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Everything posted by nowayride

  1. very easy. well except lancelot. just bring full G and a whip/defender, 2 super sets (just super set when you get to around normal, or twice if you get below normal), and rest shark. just use G the whole fight then use whip/defender on lancelot, using sharks when necessary. a tip on these, most you donht worry about except theo nes that lower defense. once they hit you it lowers your defense, which makes it easier for them to hit you, which makes your defense go down more, and it snowballs from there. all the knights have very low defenses except lancelot. for reference, guthans has stab, slash, crush, and defensive slash, so all bases are covered. and the dds/scimi?, any stab works (guthans), so he is regular 'stab'
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