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Posts posted by Artemis_42

  1. I have a better idea: Look for ALL the accounts that use the default look and delete them.




    And what if some legit players happen to use the default look? Should we ban you just because of how you look?




    Besides, all the autoers would have to do is just change the hair, or some other aspect during acount creations and then this would have no effect.

  2. The King Black Dragon, or KBD to his friends, is an ancient, huge, mean, vicious, near-undefeatable, and downright unsociable master of all dragons




    According to Jagex, the King Black Dragon is the king of ALL dragons, not just the Black Dragons. It is just coincidence that he is also a black dragon, probably because when he was created the Black Dragon was the strongest of them all.




    I think that he should recieve both a buff to his power, and also an increased droplist. Possibly give him a new piece of Dragon equipment or somthing to really make him worth the trouble, because right now he has little use.

  3. You only need the beard if you want to look tight, sorry for the confusion :lol:




    Ginger, a small correction. For the Green Brutals the they drop 8 rune thrownaxes, not 7.


    Haha! If only it were 1st April - I could use it as an excuse and save some face! :lol:




    Okies, I'll get correcting that. I've also established that all the other monsters (the skeletons, barbarians and spirits) actualyl drop exactly the same drops as each other, so I've rolled up everyone's submissions and replecated it across all the entries. I don't really want to make these entries public until I get some pics to put with them!




    Now that i've taken the time to be in the caves long enough to lose agro, here are some more pics :D




    Enraged Barbarian Spirit












    Berzerk Barbarian Spirit












    I'll edit this with more if I get any.








    Skeleton Thug












    Skeleton Heavy









  4. First off all the title of this thread is incorrect. When you start off, you are actually a newb (or newbie).




    Second, the first thing I did was explore a bit. Once I found the chickens in the farm south of Falador I trained my combat on them for a while and sold the feathers for money that bought me full steel.




    I am proud to say that I was never a begger, scammer, noob, or one of those people that doesn't know there is a world map button just above their play screen.

  5. Here is the entry from one of the pages I found...




    ...created spheres of power to support those who should come to that dread place thereafter. But the well senses the light of these spheres, and will not...




    A connecting between this dungeon and the Undergroud Pass?

  6. Here is a pic of a waterfiend...












    I'll be editing this post with the other monsters as I get them.




    EDIT: Skeleton Warlord









  7. Looks like another great bts.




    I am quite surprised that Jagex is, after all this time, going to create an upper level dragon armour as opposed to the lesser levels like med/chain/square. I just hope they have the sence to give it a str or att bonus otherwise its fame will be very short lived.




    Although the mithril dragon/Barbarian update is making me a bit nervous. So far it looks to be quite a high level update, and i'm unsure weather or not I can do it with my skills upon release, perticularly in the area of herblore. Either way it doesn't matter to me much because I have *terrible* luck with drops that actually matter. Not to mention I shudder to think of the defence that a Mithril dragon would have. I look forward to it none the less.




    With the update to Poh it looks like I can finally make some of those addtions to my house that i've wanted for so long like a chapel in the dungeon and a second study.

  8. I can't see why people seem to this update shouldn't have been made. The fact that monsters moved like they did before in itself is stupid. Why should a monster have such bad pathfinding abilities as that? Come on people, what logical reason would something have to move from side to side before moving up and down to get somewhere? The fightcaves weren't intended to be a shooting gallery, it was ment to be a challange; a test of endurance. Even if this makes things harder, I still think I was a worthwhile change.

  9. random= happens at the most anoying times just to piss people off. there's yer answer :wink:


    That's true! Ever gotten a rondom when you see a rare drop on the ground? I have...




    I remember once getting a maze just as I got a rune boots drop. By the time I got back it was gone. :cry:




    Anyways, the MoM has been going nuts for me. Every slayer assignment I always get him at least once.




    But can I get a bloody mime? Nooooooooo.

  10. Since I actually made an account for Classic way back before the major holiday drops (I quit that account and RS the day I made it), i'll say this as if it was to that perticular past 'me'.




    "Get yourself a good name without numbers, play on every major holiday and for Christs sake hoard every Holiday drop you can AND DO NOT SELL THEM."




    "Also, the winning lottery numbers for next week are... "

  11. If they really wanted to release some new dragon claws then that update would more or less have to come with them buffing claws stats. I always like the whole idea of using claws as weapons, but right now the stats they have (and the fact that they are two handed), makes them pretty useless. Perhaps they could considerably increase the attack stats and defensive stats to make them worth using.

  12. Personally I found this diary to be much more interesting than the last one. Since I am learning computer animation, (modeling/texturing/movement ect,) I found it rather cool to see how the guys over at Jegex do it. I also found it interesting to see that they use an entirly unique animation program as opposed to something like Maya, (which is what I use btw.)

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