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Posts posted by warri0r45

  1. This is true: today ive been cooking lobbies at the al kharid range and ive been greeted by 3 genies !!, all in exactly the same position (while cooking at the range).




    i'd say that after today, ive probably only been chosen by a genie 5 times total in all of my time playing RS

  2. hunter-gatherer FTW. you dont have to get off your a** today and thats why people are fat...




    WYR: make poverty in africa history or become the most well known and well loved hollywood actor/actress

  3. pretty interesting...




    this from answers.com -




    The fictional character Montgomery Burns on The Simpsons is a Bonesman from the class of 1914.





  4. seems ive become a bit of a devils advocate with this post.


    Just look what it did to bush's ideas and speech and hes been braggin about himself being christen his whole term.
    I loathe religion interfearing with politics.




    im not against religion its self though

  5. youre definately right to point out the link between religion and cults, although the cults based on religion are often very twisted versions of the true religion. anyone else have any wierd/bizzare cults they know of?

  6. anyone ever heard of Raelism? It strikes me as absurd as many (more like all) cults are and made me think how stupid people are to firstly make this up and secondly follow/believe it. What got me most about this was the use of the terms 'Elohim' and 'Yahweh' when reffering to these aliens who supposedly created human life through thier superior genetic engineering techniques. the significance of the names 'Elohim' and 'Yahweh' is that they are both hebrew for 'god' which tells me that the people that thought this up obviously stole the terms to sensationalise ther cult.




    What are your thoughts on cults and are there any crazy cults out there that you want to share details of or even any that you think could be true?? ( :lol: )

  7. can i just first say congratz, some of u have real good taste in music








    in no particular order -








    dimebag (pantera f****** rule)








    jimmy page




    kurt cobain




    adam jones (tool)




    daniel johns (silverchair)




    tom morello




    john butler (john butler trio)




    wes borland (not really an LB fan, just like his style)




    mick n jim (slipknot)




    james iha (a perfect circle and smashing pumpkins)




    luke mcdonald - sunk loto (u probly have no idea)




    probably many more








    willie adler




    mark morton




    stephen carpenter












    sorry for adding so many i just like music








    i judge these not only on thier guitar playing ability but songwriting too

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