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Posts posted by Lageris89


    Stage one, met my friend and went to our other friends house for a barbecue, there his dad gave us 2 shots of vodka each;




    All I can say is that I can't imagine doing it every weekend, maybe 3 times a year ;) but that might change, I recommend it to people to try it out, have good ID, and make sure your with friends who have been before and know what it's all like.




    Where is the legal drinking age where you live? If it's 21 like it is here, your friend's dad is incredibly irresponsible.






    As for that last comment, by "good ID" do you mean like a fake one that will fool the people checking ID's, or an actual legal one? If it's the former, then you're encouraging everyone to break the law?


    ahaha what the hell?

  2. You are clearly the type of Brits I am talking about. Turns a blind eye to everything.




    ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã3,000,000?! Get real. That is nowhere near a typical school. You have got to be joking if you consider that a typical english school. And just because what I'm basing my agruments on happen in Manchester doesn't mean the country is different. What I'm saying happens to the everyday person. The working class. The majority! Any 16 year old who has actually taken a trip outside to the real streets of England will have been offered drugs, [bleep]s, alcohol hell even guns if you're in Mosside or East London. And you think that's not what goes on? Then you aren't anything different. Every politician will use statistics that crime is going down, but it's not. I don't care if you show me hard facts, I've seen it. And if these things only happend in Manchester then you can do what most people do and seclude it. "Oh you haven't seen the rest of the country". Oh ok. That makes it alright. The fact that drugs and illegal weapons flood communties is ok because the rest of the country has nicer places. I'm sorry how blind and ignorant can i be? Get real. <.<




    There are drugs in every town and village in the country, that doesn't mean it affects your life and it certainly doesn't mean you have to be involved in it.

  3. DaDieselDude05 said:
    Another thing that I'm not looking forward to is not being able to eat for 8 or so hours before the surgury...I'm a 6'2" 170 lbs. teenager. I'm always hungry!








    We all know that tobacco, alcohol and even caffine can have detrimental effects upon the health of the individual, if taken in to large quantities, or even at all. We also know that by making the drugs illegal we push thier production into the "black market", where profits go not to the good of society as a whole, but to gangs interested in profiteering whatever the cost and to extreemist organisations,








    It's not about the production going in to the black market. We have the capabilities to completely destroy all the opium plants in Afghanistan and wherever else they are. Also, do you have any idea how high the tax is on things like cigarettes and alcohol? The government would lose billions upon billions if these things were outlawed.


    So what BlueLancer? We have one of the richest histories of any nation. We have accomplished great things, and owned the majority of the globe at one point. Seems as though we are entitled to be proud of our nation, and great currency.








    Richest histories? How much "history" have you studied? :lol: At one time slavery was what kept Britain's economy alive, slavery?








    Right, because the country would totally collapse without slavery, wouldn't it? Ahaha








    So owning the majority of the globe is something to be proud of? Adolf Hitler almost conquered the world yet he is the most hated figure in our world today. Is Germany proud of him?








    Hahaha, this doesn't even make sense!

  6. someone hands in your name and adress and they count that as proof....that's just stupid...that's like me going to the teacher at school with a cut lip and saying it was *insert random kids name who you don't like* then them getting expelled...








    There is obviously more to the story.

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