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Posts posted by caskade

  1. We woulda gotten some drops if Caskade didn't mess up the first 2 times. He forgot to use the special of the Rune Axe the first time, and brought Strength potions instead of Sara brews the second time. That practically wasted an hour. And the best drop would be a clue :XD:




    Yup. I'll take the blame. It was all me kthxbai. It was only 'a test run' anyways. We'll go down there and camp for a few hours next time. ::' Have to go do that clue now :ohnoes:

  2. Thanks for not commenting my post Caskade.. geeze








    Did this take place the other day when you were talking to me? ABout killing black demons and healing and you said you werent going to change armor anymomre?








    Nope. It was the day after that. I was down there for like 3 days man! It was horrible. Almost got a slayer level off of them too.

  3. Oh god... that was intenesly stupid of them, dont you just wish that you can be a mod sometimes?








    gratz to you for keeping cool, and not lowering to their lvl




    Just reading this annoys me... :evil:




    You have a good temper.








    Thanks for the complements guys. Sometimes I wish it was that good IRL. :-#















    Moral:even if you prove a noob wrong they will nag you until you teleport away and then he will tell the people around you how noobish you are for running away.








    lvls own riches








    So true. :XD: There have been occasions where they will stop, but that is one of those 1 in a million noobs. You're almost forced to tele or something of that sort. <.<

  4. something similar happened to me, but instead I wasn't wearing expensive armour, they just wouldn't believe I had green phat and started making all sorts of comments about why noone except maybe zezima could have phats :S I posted the convo somewhere around here as well :P








    But still, those are only 2, there are still many other good players around.








    yes, I know there are a LOT of great player out there. Thank God for Tip.It. I'd probably go insane without you guys. \' ::'

  5. I love you. That was the best retort ever. "Hope you hit puberty soon!"












    You flat-out owned them, they just kept saying the best stuff over and over.












    And if wealth makes you a nerd, I'm pretty nerdy :twisted:












    hahaha. Yeah, but i misspelled it and noticed it after... i was like => #-o








    I thought it was good too. :thumbsup:

  6. wow, reading that made me lose more iq than chinese tv. try speaking to them in a different language like french or 1337.








    Or German. :D








    "if u are older than 15 and play this game u are a nerd"?








    [what the heck]?! :wall:








    Yeah. I really didn't quite understand that either. It's no different then playing Counter-Strike or any other game at any age.









    Why do these people plague the earth?












    alcohol + hormones + bad decisions = :wall:








    oh well, at least you can take comfort in the fact that their ignorance will be harder on them in life than any intelligent person could be \:D/












    Seeing that my few refutations seemed to have no affect on them, I came to the conclusion that they are their own downfall. :XD:



    Tsk tsk, such a problem that this is growing to be with video games these days.








    Frankly these kids are pretty stupid these days. You know, really there is nothing wrong with being this 'nerd' figure that they hate so much. Sure there are certain limits, but there is no one real definition of a nerd.








    Maybe it's just me who see's it this way, but in a "nerds" defense I would've said: "I'd rather be a smart ... then a dumb ... " Can't figure it out? It's another word for your behind.








    I'll let you fill out the blanks. Because frankly these type of people will be the type of people working at McDonalds their whole lifes while some of us "nerds" are becoming Engineers, doctors, lawyers and so much more. :D








    So, who is the real loser I ask? :lol:












    people that work at mcdonalds?








    Lmao @ the above comment.








    Out of curiosity, What level were these two people?








    one was in the 90's and the other the high 70's I believe.

  8. Tsk tsk, such a problem that this is growing to be with video games these days.








    Frankly these kids are pretty stupid these days. You know, really there is nothing wrong with being this 'nerd' figure that they hate so much. Sure there are certain limits, but there is no one real definition of a nerd.








    Maybe it's just me who see's it this way, but in a "nerds" defense I would've said: "I'd rather be a smart ... then a dumb ... " Can't figure it out? It's another word for your behind.








    I'll let you fill out the blanks. Because frankly these type of people will be the type of people working at McDonalds their whole life while some of us "nerds" are becoming Engineers, doctors, lawyers and so much more. :D








    So, who is the real loser I ask? :lol:








    Very well put my friend.


    your no nerd. some people are just born losers and you just happened to come across some








    In this case those losers were nerds :P








    Although you must admit your a bit of a nerd if you play over 5 hours aday








    True. But I hardly ever play for long periods of times b/c of work/school/ rugby. However, I'm guilty of it.

  10. They're just idiotic preteens who need to get a life themselves. I play only like an hour a day (not even that sometimes!) and I'm only level 100 with Guthans, I don't no-life at all (well, maybe on vacation when I have nothing else to do AT ALL) and I go to school, have a girlfriend, and now taking a college class on top of that, and I go hang out with friends on weekends and sometimes during the weekdays. They're just pathetic, don't let them get to you.




    :wub: Caskade








    From your Buddeh,




    <3 Wolfy








    Heh. Thanks wolf, but I'm not gunna let something so trivial bother me in the least...I hope they can here this => :boohoo:

  11. And the most annoying thing is that they're so stupid, all of your logical retorts just bounce off them. It's like they have a shield of idiocy surrounding them.




    I know. That's what i didn't understand. In the convo before this one (Leider I didn't get screens). I made a very whitty come-back, and they said it didn't make sense... :-k

  12. so I'm slaying black demons as a slayer assignment. I'm out of food, so to heal, I go and kill baby blues for hp. As i'm going over this round, there are a few peeps there. As I approach, they scream "nerd!" "level 103 No Lifer!" and such. So I tele out for food, and come back. Here is what happened upon my return:












    So as you can see from this conversation, having wealth makes you a nerd and a no lifer. This just goes to show you, once again, how mature and well-versed our lovely world 99(not to mention runescape) is. WOOT! I always wanted to be a nerd! go nerds!








    Also I think I should note that I did nothing to antagonize them what so ever. I didn't even speak to them at first.

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