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  1. I used the cave near the snowy hunting area and the entrance to Keldagrim (Fairy Ring DKS). It took me two trips, mostly due to banking loot I obtained. Loot's not bad there, but I didn't really shop around for best drops. Plenty of herbs, for sure.
  2. My first day as a naive member many, many years ago, I met my first pure in combat. We were both in full rune with scimmies. Being somewhat confident, I attacked him. He then whipped out a granite maul on my newly skulled character and 2-shotted me. Needless to say, I was shocked. For one, being a someone competent PKer in f2p, I had never expected that. Secondly, I knew nothing about members, so this was an item I'd never seen. The 200k I had to shell out for another suit was a lot to me back then, too! *fist shake* I totally deserved it, though. The wilderness wasn't to be trifled with.
  3. Well, there are always ways to test, I suppose, especially since you can just not level strength. Controlled experiment FTW. ;D EDIT: Yup, you're right. My max hit was 17.83, and I hit a 176. I hoped the update would address that. Cool. ;D
  4. Is new max hit truncated before being multiplied by 10? For instance, if your old max hit was 14.3, would your new max be 140 or 143? I suspect it's still 140, which is kind of silly, but does keep things simple.
  5. @12pure34 Very true. In order to gather enough accurate data, you'd need at least 10 separate characters all leveled to the same level each testing and compiling. Unfortunately, this is not really an argument I wish to make. To be honest, I'm happy with the experience I got. The tests actually kept me going. I'm not willing to make it a full-blown study, but it would be very interesting to see. Also, as you said, opportunity cost is huge. Faster experience means more time to commit to actually money-making. Relativity doesn't consider other options. However, an actual trial in 30-60 might be fun. As stated, at current market price, oaks would offer nearly 500k more than willows from 30 to 60. Given that 200k is acceptable money/hour, oaks would merely have to best willows by about 2.5 hours in order to not be wasted time (Either that, or just don't cut wood). Results would certainly be interesting. I think my brother has an account in the ~25 range on wc. Might borrow it sometime. *rubs hands together menacingly* ;) @Paw_Claw Indeed, in bulk both oak and willow are hard to sell. The few maples I got from these tests sold near instantly, while the oaks and willows took quite a while. However, all did sell. "Months" is quite the exaggeration, as I've sold thousands of oaks at market price recently. But, as you said, for the purpose of bulk cutting, it gets better past maple. @romy That pretty much sums up my findings. ;) Willows are indeed faster, by about 25% (at least at my level during the test). But, like I said, do with the data as you will. While it's inconclusive to be used universally, it does at least provide some data. I originally set out to see just how fast I'd accrue experience with both willows and oaks (and maples, which wasn't so good), and I found what's above, proving both my theory that oaks were more profitable, and the accepted theory that willows were faster. I think this is basically a closed discussion for now. I don't see much other discussion persisting. Most angles were covered. Well, thanks for the replies, guys. Until next post, Ciao.
  6. I'm sorry if this is in the wrong board. This board is for discussions, so I figured it was a good place for this topic. It's not quite a guide, since it's just data, and it's not really a debate, so I was unsure. Hello. First, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Balliztik1, both in game, and on this forum. I've not logged onto this site in a long time, so I'm basically new here. I've been "playing" Runescape for many years now, on and off. I recently returned to a member account and have regained my interest. I'm not a hardcore player. I'm not rich. I don't have very good stats. However, I do have a gift for math and logic, and I like to compare my options. With that said, onto what I'd like to present. I never liked the idea of cutting willows. It always seemed too slow, too crowded, and not lucrative enough. However, I had not seen a guide that actually compared these three criteria to other wood types. With that in mind, I set out to do some tests to find average time, experience, and money gained from various types of woodcutting. I was level 54 woodcutting when I started, and gained just over 50k experience in the process of this test to push me to level 56, so time will be skewed slightly in favor of later test runs done at higher experience. All runs were timed from leaving the bank to depositing the logs. I took short breaks to record data between runs. I used a rune hatchet on all trees and ignored all bird's nests during the runs. Oaks Most level 50+ woodcutters shrug off the idea of oaks. I had always been pleased with the results I achieved from oaks, so I first gathered data on oaks. Some tidbits about oaks, firstly: All over the world Relatively close to banks Low demand for oak cutting spots For this test, I cut alone near the Seers' Village bank. [spoiler=Oak data]Oak 1 1:44 Oak 2 1:40 Oak 3 1:47 Oak 4 1:33 Oak 5 1:26 Median Time 1:40 Mean Time 1:38 XP gained during test - 37.5 xp/oak * 140 oaks = 5,250 xp XP / sec 9.18 Gold earned during test - 76 gp/oak * 140 oaks = 10,640 gp Gold / sec 21.7143 Maples Though maple cutting is available beyond level 45, it is ill advised to cut until 60, from most guides. I cut maples near Seers' Village bank. I am not including the data I gathered as I gave up after a few gruelingly time-consuming tests, but, rest assured, this statement is true. Even though I had no competition cutting at the same time as me, maples cut slowest and by extension yielded the least experience of all three trees, and did very poor for money. Willows It is customary to utilize willow trees for a significant portion of woodcutting training. I did this test third. Some tidbits about willows include: Select areas only Relatively close to banks Generally crowded For this test, I cut alone outside Draynor [spoiler=Willow data] Willow 1 2:15 Willow 2 2:53 Willow 3 2:40 Willow 4 2:54 Willow 5 2:58 Median Time 2:53 Mean Time 2:44 XP gained during test - 67.5 xp/willow * 140 willows = 9,450 xp XP / sec 11.52 Gold earned during test - 9 gp/willow * 140 willows = 1,260 gp Gold / sec 1.5366 Of note during this test, I leveled up at the beginning of test 3. However, the data shows no sign of any significant change due to this. Also of note, the first time of 2:15 is far from the average, and might be considered outlying data. Removing that entry yields about a 4% decrease in performance, resulting in about 11.05 xp/sec, and 1.47 gold/sec Conclusion Oak to Willow xp/sec ratio 0.796875 Oak to Willow gold ratio 14.1314 While oaks only earn ~80% of the xp over time of willows, they garner over 14 times the money. Willows are indeed faster training, but yield far less monetary reward. Obligatory Agenda Pushing I was pro-oak before this test, and remain pro-oak. So, if you care to hear a bit of persuasion, read on. If not, that's fine too. It's purely optional. So, all in all, hello. I'd love to see some responses to this. I've used Tip.it for a long time now, and find it to be a really good source of info. I don't expect this post to turn the woodcutting world on its ear, but I'm just curious as to what people think of this.
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