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Posts posted by LordSoultar

  1. I'd rate myself an 8 out of 10. I'm not perfect, nobody is, but I do try to use proper spelling and grammar when holding a serious conversation.








    Out of 10 - 9.5. Except when I realise that I will not be able to fit my full sentence on one line when PM'ing; then I will use SMS speak to shorten the words.








    While we are on the subject of grammar/spelling, is there any chance that Tip.It could introduce an English version of Tip.It. (That's English as in 'realise' not 'realize'; 'colour' not 'color' ), so that I don't keep getting red underlines in my posts?








    Wait, don't answer that, its 'NO' isn't it?




    You sure it isn't your computer or browser doing that? I have never had anything like that happen before, so I'd assume it's happening on your end. Do you have anything like Microsoft Word? Try changing the dictionary it uses from US English to UK English.

  2. I've worked out the ratios between lvls, but its still wierd:















    It gets kind of stable at lvl 25. So basically after lvl 25, the xp between lvls is 10% more than the last lvl. But it's wierd for lvls under 25.




    The reason for this is because the formula contains both a polynomial and an exponent. Because of the nature of exponents, at lower levels the polynomial will take precedence over the exponent yet at later levels the reverse will happen.

  3. I can't really say anything about Phil's formula. I didn't understand the "floor" thing. Is it something computer-related? At least I haven't seen it in mathematics yet. Still, that formula looks a bit complicated to me. I don't believe a programmer would just invent a formula like that. Of course, I could be wrong and it could be the exact formula.




    Floor is a term used in most computer scripting/programming langauges and basically means to round the number that is being "floored" down to the nearest integer. It's the same as using the greatest-integer brackets.

  4. It would be extremely arrogant for me to call myself "famous" and while I have recieved numerous HYTs, I still don't think of myself as being to well-known. Atleast not when compared to how famous Leesters, Y2g2003, Macky14, and Duke_Freedom is/were.








    Am I famous? :oops:

  5. Mod James




    Jagex Mod








    07-Dec-2006 17:33:58




    Your biggest mistake was underestimating the infiltrating power of the Pet Rock.








    Do you know how many there are, lurking in peoples bank accounts, unobserved?








    What dark motives lie behind their silent watching, and waiting?








    What can possibly defeat an angered Pet Rock when the time comes to strike?








    All these questions and more will be answered soon in... Rise OF The Pet Rock Part One...








    ...or maybe not <_<












    A dastardly plot! What can we do to stop this act of villainy? :ohnoes:

  6. 221 qp and got 63 yesterday. I also seem to have noticed it got harder.








    It seems logical that jagex would make it harder for people with more QPs. I mean they are always adding more quests do they have to make it harder or eventually there will be people with 300 qps getting 200+ pts.




    But people who have completed alot of quests usually need alot more tears to level, so it balances itself out. Right now I think it's just bad luck, but I'll see for myself when I go later on in the week.

  7. For staking and other non-wildy PvP situations, defence and attack usually have an advantage over strength. I'm not much of a pker, so I can be a def noob and not have to worry about having bad pking stats. <3:








    (also they wont be able to KO...since range really has no KOing weapon...along with mage.)




    Muggi posted a way to K0 with mage, here it is. You just attack with Ice Blitz followed by Shadow Barrage. The different speeds of the two spells make them hit almost at the same time, enabling you to hit up to 54.


    Best:Abberant spectres.




    Worst:Bloodveld :boohoo:




    bloodvelds have the def of a chicken and hardly hit thru hides/karils lol




    Yep, easy to kill with huge hp and great blood rune drops. One of the best tasks you can get. Other good ones are aberrant specters, dagannoths, dust devils, kalphite, and black demons.








    The worst task is without a doubt desert lizards. *Shudder*


    Auto dragon killers doesn't surprise me, really. I used to see alot of level 3s selling 10k+ green hides and bones at a time when I was buying hides for crafting. Always wondered where they got them.








    Well they didn't get them by auto-killing drags. Then they wouldn't be level 3. :P (I may have interpretted your post wrong lol.)




    They have a few accounts killing at once, then transfer them all to another account while the other accounts go back to killing. It sounds like the logical thing to do. :-k

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