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    seers mostly, wcing, fletching, and training herbl
  • Interests
    football, lax, and runescape
  1. Its kinda frustrating when you have been a member, then for various reasons you had to stop. Then you have your bank filled 4 times the max capacity with members items, but then you realize you miss the old ways and want to get back to members. But while you're thinking about it, you basically cant do much because take anything out of your bank without there being another item already in, you cant put it back in the bank. Frustrating, no? Well what I'm proposing is a special bank tab for former members that will eventually go back to members, that can hold only members items so F2P only people cant take advantage of it. That way, former members can enjoy F2P until they are ready to get back to P2P. Doenst sound too difficult, and im sure it would be useful -madacho
  2. aw man that bites how do i figure out how big a sig is? and whats the maximum size?
  3. please seomeone help me!!! i made a homemade sig and i want ppl to rate it (its my first one, so not that good)
  4. oops i meant to the backslash or watever it is /, but even then it doesnt work
  5. i kno i sound newby, but i just got into making and putting sigs on my forums im in, and i was wondering how i add it i tried the URL i tried adding the [\IMG] thing, and i tried the tag (all of these were from photbucket) but none of them wokred! how dodi put a sig on?
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