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Posts posted by ironmaiden666

  1. I recently watched a program on BBC4 about absolute zero, the coldest possible temperature, and it showed some really interesting things.




    The closest we've been to absolute zero (whcih is -273.16 celsius, also know as 0 kelvin) is within a tenth of a trillianth of it, which is 0.0000000001 kelvin. At this point the atoms became a thing called Bose-Einstein condensate, where the atoms are a wave and a particle. They made the atoms this cold by shooting them with a laser to slow them down.




    Does anyone else find this sort of science extremely fascinating, or am i just really geeky? :-w

  2. Hey long time no speak lagnivator, howz u?




    Pleasentries aside :P which gcse results u waiting for? im getting my Science, media, I.C.T and citizenship i hope i do well :ohnoes:

  3. PS3 will eventually end up on top as it really does have some awesome games comign out, MGS4, Killzone2, Resident Evil 5, Prototype, GTAIV. But I think the Wii will coem out second as it appeals to the largest demographic, nearly everone will have a go, parents will get it as it is lower price and then families, or groups of friends will play together for hours on it.




    Lol, Killzone the first sucked before, so what the hell would anyone want that for? :lol:




    In my opinion, wasn't a good game...Erm... :P




    But the PS3 needs more exclusives than that...A few violent video games only appeals to the older audience, especially GTA...Although 12 year olds play it...And end up going on slaughter rampages later... :uhh:






    Hmmm...We'll soon see.




    Have you actually seen the Killzone 2 trailer? the one with REAL ingame footage, better than any game so far?




    Also arnt you being a bit hypocritical? About violent video games.




    Remind me what 360's spearhead games are, oh yeh Gears of war and Halo 3. Now are they appealing to a younger market with gears 18 rating. Also GTAIV is on 360 :P

  4. PS3 will eventually end up on top as it really does have some awesome games comign out, MGS4, Killzone2, Resident Evil 5, Prototype, GTAIV. But I think the Wii will coem out second as it appeals to the largest demographic, nearly everone will have a go, parents will get it as it is lower price and then families, or groups of friends will play together for hours on it.

  5. Year 11! Im starting some AS levels this year so a bit nervous :? But on 23rd august i get the GCSE results of Science, Media, I.C.T. I hope i do well. P.S did my maths G.C,S.E last year and doing AS in that ATM

  6. Interesting you say that, were emit 1% of the total CO2, * cows farting emits more CO2, so do plants and also the oceans heating and cooling emtis CO2, we dont make enough CO2 to even aid global warming




    * Cows burping emits CH4 (methane)




    Just a little fact of the day.




    Sorry ive always heard it was their farting. Not first time ive been wrong :oops:

  7. Sorry if i sound ignorant, its a bit of a side effect in lving in an area with conflicting music (rap and metal). If by yesterdays pop you mean stuff like ABBA, Grease songs and Elvis, then I do like those.

  8. The only valid, alternative source to fossil fuels is nuclear. Anything else is a waste of money and un-sightly.You'd think that, until you realize that the earth's supply of uranium - while theoretically reproductible (I think it had to do with algae or some [cabbage]... It was weird, because you'd be "breeding" radioactive materials) - is also fairly limited.




    Wrong. The earth has thousands and thousands of years worth of urainium left. Well known fact.

  9. If you were lucky enough to see 'The Great Global Warming Swindle', shown on Channel 4 in Great Britain, it listed many valid arguments on why the current fashionable cause of Global Warming is infact false. Although I cannot remember it fully and have no link to back it up, the program dashed 'An Inconvenient Truth' and effectivly stated that Al Gore's statistics were heavily excentuated and even went to the extreme of suggesting some were made up and with the evidence they presented I would definetly believe it. The program then looked at the corrolation between solar flares and the Earth's warming and found that they were far more positive then the scewed statistics Al Gore used. These were experienced and highly qualified scientists suggesting the theories, not some presenter from Channel 4 before you say. The invested interest in the CO2 Global Warming theory is huge, some political parties are riding on this theory and basing their whole policies on this being true thus their continued and relentless promotion of it. Other's livelihood rides on this theory, I even saw a job title just the other day; 'Carbon Saving Expert'. Again, it is in many people's interest to promote this theory as the solid truth. As the journalist Peter Hitchens states, 'Science is based on experimentation and not agreement'. This statement is fitting as many scientists have conducted experiments which conflict with one other suggesting that the CO2 theory is definetly not the given. Then we come to the left-wingers of the world who jump at any chance to 'do good' and jump onto their high horses. The left-wing press love to scare monger and jump at the opportunity to make others feel guilty about their lives. Then, more worringly, we have the left-wing politicians who jump at the chance to erode our civil liberties by introducing such measures as the proposed cameras on bins to snoop on people to check whether they are recycling and new methods of taxation such as the green tax. In conclusion, the Co2 theory is certainly not the given theory in the scientific community and those who dare to challenge are effectivly seen as heretics and are shunned or ridiculed, effectivly being pushed underground along with their compelling arguments. I doubt there is little argument to suggest that the planet is not warming up but there is certainly a lot more research needed to prove a theory either way.




