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Posts posted by haloffx

  1. Sorry in advance is this is the wrong forum :D




    I was playing C.W and I kept on hearing players say "stack" or "ip changer"..I don't exactly know what these terms mean and was curious because it was used more than once by more than one player, can anyone clarify what those 2 words mean? ::'





  2. Thanks for the info BlueLancer, I've previously tried to update my driver card using that link, however once I'm downloaded it and started the program and it extracts the files, it gives me an error message. I've looked the error message up on the site and it told me to download driver updates from my computer manufacturer, so I went to the site of my manufacturer. The driver updates on my manufacturer site doesn't seem to improve my card much though. :cry:




    Hmm, all right then, I could still play and enjoy the game without AA then. \'

  3. Hey Tip.Iters, I just got a small problem with anti-aliasing being incompatible. I'm on a laptop with a Intel Mobile Intel® 945GM card installed directly on my motherboard and it has more than 64MB. My laptop has met the "1.5 GHz processor or higher" and "256MB of RAM or more" requirement. Also, when I look at my Direct Diagnostic Tool, it says that my AGP Texture Acceleration isn't available(if that helps).




    I think my card isn't powerful enough to support AA, but does anyone know if it's possible that it can? Any help is appreciated. Thanks. ::'

  4. That is the best Jagex-made add yet. I want to see the rule 7 add if they make one, it will probably be an R2-D2 going around clear-cutting a forest with its saw appendage while human woodcutters are looking at it in dismay. Then it gets blown up or summat and then the "Rule 7: No macroing!" message.









  5. In the new recent update of Dorgesh-Kaan, my friend found a shortcut to the Kalphites. I didn't know the city was so deep and far out in the desert :shock: The shortcut is downstairs when you first enter the agility course. I looked through the forums to find a suitable place to post this...but didn't find any. Sorry if I overlooked it!









  6. hi, thanks for the replys :)




    sorry in didnt answer sooner...








    firstly, it took me about an hour to make in paint shop pro (MANY layers)








    secondly, do you think i should make a guide about it? i only made it to show just how much teleporting people to...








    thirdly - the other teles are unique things such as ectophial, skul skeptre, and that pyramid plunder thing (whatever its called)








    i would make it show only certain dots when chosen (if i knew how :oops: ) and then i could add nonmagical teleports without blotching out the map completely...








    You should try making a guide on it, that'll be great :D Nice job on the map too, didn't realized how many places we can go...it looks huge now :shock:

  7. Some of the following names may ring a bell to some of you, some may not.
















    If my memory is correct...I believed his RSN was bonecrusher6 :-k ...he was the top player back in RSC, can't believe he got banned :notalk: And I've seen Ladydejavu around



    The editor is a very illusive person.




    Has anyone come close to uncovering the identity?




    Every article gives hints, but nothing clonclusive.




    Does anyone else besides Kiara know the true identity?




    Is the editor male or female?




    Thoughts of journalism come to mind.




    Or is our editor a published author.




    Really makes you wonder how this secret has been kept for so long.




    I wonder how long the great secret can be kept for.




    Some interrogation might be required.




    Maybe we should bait the editor with some free geepee




    Evedently this is all inconclusive.








    Am I the only one who has spotted this?




    Nope, spotted it with the missing "E" line. \' Hmm, what could that mean?








    - Ard








    :shock: Oh my...

  9. Judge for yourself :P I think I've gotten every single one possible, I'm not sure which you would consider as best, but I'd reckon it's the rune skirt :).








    Now we know where MOST of the glories come from :wink: My best one was getting 2 loops, 2 rune bars, and I believe 15 of every rune possible...and of course uncut dragonstone ::'

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