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  1. I'll start earlier, and go further. In grade 5, I saw some kids playing a game. I asked them what it was, they told me it was called Runescape. They gave me their usernames. I went home, and made an account. Neither were on for a while. I played for about half a week, got into the 20's or 30's, had some iron/steel mixup of armour. One of them logged on one day, I met them somewhere and they gave me full black and 10k! It was incredible! So then I continued playing, bla bla bla, got into the 80's or so, always f2p, then quit. In the summer of grade 6-7 I came back and had to make a new account, as I forgot my old one's password. I couldn't get it back, as the recovery questions were something like, "Q: MASIFHIUA? A: jkhauifhuiauyr." So I played again, got to the 80's again, and quit. I came back right at the release of RS2, because my cousin told me about it. I made a new character again. I tried the new skills, got my character to about level 50, and left again, to play other games. Last October, I came back (In grade 10 now), and remembered my password! :) I mined and smithed mainly, I got 4k steel bars. I became a member, and made cannonballs, giving me the most money I ever had. :P I played until about a week ago, got almost 1400 skill total, 93 combat, and just quit again. For good hopefully. -I highly doubt anyone will read this-
  2. TAKE THAT WORLD! My suggestion was used! I solved soo many problems. Wondering though.. who submitted to Jagex? I never did. So I don't get official credit. :(
  3. I work part time at a housing construction site with my dad.. My parents are seperated, my mom has a new husband.. My dad isn't christian either, maybe I should move there... He's really strict in other ways though. =\ And someone said I should move out.. I only work part time so yeah, I couldn't even afford an apartment. Thanks for the advice and whatnot... I did used to think, "Yeah I'll suck it up, 2 hours, big deal." But now that I'm firm with my nonbelieving, I will not go. It also interferes with my social life, I can't go out Saturday nights because I need to be in church the next day. And it's worse when they do communion.. "Whoever takes this communion without full believance will burn in the firey pits of hell!" And they don't give you a choice, they just hand it to you. When I'm about to take it, everyone turns and stares at me. The pastor always calls our house and asks me to go to youth group.. I could use some of the other suggested methods, and just leave, or give in to the grounding until she gives up. Or move to my dads, but that means: -Early Bed -Early Wake-up (He lives a few towns away from my school) -1 Hour Computer A Day -Really hard on me about getting a job, not going on the computer, doing "fun outdoor family stuff" etc. But it also means: -Excellent parenting. My dad has a new wife, and they're really happy now, and they're good to us. I know his rules are for my benefit. -Good food. My dad is slightly.. richer.. than my mom, and it's always steaks, pasta, restaraunts, etc.. -Huge backyard, ATV trails, paintballing, river to fish -He has a cottage, boats, the works. -Money for movies or anything with my friends, lunch money. -NO CHURCH I guess I just figured out what I'm going to do.. =\
  4. Woops I clicked quote instead of edit. =\
  5. It's more about my beliefs. I don't want to look like a hypocrit like her. She does nothing for me, literally. I buy my own lunch at school with my own money, I walk everywhere I go. I pay the internet bill, and buy all of my clothes. I buy my dinner, or make something like a sandwich, noone ever makes me anything. I hate her so much.
  6. A little background.. My mom is "Christian". Or at least she says she is. She goes to church, but is by far the worst person I know. If it were between her and I, I would go to heaven over her, and I'm not even "Christian". My question.. I'm 15 years old. I live in Ontario. (Location laws may be different?) Every Sunday, my mother forces me to go to church. If I don't go, she usually grounds me for a week, or worse. I've been grounded for months at a time. A few times she's threatened to kick me out of the house, or even.. not feed me all week. (I don't think she would do the last one, but still convinced me to go) I've been researching it, and can't find anything, but.. Are there any laws against this? I don't want to have to go to church, but don't want to be grounded all my life either. :shock: What can I do? EDIT: I'm posting this because I'm completely fed up. She just told me to go, I said no. I'm not going anymore, no matter what. She took the modem, said I was grounded for 2 weeks. I have a back-up of course. :D But she'll be back soon....... More.. http://forum.tip.it/viewtopic.php?p=2761789#2761789
  7. I think the penguins are stealing your sanity. :roll: what you no like emo and metal bands? and dont make fun of my sig thingy i made it bwahaha i win you cant bwahahaha!! :twisted: Err you said you've only heard Atreyu and a bit of another band. But you also said you've heard alot of emo and metal in your life. Anywho, don't want this thread locked, just shhh it was a joke. And I like metal core. Not emo... I do not like any bands that even somewhat resemble the used, mcr, from first to last, etc. in terms of appearance or whiney emo voice. I like the music mostly for the instruments.. not the vocals so much, but I don't not like them. I despise the scene. Lost a few good friends this year because they fell into it. o.O
  8. Hate to go off topic, but.. wow.. What are you usually doing when you get them? I haven't even gotten one. =\ I've only been playing RS2 for about 4 months, but still.. should have gotten one. :(
  9. I think the penguins are stealing your sanity. :roll:
  10. Banned because you and I (and the other guy) all live in Ontario. (I Live Near Oshawa)
  11. Awesome Video That Should Clear Some Things Up (The End): http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=9033722391290826033&q=emo+scene Go to http://www.video.google.com -Search "Emo Scene" -Lots of good emo make fun of, scene make fun of, clear things up, etc. videos.[/url]
  12. Wow.. a Hedgehog for a pet.. that's awesome! I love it. I didn't want to do anything too mean to it, so.. Be nice to Hedgey. :(
  13. Umm why did you say 10am but hold it at 9?! Wow.. I went to bed early, woke up early, didn't go out with friends for nothing?! This sucks. Alot.
  14. I support.. And you should also have a "handle" for each bar in your inventory, which you can fletch from normal logs. Or buy from players if f2p. Should be the same for axes, in my opinion. Or, just make the heads then attach the handles later as if you would bowstrings.
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