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Posts posted by dragonst0rm

  1. I dunno, you'd think so right? Satanism is it? But some religions are so twisted that it might as well be in the eyes of another religion








    So you sayin there is a relgion to do with satan and hell and all evil. I thought there was but people just called it witchcraft or darkmagic, black magic or sorcerey or something like that.

  2. you're thinking too litterally, just because it doesn't say it happened in the bible doesn't mean you can rule it out.. The bible isn't a dated historical book, its filled with stories and Jesus magically healing people could have been written from the view of someone who couldn't explain what they were seeing.. So put it down as a miracle..








    I don't mean medicines as in what you'd see today, as in using healing methods such as, washing wounds in salty water, eating healthly (they had no real sense of a balanced diet, too much or less of something can make you ill).. Even maybe bandaging broken limbs (as in a fracture) could seem like a miracle, once was broken and would have been amputated would somehow be fixed over less than a month.. Simple things that we see as the norm now, could be so alien to them.. Thats what I mean by Jesus being before his time.








    Oh i get you now. What you are saying is what we would see as nraml today like a mending a broken like as you say would of seemed like a mircal. But i still dint belive.








    Btw i no this has nithing to do with this topic but you no like there is religions about god and heven is there religions about satan and hell it been bugging me for ages

  3. Your view of god is a valid is a valid opinion but I do believe there is some truth in the bilble, like chinese whispers stories could have been changed over the years, translations missed out, parts removed due to contraversialism over the millions of years.. Plus any other records are non existance relating to events in the bilbe except for records of great floods, Noahs Arch? Jesus could well of existed, a great man who told stories and helped others, from them may be just be exagerations of his greatness.








    I would of bleived if it was like"Jesus is a man tha told great storyes" not "Jesus is a guy that can heal ppl". If he didi exsits then how did he cure ppl. Blind ppl can jst not see again. And paralized ppl they can not jst get up nd walk. Can this be explained. Andf you can not feed 5000 men with 5 fish and 2 bread (or how ever many it was) that is just impossable and walking on water. I would have to see it to belive it

  4. dragonst0rm wrote:




    I dont belive in god. I think it is a made up sotry that some drunky druggey made up thousend of years ago and coz he was so drunk and highe and people did not no wat was wrong with him they belived him a wrote it all in a book. But i belive in statan and soscery, black magic and all evil and stuff like that












    Let me ask you this - if the Bible was written by a drunkard, then why does it condemn drunkenness?








    Why you asking me do i look like th person tha twrote the pile of crap. BTW BIBLE BURN GOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!

  5. ahhh soz i did not no that as i come fomr the uk. Over here you can get a job at 14 deliving pappers but ig rubbish pay but at least ya gettin money for it.

  6. if you tihnk she like you then just ask her or see if she will give you huigs ect. Or you could just get a party going and found out there ya no spend then night with her and if ya get of with her then you are in. Like me and my gf i hardly knew her and i gto a bit to drink and slpet with her no we been to together for 5 mounth

  7. I dont belive in god. I think it is a made up sotry that some drunky druggey made up thousend of years ago and coz he was so drunk and highe and people did not no wat was wrong with him they belived him a wrote it all in a book. But i belive in statan and soscery, black magic and all evil and stuff like that

  8. lol. I like that bit when you have the banddaner on. Unlimeted ammo you jst keeo spinning around and ya kill them well qwick.








    The band thing about it tho you have to wear it and you can not take it of coz if ya do you dont have unlimted ammo and you can not use it with the stelth gear on eaither (but you already no that).








    But it would be mint tho if you could use them both at the same time.

  9. Thats what you get for coyping disks!HAHAHA








    I had a copyed disk and mine worked fine. These ppl are right ya game crashed ya got to do it agian from were ya started.








    Btw wat is tha fastes time you have done it in?

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