    I watched this programme as well, and belive their evidence, although i never really thought global warming was real to begin with. The program also shows graphs from ice core samples showing that the rise in the levels of CO2 is CAUSED by the world heating up. This rise in CO2 is about 800 years behind the heat, and guess what happened 800 years, a massively hot period during the middle ages. Did they have 4X4's or plastic factories, and about 300 years we had a mini-ice age where many countries crops died from lack of warmth. The world naturally does this so don't worry about driving SUV's it will be fine in the end.

  10. Sleepwalker-Megadeth


    Hanger 18- Megadeth


    Free Bird- Lynryd Skynryd




    Reincarnation of benjimen Breeg-Iron Maiden


    Laid to rest-Lamb of God


    Through the fire and flames- Dragonforce


    Operation ground and pound-Dragonforce :P

  11. I agree that the DS touch isnt used well by most games, but if you want a game which uses it well, get cooking mama, dont laugh it is a very intuitive game and uses the touch screen well, as does pokemon diamond

  12. I go with metal, as i really enjoy headbangin to solo's with my m8's, espacially dragonforce and trivium.




    Not all metal is just screaming, Iron Maiden's Bruce [bleep]inson, Dragonforce's ZP threat and Megadeths Dave Mustaine all have excellent singing voices, and there songs have meanings, megadeths songs are mainly very anti-establishment, just listen to there new album United Abominations.




    Also i fell that the fact they have learned to play instruments, rather than sing to a synthesised beat makes them a bit more respectable than pop.

  13. Please don't go saying the psp is junk its not the console its the company behind it.




    2. The psp has music compatibility's




    So does the DS.




    5. Two words; Memory sticks.




    Meh, I could care less for Memory sticks really.








    From wikipedia:The Nintendo MP3 Player (known as the Play-Yan in Japan) was released on December 8, 2006 by Nintendo of Europe at a retail price of ÃÆââââ¬Ã¡Ãâì30. The add-on uses removable Secure Digital cards to store both MP3 audio files and select format video files. The Nintendo MP3 Player can be used on any device that features support for GameBoy Advance cartridges, and as such is limited in terms of its user-interface and functionality. Therefore, it does not support using both screens of the DS simultaneously, nor its touch screen capability. It also means that the device cannot utilize the enhanced power of the DS compared to its predecessors, so video playback is not as robust as it could otherwise be.




    The Ds has no internal memory system so it cannot play music without this peripheral, which is why PSP has a memory stick, so you can store music and play it.




    I have a PSP, but I also play on my sisters DS and plan to buy one, but its horses for courses.




    The PSP is a multimedia device, not just a games console, so if you want it for that, get it over the DS, but if you want it just for games, buy which ever has the games you want.

  14. Its going to be an awesome game, and it is also going to be relesead on Ps3 as it can support it (well last i heard it was :? )

  15. Alex :15,




    I belive Jesus was a real person, who belived there was a God and he set up a religion with his wife Mary Magdaline and his disciples. I do not belive he was the son the of God, but he was one of the most influential people of the last 2 milenia.








    Also he was the first communits.




    "All men are free"




    "all men are equal"




    Sounds like Stalin, or Gordon Brown :P

  16. I personally dont have a problem with homosexuals, but I do know people who dislike it and are quite homophobic, but that mainly comes from being teenage boys as know one I have ever seen in ym age group is gay or bi-sexual. People need to understand that some pople just feel the way they are and that violence or prejudice gets people nowhere, but if you understand its there choice, they are just normal people who like people of the same sex. The only part of homosexuality that I find intolerable are the people like Graham Norton who proclaim and act really homosexual all the time, it does really get in your face somtimes.

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