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Posts posted by hardwick246

  1. In Adobe programs you have the option to save your project (the files where you can open it back up later to edit again) and also save as a type of file (in your case a .avi or .mpeg format). There should be an "Save as.." when you would just click the drop down menu below where you would type in the name of the file. Another option might be to have any option like "Save for Web/Device" which is what Photoshop has. Just try experimenting with the save options.




    As far as I know, there isn't a converter from projects to video format. :?

  2. All signatures MUST have a border. Look further into signature tutorials, these are really basic and simple like Rainy_Day said.




    Start with reading some signature tutorials with brushes, you can download them at Deviantart.com. Later you will learn how to make extensive tags with C4D's and massive effects.

  3. Sorry for the delay guys. I have been very occupied with history work and essays. Hmm let me see...




    Soa- It has excellent flow, yet it lacks the color I was looking for. Either the render needs to be centered more or brighten up the left side of the signature because the fading out doesn't help with some the effects.




    ThruItAll: When I first saw this I was thinking this is pretty good until I saw some of the effects you added. The blurry effects and scanlines pretty much ruined it. I love the colors yet the right side lacks some color compared to the left.




    I will have to say Soa won this but only because ThruItAll used some (IMO) unnecessary effects.




    I was pleased with these results though, and it made me think about how others come up with the same render yet different signatures. :-k




    Thanks. :thumbsup:

  4. As some may know, I recently made a Samus signature that I put many hours into. It got me thinking what would other people's signatures look like? Well that's the point of this thread.




    I will be hosting this contest to see who can come up with the best signature (myself excluded) under the following settings:




    -No Animation


    -Any size signature


    -C4D's only, I will not change this.








    I will be looking for originality, colors, blending of render, and focus points.




    You can enter now. Contest will begin October 1st and end October 3rd




    I will add the list of names to join here:










    Signature Entries:








    I hope you guys will join and enjoy this contest.

  5. I can look forward into those. Mind giving me some opinions on the different types of borders? :?:




    I'll stick the original render in there and you can see the different in the cannon. I did put a light source there, but I guess it isn't bright enough. :-k




    The back of samus is boring because of the light effect from her arm. I could try to brighten it up a big, but the point is to use the focus point.




    By the C4D in the back do you mean the red one to the right of samus's head?

  6. Just join "The Gallery" community and you can get help there instead of making posts (Spam?) on this thread.




    I personally don't like sprite signatures. Can never seem to blend in the sprite. Don't like the emptiness of the signature too. Good use of C4D's though.




    4.5/10 :-w

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