssal Whip, Strength doesnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¹Ãât matter so much when you go 40 Defence as you have a lot of Strength Bonus giving Gear. 82 Magic and 70 Range arenÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t required, but are welcome additions to your pure (70 Range for Black Dragonhide Chaps/Vambraces, 82 Magic for Ice Blitz) and 52 Prayer for Smite. Ideal Gear: Note: Fire Cape can be used instead of Team Cape. Amulet of Glory instead of Amulet of Strength. A Rune Heraldic Helm or Fighter Hat would be better than a regular Rune Full Helm to cut down on your loss if you die. Barrow Gloves can be achieved at 40 Defence. Training: Rock Crabs or Experiments for the stats you want. If you have Prayer Potions you donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t need for PKing, go Bandits. They are costly, but well worth it IMO purely for the fact that you donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¹Ãât need to constantly click (beware of randoms though). I've used Dagganoths at Lighthouse to train also. PKing: In my experience, the painted Rune Kiteshield can SAVE you if you start getting DDS Specced. It is entirely up to you to take it or not, but I would recommend it. Quests: Italics means not required. All Recipe for Disaster Requirement Quests for your Glove type. Lost City: Dragon Dagger Recipe for Disaster (7-8 Subquests & Battle): Rune Gloves or Barrow Gloves Death Plateau: Climbing Boots Desert Treasure: Ancient Magicks Recruitment Drive: Initiate Armour Slug Menace: Proselyte Armour Dragon Slayer: Rune Platebody and Black Dragonhide Body. Heroes Quest: Ability to recharge your own Amulet of Glories.[/hide] [hide=45 Defence]45 Defence Pures; Do NOT train Defence, getting Rune/Barrow Gloves will get you your Defence levels. Ideal Stats: 70 Attack 85-99 Strength 45 Defence 70 Range 52 Prayer 82 Magic Note: 70 Attack for Abyssal Whip, Strength doesnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¹Ãât matter so much when you go 40 Defence as you have a lot of Strength Bonus giving Gear. 82 Magic and 70 Range arenÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t required, but are welcome additions to your pure (70 Range for Black Dragonhide Chaps/Vambraces, 82 Magic for Ice Blitz) and 52 Prayer for Smite. Ideal Gear: Note: Fire Cape can be used instead of Team Cape. Amulet of Glory instead of Amulet of Strength. A Warrior Helmet can be used instead of Berserker Helmet. Training: Rock Crabs or Experiments for the stats you want. If you have Prayer Potions you donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t need for PKing, go Bandits. They are costly, but well worth it IMO purely for the fact that you donÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâ¹Ãât need to constantly click (beware of randoms though). I've used Dagganoths at Lighthouse to train also. PKing: In my experience, the painted Rune Kiteshield can SAVE you if you start getting DDS Specced. It is entirely up to you to take it or not, but I would recommend it. Quests: Italics means not required. All Recipe for Disaster Requirement Quests for your Glove type. Lost City: Dragon Dagger Recipe for Disaster (7-8 Subquests & Battle): Rune Gloves or Barrow Gloves Death Plateau: Climbing Boots Desert Treasure: Ancient Magicks Recruitment Drive: Initiate Armour Slug Menace: Proselyte Armour Dragon Slayer: Rune Platebody and Black Dragonhide Body. Heroes Quest: Ability to recharge your own Amulet of Glories. The Fremennik Trials: Fremennik Helmets[/hide] Melee_Carna's Stats: Rune_Carna's Stats: Fire Cape is NOT required to PK, it surely would HELP, but is not NEEDED, so if you do not have the patience, money or skill to complete the Caves, God Cape or anything else you want to use is still a good option. There are other places to train your Pures, I've only listed where I have trained at. If you have any places you have personally trained your accounts, by all means post and I will add them. Any questions, suggestions, comments, just post.
  9. Also, when you're getting the 40 KC, killing the Spiritual Warriors is the easiest way although you get nothing worth while from them.
  10. Great guide. I'm 111 Combat and Solo'd the Armadyl Boss :twisted: Only got 20 Rune Bolts :cry:
  11. It takes a minute per ticket, which basically makes each ticket worth 320 exp. But, at Wilderness or Ape Atoll courses its a minute (around abouts) per 500+ exp, so in the 1000 minutes it took you to get 320k exp, you can get 500k+ exp.
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