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Posts posted by mario_sunny

  1. I'm trying to locate a certain author of an article posted a while back here in the Rants forum. The article's name was "Here be Dragons," wherein the author spoke passionately about the lack of adventure in MMOs because of the inherently 'grindy' aspect of XP gain and the degrading state of Runescape. It was one of the most well-written runescape rants of all time - even Mod Mark commented on the article and claimed it was part of the inspiration for the Dungeoneering skill.


    I would greatly appreciate if anyone could find the author and tell me some way to contact him. I am in need of his writing abilities. Thanks.


    - mario

  2. Wow this game is insanely fun. I've been playing on these two servers nonstop- both are 24/7 Nuketown Hardcore Domination, Instant spawns. The game is so chaotic that you'll find yourself getting spawn killed five times in a row with grenades flying in all directions, RPGs blowing the crap out of everything, and RC cars buzzing around the map. The game is so ridiculous that I was able to easily get triple sprays only a few seconds after I spawned, but I would always end up getting killed by an enemy spawning right behind me. It sounds annoying and terrible right? WRONG. I was getting insane exp... I've been leveling up massively just playing on those two servers. The fact that you can get 5 kills in only a few seconds coupled with the fact that domination tends to give you more points than TDM allows you to get some pretty crazy exp.


    Now of course for all you guys obsessed with K/D, this gametype is definitely NOT for you! But for all those who just want an insanely fun time, I highly suggest joining these servers:


    St. Louis 24/7 HC Dom Nuketown

    [RE] 24/7 H/C Nuketown

  3. Here is your solution:


    [edit - oops nevermind. Just remembered you are F2P. Let me come up with another solution]


    that will get you exactly 100M exp.


    kinggabe - He wants exactly 100M; no more, no less. Tip.it's calculators can't do that.

  4. What does everyone think of the new Internet Explorer 9? For those of you who don't know, the open beta was released recently and can be downloaded here.


    At first I thought it was just another Vista (in other words, a useless carbon copy of its predecessor), but it turns out its received a nice little overhaul. Basically, Microsoft took all the good features from all the other browsers, and included them in IE9.


    Sorry IE haters, looks like the competition is heating up again.


    Features I noticed...


    • The search box and URL box have been combined. Chrome had this.
    • The browser is extremely clean. The design is flawless and all the cluttery toolbars have been removed, and the icons have been compressed. Chrome had this as well.
    • The browser now has pinned sites. Finally.
    • On that note, you can now drag websites down to your task bar (Windows 7) and they will be pinned there. Nice for facebook and youtube.
    • Videos seem to load faster in general. When I visited youtube, the videos were loading fast to a point where I didn't have to pause the video every 5 seconds as I sometimes have to do on certain large videos.
    • Pages seem to load slightly faster. Sorry FF and Chrome. ;)




    • Getting random errors sometimes. Sometimes I have to close IE and restart it. Kinda annoying, but I'm sure they'll fix it when they release the full package.

  5. Or... get rid of the unlocking system. :thumbup:

    Why the hell would they do that!?

    Maybe they should ask real money for unlocking stuff. Yes, yes....


    Dear lord Activision has already caught on to the strategy of releasing half-baked games (COUGH COUGH STARCRAFT 2) and then making their players pay another load of cash for the other half, DONT GIVE THEM ANY MORE NASTY IDEAS. :ohnoes:

  6. I think about a month ago there was a rumor that the f2k had its recoil significantly reduced. Some kid put up a fake vid on youtube which caused a one-day sensation on the IW forums. For a single day or two almost everyone was using the f2k, then they realized it still had a massive recoil and the rumors were entirely false.

  7. Yea I agree with the lower levels unlocking better guns. Unsilenced famas is one hit kill with a single burst to the chest up. Provided you dont miss the first burst (which happens to me sometimes), you're garanteed to get a kill. Also the TAR isnt bad either... more like a gun with less range than the famas but a little safer to use (since its automatic). Those are the two main ARs I use.

  8. I have faith in Treyarch. IW got too cocky and thought they could add anything to the gameplay and the title alone (not the content) would earn the game praise among its players. Yea, that worked for about a month, then people discovered OMA and commando...


    Treyarch, on the other hand, are very cautious and observant of players' opinions. Cod WaW was a damn good game and I'd punch anyone in the face who said it wasn't. Tell me why it wasn't.

  9. Lol so I went to the Gamestop near my campus and I saw a dad and his two kids sitting outside laughing. I didn't know what they were laughing about, so I just went inside the store. I pre-ordered Black Ops, and then went outside right as one of the kids in the family left the store too. The dad asked the kid who just came out "Did they kick you out or something? I thought for a second there that guy was escorting you out." Of course, when he said, "that guy" was refering to me, because I just happened to be wearing a plain blue shirt which was the exact game color the Gamestop employees were wearing. I didn't want to get involved so I just pretended I didn't hear them and walked off. I think the family was pulling some prank in the store while I was in there, but I didn't notice anything because I was too busy pre-ordering.


    Come to think of it they were probably doing the Battletoads prank. I kind of feel sorry for Gamestop employees.

  10. The only thing I have to protest in this game are the tactical insertions. You'd think treyarch would notice tacs are typically used for boosting. If they had deleted tacs from the game it would have been a massive blow to boosters everywhere.

  11. I really am not an argumentative person. Infact I try to avoid arguments whenever possible.


    I hope you don't think less of me as a person for posting that. It's just my personal feelings.


    And the claims I included I can probably backup with enough research, but that will take hours as I do like to make sure I know what I'm talking about before I post random facts. But right now I'm too tired, and I'd rather not get into an argument in general. I'm sorry if that bothers anyone. It's just my personality. As I said I don't usually post controversial things like that. Sorry.

  12. Okay over the course of the past couple days I've seriously considered just leaving America and moving to Germany. Once I find a loving wife, I'll fly to Germany with her and we'll have a family there. I already know 2 years of German, and am taking an online course to become fluent in it. In the past I always tossed around the idea, but now I really think it can be done.


    In the 20 years America will be so bad there won't even be a middle class. I'm not raising kids in that world.


    Sorry to all you patriots out there, but frankly America just plain sucks. It's extremist idiots like this guy who are going to be the downfall of this country. Any false promises of "revival" (*cough* Glenn Beck *cough*) just play on the brainwashed, mass-commercialized minds of gullible Americans. I think I've accepted the reality of the situation now: either move out of this country or grow up in a world of corrupt mass media, outsourcing, and a rapidly degrading society.


    THANKGOD for this forum. I mean really, I just realized today while in Sociology class how grateful I am to be a member of this close-knit community we call TIF. You guys honestly have no idea how much tip.it and its wonderful inhabitants have changed my views on the world (and helped me develop proper grammar and spelling!). I would be nowhere without TIF.



    Sorry I usually don't make contoversial posts like these. Apologizes beforehand!

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