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Everything posted by Prismaric

  1. But gee, nice account 90 SMITHING! 92 MINING! can make rune scimmies I beleive -.- Just checked high scores a second ago - The "slimeball" is probally having some fun - or having a nice laugh or two
  2. lol if runescape does make one, it'll be members only -.- I'm f2p :(
  3. Flimsy, your absoulutely ridiculous. You say its jagex's fault or the hackers fault? How can this be? How did they know your password? YOU did something, YOU told someone, or someone that you've told told someone -.- YOur password just doesn't get out just like that. A hacker can't hack your account based on brute force - they just can't keep trying passwords non stop. That'll take more than a life time for a simple crummy 5 character password. Now, jagex has done enough to provent hackers. They have set a bank pin feature, and they do not give the passwords away easily on recovery questions. From what you have expirenced, they are refusing to give you the account because you simplaly do not have the right recovery questions. Now you blame it on Jagex. THe fault lies in your self. You either told someone your recovery questions or they know you well enough to guess it. So don't go blaming Jagex for the recoveries - thats a feature there to help you. If you chose poor recovery questions - its your problem since you have been informed when you set them. Go find the correct information before jumping to conclusions. TO change the recovery, you need substantial information. YOu actually need to know all of the person recoveries to do so. So the person who stole your account knew your recovery/knows you well enough and screwed you over by changing your recoveries. "All the slimeball needed to do was log in with my password to change the Q & A for Account Recovery" This is such crap. YOu can't change recovery questions with just a password. Go try it for god sake before you make a fool out of your self! And I agree with Sworddude198 1.look it not Jagex's fault otherwise every1s account would have been hacked. 2. u just joined to spam Thats true. Sending in a whole bunch of silly recoveries to spam them aint going to help you. They don't have an unlimited supply of people to read silly and useless requests. They actually have serious people who actually KNOW their stuff, who are trying to get their accounts back too. You know... they probally just put a filter on - if they repeatively decline your request - they're trying to tell you to screw off in nice terms :) To what I understand, the recovery questions has already been changed by the hacker - atleast thats what your implying. I don't think theres much you can do - honestly - except for wait for the "slimeball" to use your account and talk with him on runescape and kindly beg for your account back. In short, don't call them a slimeball. My recovery questions are very unique and they're not about me. My questions are unique and no one knows the right answer. My account has always been fine. I have recovered my account numerous times for the reassurence and I am glad how in-deapth Jagex looks before giving your account away. Let me ask you "and then he will still have to wait further before his new recoveries take effect" what if someone actually knew your recovery questions? And you wanted to change them before they get your account. Would YOU want to wait? In conclusion, I think your ideas are rather silly... Jagex arn't computer illiterate and they doing a awesome job right now, as far as trying to return the right accounts to the right owners. Your account is only as safe as you make it. -.-
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