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Posts posted by Lucifier6

  1. If I merchant, which I'm a master at, can make 400k in an hour. I've made 800k in 3 minutes. NO LIE. :lol:




    sorry but youre not a master if you make 400k and hour, and btw I've made 2.4 in a lil over 3 mins. Can't depend on stuff like that tho

  2. I average 12m an hour but when i get lucky i can manage 72-600m+.


    And reb, are you trying to say that a barrows trip takes you an hour? I can open about 15 chests in an hour, and i generally average about 2m doing it.




    My averages are based on when im ACTIVE in making money, i only do this maybe 2 hours a week.


    Dam, a trip every 4 minutes? Thats some speed you got there :wink: .




    Though even then that should render an average of 1-1.5mil an hour, so the 2-4.3mil average still seems iffy.




    As said before many of you (I won't say any names anymore, it doesn't seem to do any good) are being way to generous. Some of these figures appear a little, off. :?






    Someone needs to quit being so crazy. A person may say thats what they get and its quite possible. It may not be everyones avg money they make per hour but some people may have more or less luck & skill. You need to accept that fact that some people may be making more per hour than you and quit trying to disprove them lol. You'll learn its a waste of time, time you could spend finding ways to increase that money per hour. My money making terms are accurate I assure you because I keep detailed logs of my barrowing, merching, and skilling. And when barrowing and merching I take a timer set for 60min and when it goes off I calculate how much I have made. Recently I have been making around 2.5mil and hour merching so I am happy with that:)

  3. for one I dont care if you beleive me or not. I don't know why youre getting so upset over it. Its just my figures. I have been averaging an item every 5-6 chest for the past 50 trips. The otherday I got a guthan pl8 on t1 and a dmed on the next trip, that was 2.2mil in 20mins, now for the other 4 trips in the rest of that hour i got nothing else but brs, runes, gold, and a half key. now yesterday i had my first 6 trip run without getting any items, even half keys so that would bring my avg down

  4. steady: 1.9-2.3mil per hour <-- merching




    non-steady: 2-4.3mil per hour <-- aka barrows + other stuff;)


    2-4.3mil per hour at the Barrows?! Maybe you should work on your statistics a bit. To put that in perspective thats the equivalent of averaging a Guthan Spear every 7-10 Trips, or getting a Dharok Helm EVERY trip. Riiiiight....




    Just because you got lucky once with a Guthan Helm doesn't mean that you average 3mil+ an hour, you just got a Guthan Helm right then. Thats like saying you sold your Dragon Chain, and because of that you average 23mil an hour. How old are you guys, 5?








    You might want to learn to read. See how I put non-steady. That is MY average for barrows (actually my UQ-LQ). Sometimes I have gotten more per hour, sometimes less. And I have nvr had a barrows trip where I got 0gp per hour, I always come out in the +. I am of age enough to know statistics and low level calculus proficently ok. Just because my data may not match up with yours or your hypotheses does not make it wrong

  5. you could sell it to me:) ive been looking for one for awhile now.




    i'll pay 8.8mil and my nane is lucifier6, btw what do you need the money for? barrows armor? herby training? rcing?

  6. It is defiantely worth taking this further.








    First: get 30 people to get doing 100 barrows trips each. They must record the frequency of the drops they gain and eventually work out the mean, range and medium averages. Each person would have to kill a precise number each time so the first would kill none the second one, the third two and so on.








    Second: Gather the averages (mean, range, median and perhaps mode)








    Third: Create varios charts from the gained data, and if the curve is significant then we have very accurate statistics which have a 99.9% chance of being correct and not just lucky.








    Until a more precise test like the one above is carried out you have not persuaded me. For it to be a fair test you must also try it again and compare the curves.















    problem is range/median/mode arn't that useful in this study. Maybe if we were doing a studying on number of items per chest say 1, 2, 3 items. mean/population prop is all we are concerned about. the only problem is we do not know the actual chances so direct statistical inference cannot be very sound, we can only make a general assumption since we do not know how an armor drop is determined


    but the spells max out..... lol so it seems lagic lvl effects how often you hit and bonus effects how high








    Different spells max at different magic lvls, such as slayer dart.












    UH Yea i know that lol.........

  8. yea i just found that out awhile ago too so i was happy. I never knew but i always wondered why i was hitting 15's and 16's with almsot full rune on lol... still waiting for it to be verified by jagex rather than reputable players

  9. yea it wasnt giberish because the termonology used all related to each other part of termonology, just the part with the 6 barrows bros was put in there for no reason








    btw we dont have GCSE A level where I am from we have AP, I am guessing you are british? I took stats last year and scored a 5 on my exam which is mastery of subject so i know what I am talking about when I do perform statistics, but there being little data given I just jumbled up a bunch of random stuff, and the problem is with this whole study lessters is doing is that he does not know the actual population proportion...since jagex hasnt released it

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